1use assert_matches::assert_matches;
2use cairo_lang_casm::ap_change::ApChange;
3use cairo_lang_casm::builder::{CasmBuildResult, CasmBuilder, Var};
4use cairo_lang_casm::cell_expression::CellExpression;
5use cairo_lang_casm::instructions::Instruction;
6use cairo_lang_casm::operand::{CellRef, Register};
7use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::circuit::CircuitInfo;
8use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::core::CoreConcreteLibfunc::{self, *};
9use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::coupon::CouponConcreteLibfunc;
10use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::gas::CostTokenType;
11use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::lib_func::{BranchSignature, OutputVarInfo, SierraApChange};
12use cairo_lang_sierra::extensions::{ConcreteLibfunc, OutputVarReferenceInfo};
13use cairo_lang_sierra::ids::ConcreteTypeId;
14use cairo_lang_sierra::program::{BranchInfo, BranchTarget, Invocation, StatementIdx};
15use cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::core_libfunc_ap_change::{
16 InvocationApChangeInfoProvider, core_libfunc_ap_change,
18use cairo_lang_sierra_gas::core_libfunc_cost::{InvocationCostInfoProvider, core_libfunc_cost};
19use cairo_lang_sierra_gas::objects::ConstCost;
20use cairo_lang_sierra_type_size::TypeSizeMap;
21use cairo_lang_utils::ordered_hash_map::OrderedHashMap;
22use cairo_lang_utils::unordered_hash_map::UnorderedHashMap;
23use itertools::{Itertools, chain, zip_eq};
24use num_bigint::BigInt;
25use thiserror::Error;
27use crate::circuit::CircuitsInfo;
28use crate::environment::Environment;
29use crate::environment::frame_state::{FrameState, FrameStateError};
30use crate::metadata::Metadata;
31use crate::references::{
32 OutputReferenceValue, OutputReferenceValueIntroductionPoint, ReferenceExpression,
33 ReferenceValue,
35use crate::relocations::{InstructionsWithRelocations, Relocation, RelocationEntry};
37mod array;
38mod bitwise;
39mod blake;
40mod boolean;
41mod boxing;
42mod bytes31;
43mod casts;
44mod circuit;
45mod const_type;
46mod debug;
47mod ec;
48pub mod enm;
49mod felt252;
50mod felt252_dict;
51mod function_call;
52mod gas;
53mod int;
54mod mem;
55mod misc;
56mod nullable;
57mod pedersen;
58mod poseidon;
59mod range;
60mod range_reduction;
61mod squashed_felt252_dict;
62mod starknet;
63mod structure;
64mod trace;
67mod test_utils;
69#[derive(Error, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
70pub enum InvocationError {
71 #[error("One of the arguments does not satisfy the requirements of the libfunc.")]
72 InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument,
73 #[error("Unexpected error - an unregistered type id used.")]
74 UnknownTypeId(ConcreteTypeId),
75 #[error("Expected a different number of arguments.")]
76 WrongNumberOfArguments { expected: usize, actual: usize },
77 #[error("The requested functionality is not implemented yet.")]
78 NotImplemented(Invocation),
79 #[error("The requested functionality is not implemented yet: {message}")]
80 NotImplementedStr { invocation: Invocation, message: String },
81 #[error("The functionality is supported only for sized types.")]
82 NotSized(Invocation),
83 #[error("Expected type data not found.")]
84 UnknownTypeData,
85 #[error("Expected variable data for statement not found.")]
86 UnknownVariableData,
87 #[error("An integer overflow occurred.")]
88 InvalidGenericArg,
89 #[error("Invalid generic argument for libfunc.")]
90 IntegerOverflow,
91 #[error(transparent)]
92 FrameStateError(#[from] FrameStateError),
93 #[error("This libfunc does not support pre-cost metadata yet.")]
95 PreCostMetadataNotSupported,
96 #[error("{output_ty} is not a contained in the circuit {circuit_ty}.")]
97 InvalidCircuitOutput { output_ty: ConcreteTypeId, circuit_ty: ConcreteTypeId },
100#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
102pub enum ApTrackingChange {
103 Enable,
105 Disable,
107 None,
111#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
114pub struct BranchChanges {
115 pub refs: Vec<OutputReferenceValue>,
118 pub ap_change: ApChange,
120 pub ap_tracking_change: ApTrackingChange,
122 pub gas_change: OrderedHashMap<CostTokenType, i64>,
124 pub clear_old_stack: bool,
126 pub new_stack_size: usize,
129impl BranchChanges {
130 fn new<'a, ParamRef: Fn(usize) -> &'a ReferenceValue>(
133 ap_change: ApChange,
134 ap_tracking_change: ApTrackingChange,
135 gas_change: OrderedHashMap<CostTokenType, i64>,
136 expressions: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = ReferenceExpression>,
137 branch_signature: &BranchSignature,
138 prev_env: &Environment,
139 param_ref: ParamRef,
140 ) -> Self {
141 assert_eq!(
142 expressions.len(),
143 branch_signature.vars.len(),
144 "The number of expressions does not match the number of expected results in the \
145 branch."
146 );
147 let clear_old_stack =
148 !matches!(&branch_signature.ap_change, SierraApChange::Known { new_vars_only: true });
149 let stack_base = if clear_old_stack { 0 } else { prev_env.stack_size };
150 let mut new_stack_size = stack_base;
152 let refs: Vec<_> = zip_eq(expressions, &branch_signature.vars)
153 .enumerate()
154 .map(|(output_idx, (expression, OutputVarInfo { ref_info, ty }))| {
155 validate_output_var_refs(ref_info, &expression);
156 let stack_idx =
157 calc_output_var_stack_idx(ref_info, stack_base, clear_old_stack, ¶m_ref);
158 if let Some(stack_idx) = stack_idx {
159 new_stack_size = new_stack_size.max(stack_idx + 1);
160 }
161 let introduction_point =
162 if let OutputVarReferenceInfo::SameAsParam { param_idx } = ref_info {
163 OutputReferenceValueIntroductionPoint::Existing(
164 param_ref(*param_idx).introduction_point.clone(),
165 )
166 } else {
167 OutputReferenceValueIntroductionPoint::New(output_idx)
169 };
170 OutputReferenceValue { expression, ty: ty.clone(), stack_idx, introduction_point }
171 })
172 .collect();
173 validate_stack_top(ap_change, branch_signature, &refs);
174 Self { refs, ap_change, ap_tracking_change, gas_change, clear_old_stack, new_stack_size }
175 }
178fn validate_output_var_refs(ref_info: &OutputVarReferenceInfo, expression: &ReferenceExpression) {
180 match ref_info {
181 OutputVarReferenceInfo::SameAsParam { .. } => {}
182 _ if expression.cells.is_empty() => {
183 assert_matches!(ref_info, OutputVarReferenceInfo::ZeroSized);
184 }
185 OutputVarReferenceInfo::ZeroSized => {
186 unreachable!("Non empty ReferenceExpression for zero sized variable.")
187 }
188 OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewTempVar { .. } => {
189 expression.cells.iter().for_each(|cell| {
190 assert_matches!(cell, CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::AP, .. }))
191 });
192 }
193 OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewLocalVar => {
194 expression.cells.iter().for_each(|cell| {
195 assert_matches!(cell, CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::FP, .. }))
196 });
197 }
198 OutputVarReferenceInfo::SimpleDerefs => {
199 expression
200 .cells
201 .iter()
202 .for_each(|cell| assert_matches!(cell, CellExpression::Deref(_)));
203 }
204 OutputVarReferenceInfo::PartialParam { .. } | OutputVarReferenceInfo::Deferred(_) => {}
205 };
208fn validate_stack_top(
211 ap_change: ApChange,
212 branch_signature: &BranchSignature,
213 refs: &[OutputReferenceValue],
214) {
215 let stack_top_vars = UnorderedHashMap::<usize, usize>::from_iter(
218 branch_signature.vars.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(arg_idx, var)| {
219 if let OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewTempVar { idx: stack_idx } = var.ref_info {
220 Some((stack_idx, arg_idx))
221 } else {
222 None
223 }
224 }),
225 );
226 let mut prev_ap_offset = None;
227 let mut stack_top_size = 0;
228 for i in 0..stack_top_vars.len() {
229 let Some(arg) = stack_top_vars.get(&i) else {
230 panic!("Missing top stack var #{i} out of {}.", stack_top_vars.len());
231 };
232 let cells = &refs[*arg].expression.cells;
233 stack_top_size += cells.len();
234 for cell in cells {
235 let ap_offset = match cell {
236 CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::AP, offset }) => *offset,
237 _ => unreachable!("Tested in `validate_output_var_refs`."),
238 };
239 if let Some(prev_ap_offset) = prev_ap_offset {
240 assert_eq!(ap_offset, prev_ap_offset + 1, "Top stack vars are not contiguous.");
241 }
242 prev_ap_offset = Some(ap_offset);
243 }
244 }
245 if matches!(branch_signature.ap_change, SierraApChange::Known { new_vars_only: true }) {
246 assert_eq!(
247 ap_change,
248 ApChange::Known(stack_top_size),
249 "New tempvar variables are not contiguous with the old stack."
250 );
251 }
252 }
255fn calc_output_var_stack_idx<'a, ParamRef: Fn(usize) -> &'a ReferenceValue>(
258 ref_info: &OutputVarReferenceInfo,
259 stack_base: usize,
260 clear_old_stack: bool,
261 param_ref: &ParamRef,
262) -> Option<usize> {
263 match ref_info {
264 OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewTempVar { idx } => Some(stack_base + idx),
265 OutputVarReferenceInfo::SameAsParam { param_idx } if !clear_old_stack => {
266 param_ref(*param_idx).stack_idx
267 }
268 OutputVarReferenceInfo::SameAsParam { .. }
269 | OutputVarReferenceInfo::SimpleDerefs
270 | OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewLocalVar
271 | OutputVarReferenceInfo::PartialParam { .. }
272 | OutputVarReferenceInfo::Deferred(_)
273 | OutputVarReferenceInfo::ZeroSized => None,
274 }
279pub struct CompiledInvocation {
280 pub instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
282 pub relocations: Vec<RelocationEntry>,
284 pub results: Vec<BranchChanges>,
287 pub environment: Environment,
291pub fn check_references_on_stack(refs: &[ReferenceValue]) -> Result<(), InvocationError> {
294 let mut expected_offset: i16 = -1;
295 for reference in refs.iter().rev() {
296 for cell_expr in reference.expression.cells.iter().rev() {
297 match cell_expr {
298 CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::AP, offset })
299 if *offset == expected_offset =>
300 {
301 expected_offset -= 1;
302 }
303 _ => return Err(InvocationError::InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument),
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 Ok(())
310type VarCells = [Var];
312type AllVars<'a> = [&'a VarCells];
315impl InvocationApChangeInfoProvider for CompiledInvocationBuilder<'_> {
316 fn type_size(&self, ty: &ConcreteTypeId) -> usize {
317 self.program_info.type_sizes[ty] as usize
318 }
320 fn token_usages(&self, token_type: CostTokenType) -> usize {
321 self.program_info
322 .metadata
323 .gas_info
324 .variable_values
325 .get(&(self.idx, token_type))
326 .copied()
327 .unwrap_or(0) as usize
328 }
331impl InvocationCostInfoProvider for CompiledInvocationBuilder<'_> {
332 fn type_size(&self, ty: &ConcreteTypeId) -> usize {
333 self.program_info.type_sizes[ty] as usize
334 }
336 fn ap_change_var_value(&self) -> usize {
337 self.program_info
338 .metadata
339 .ap_change_info
340 .variable_values
341 .get(&self.idx)
342 .copied()
343 .unwrap_or_default()
344 }
346 fn token_usages(&self, token_type: CostTokenType) -> usize {
347 InvocationApChangeInfoProvider::token_usages(self, token_type)
348 }
350 fn circuit_info(&self, ty: &ConcreteTypeId) -> &CircuitInfo {
351 self.program_info.circuits_info.circuits.get(ty).unwrap()
352 }
355struct BuiltinInfo {
357 cost_token_ty: CostTokenType,
359 start: Var,
361 end: Var,
367struct CostValidationInfo<const BRANCH_COUNT: usize> {
368 pub builtin_infos: Vec<BuiltinInfo>,
370 pub extra_costs: Option<[i32; BRANCH_COUNT]>,
375pub struct CompiledInvocationBuilder<'a> {
377 pub program_info: ProgramInfo<'a>,
378 pub invocation: &'a Invocation,
379 pub libfunc: &'a CoreConcreteLibfunc,
380 pub idx: StatementIdx,
381 pub refs: &'a [ReferenceValue],
383 pub environment: Environment,
385impl CompiledInvocationBuilder<'_> {
386 fn build(
388 self,
389 instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
390 relocations: Vec<RelocationEntry>,
391 output_expressions: impl ExactSizeIterator<
392 Item = impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = ReferenceExpression>,
393 >,
394 ) -> CompiledInvocation {
395 let gas_changes =
396 core_libfunc_cost(&self.program_info.metadata.gas_info, &self.idx, self.libfunc, &self);
398 let branch_signatures = self.libfunc.branch_signatures();
399 assert_eq!(
400 branch_signatures.len(),
401 output_expressions.len(),
402 "The number of output expressions does not match signature."
403 );
404 let ap_changes = core_libfunc_ap_change(self.libfunc, &self);
405 assert_eq!(
406 branch_signatures.len(),
407 ap_changes.len(),
408 "The number of ap changes does not match signature."
409 );
410 assert_eq!(
411 branch_signatures.len(),
412 gas_changes.len(),
413 "The number of gas changes does not match signature."
414 );
416 CompiledInvocation {
417 instructions,
418 relocations,
419 results: zip_eq(
420 zip_eq(branch_signatures, gas_changes),
421 zip_eq(output_expressions, ap_changes),
422 )
423 .map(|((branch_signature, gas_change), (expressions, ap_change))| {
424 let ap_tracking_change = match ap_change {
425 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::EnableApTracking => {
426 ApTrackingChange::Enable
427 }
428 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::DisableApTracking => {
429 ApTrackingChange::Disable
430 }
431 _ => ApTrackingChange::None,
432 };
433 let ap_change = match ap_change {
434 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::Known(x) => ApChange::Known(x),
435 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::AtLocalsFinalization(_)
436 | cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::EnableApTracking
437 | cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::DisableApTracking => {
438 ApChange::Known(0)
439 }
440 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::FinalizeLocals => {
441 if let FrameState::Finalized { allocated } = self.environment.frame_state {
442 ApChange::Known(allocated)
443 } else {
444 panic!("Unexpected frame state.")
445 }
446 }
447 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::FunctionCall(id) => self
448 .program_info
449 .metadata
450 .ap_change_info
451 .function_ap_change
452 .get(&id)
453 .map_or(ApChange::Unknown, |x| ApChange::Known(x + 2)),
454 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::FromMetadata => ApChange::Known(
455 *self
456 .program_info
457 .metadata
458 .ap_change_info
459 .variable_values
460 .get(&self.idx)
461 .unwrap_or(&0),
462 ),
463 cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::Unknown => ApChange::Unknown,
464 };
466 BranchChanges::new(
467 ap_change,
468 ap_tracking_change,
469 gas_change.iter().map(|(token_type, val)| (*token_type, -val)).collect(),
470 expressions,
471 branch_signature,
472 &self.environment,
473 |idx| &self.refs[idx],
474 )
475 })
476 .collect(),
477 environment: self.environment,
478 }
479 }
481 fn build_from_casm_builder<const BRANCH_COUNT: usize>(
484 self,
485 casm_builder: CasmBuilder,
486 branch_extractions: [(&str, &AllVars<'_>, Option<StatementIdx>); BRANCH_COUNT],
487 cost_validation: CostValidationInfo<BRANCH_COUNT>,
488 ) -> CompiledInvocation {
489 self.build_from_casm_builder_ex(
490 casm_builder,
491 branch_extractions,
492 cost_validation,
493 Default::default(),
494 )
495 }
497 fn build_from_casm_builder_ex<const BRANCH_COUNT: usize>(
502 self,
503 casm_builder: CasmBuilder,
504 branch_extractions: [(&str, &AllVars<'_>, Option<StatementIdx>); BRANCH_COUNT],
505 cost_validation: CostValidationInfo<BRANCH_COUNT>,
506 pre_instructions: InstructionsWithRelocations,
507 ) -> CompiledInvocation {
508 let CasmBuildResult { instructions, branches } =
509 casm_builder.build(branch_extractions.map(|(name, _, _)| name));
510 let expected_ap_changes = core_libfunc_ap_change(self.libfunc, &self);
511 let actual_ap_changes = branches
512 .iter()
513 .map(|(state, _)| cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change::ApChange::Known(state.ap_change));
514 if !itertools::equal(expected_ap_changes.iter().cloned(), actual_ap_changes.clone()) {
515 panic!(
516 "Wrong ap changes for {}. Expected: {expected_ap_changes:?}, actual: {:?}.",
517 self.invocation,
518 actual_ap_changes.collect_vec(),
519 );
520 }
521 let gas_changes =
522 core_libfunc_cost(&self.program_info.metadata.gas_info, &self.idx, self.libfunc, &self)
523 .into_iter()
524 .map(|costs| costs.get(&CostTokenType::Const).copied().unwrap_or_default());
525 let mut final_costs: [ConstCost; BRANCH_COUNT] =
526 std::array::from_fn(|_| Default::default());
527 for (cost, (state, _)) in final_costs.iter_mut().zip(branches.iter()) {
528 cost.steps += state.steps as i32;
529 }
531 for BuiltinInfo { cost_token_ty, start, end } in cost_validation.builtin_infos {
532 for (cost, (state, _)) in final_costs.iter_mut().zip(branches.iter()) {
533 let (start_base, start_offset) =
534 state.get_adjusted(start).to_deref_with_offset().unwrap();
535 let (end_base, end_offset) =
536 state.get_adjusted(end).to_deref_with_offset().unwrap();
537 assert_eq!(start_base, end_base);
538 let diff = end_offset - start_offset;
539 match cost_token_ty {
540 CostTokenType::RangeCheck => {
541 cost.range_checks += diff;
542 }
543 CostTokenType::RangeCheck96 => {
544 cost.range_checks96 += diff;
545 }
546 _ => panic!("Cost token type not supported."),
547 }
548 }
549 }
551 let extra_costs =
552 cost_validation.extra_costs.unwrap_or(std::array::from_fn(|_| Default::default()));
553 let final_costs_with_extra =
554 final_costs.iter().zip(extra_costs).map(|(final_cost, extra)| {
555 (final_cost.cost() + extra + pre_instructions.cost.cost()) as i64
556 });
557 if !itertools::equal(gas_changes.clone(), final_costs_with_extra.clone()) {
558 panic!(
559 "Wrong costs for {}. Expected: {:?}, actual: {:?}, Costs from casm_builder: {:?}.",
560 self.invocation,
561 gas_changes.collect_vec(),
562 final_costs_with_extra.collect_vec(),
563 final_costs,
564 );
565 }
566 let branch_relocations = branches.iter().zip_eq(branch_extractions.iter()).flat_map(
567 |((_, relocations), (_, _, target))| {
568 assert_eq!(
569 relocations.is_empty(),
570 target.is_none(),
571 "No relocations if nowhere to relocate to."
572 );
573 relocations.iter().map(|idx| RelocationEntry {
574 instruction_idx: pre_instructions.instructions.len() + *idx,
575 relocation: Relocation::RelativeStatementId(target.unwrap()),
576 })
577 },
578 );
579 let relocations = chain!(pre_instructions.relocations, branch_relocations).collect();
580 let output_expressions =
581 zip_eq(branches, branch_extractions).map(|((state, _), (_, vars, _))| {
582 vars.iter().map(move |var_cells| ReferenceExpression {
583 cells: var_cells.iter().map(|cell| state.get_adjusted(*cell)).collect(),
584 })
585 });
586 self.build(
587 chain!(pre_instructions.instructions, instructions).collect(),
588 relocations,
589 output_expressions,
590 )
591 }
593 fn build_only_reference_changes(
595 self,
596 output_expressions: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = ReferenceExpression>,
597 ) -> CompiledInvocation {
598 self.build(vec![], vec![], [output_expressions].into_iter())
599 }
601 pub fn try_get_refs<const COUNT: usize>(
603 &self,
604 ) -> Result<[&ReferenceExpression; COUNT], InvocationError> {
605 if self.refs.len() == COUNT {
606 Ok(core::array::from_fn(|i| &self.refs[i].expression))
607 } else {
608 Err(InvocationError::WrongNumberOfArguments {
609 expected: COUNT,
610 actual: self.refs.len(),
611 })
612 }
613 }
615 pub fn try_get_single_cells<const COUNT: usize>(
617 &self,
618 ) -> Result<[&CellExpression; COUNT], InvocationError> {
619 let refs = self.try_get_refs::<COUNT>()?;
620 let mut last_err = None;
621 const FAKE_CELL: CellExpression =
622 CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::AP, offset: 0 });
623 let result = refs.map(|r| match r.try_unpack_single() {
625 Ok(cell) => cell,
626 Err(err) => {
627 last_err = Some(err);
629 }
630 });
631 if let Some(err) = last_err { Err(err) } else { Ok(result) }
632 }
635pub struct ProgramInfo<'a> {
637 pub metadata: &'a Metadata,
638 pub type_sizes: &'a TypeSizeMap,
639 pub circuits_info: &'a CircuitsInfo,
641 pub const_data_values: &'a dyn Fn(&ConcreteTypeId) -> Vec<BigInt>,
645pub fn compile_invocation(
648 program_info: ProgramInfo<'_>,
649 invocation: &Invocation,
650 libfunc: &CoreConcreteLibfunc,
651 idx: StatementIdx,
652 refs: &[ReferenceValue],
653 environment: Environment,
654) -> Result<CompiledInvocation, InvocationError> {
655 let builder =
656 CompiledInvocationBuilder { program_info, invocation, libfunc, idx, refs, environment };
657 match libfunc {
658 Felt252(libfunc) => felt252::build(libfunc, builder),
659 Felt252SquashedDict(libfunc) => squashed_felt252_dict::build(libfunc, builder),
660 Bool(libfunc) => boolean::build(libfunc, builder),
661 Cast(libfunc) => casts::build(libfunc, builder),
662 Ec(libfunc) => ec::build(libfunc, builder),
663 Uint8(libfunc) => int::unsigned::build_uint::<_, 0x100>(libfunc, builder),
664 Uint16(libfunc) => int::unsigned::build_uint::<_, 0x10000>(libfunc, builder),
665 Uint32(libfunc) => int::unsigned::build_uint::<_, 0x100000000>(libfunc, builder),
666 Uint64(libfunc) => int::unsigned::build_uint::<_, 0x10000000000000000>(libfunc, builder),
667 Uint128(libfunc) => int::unsigned128::build(libfunc, builder),
668 Uint256(libfunc) => int::unsigned256::build(libfunc, builder),
669 Uint512(libfunc) => int::unsigned512::build(libfunc, builder),
670 Sint8(libfunc) => {
671 int::signed::build_sint::<_, { i8::MIN as i128 }, { i8::MAX as i128 }>(libfunc, builder)
672 }
673 Sint16(libfunc) => {
674 int::signed::build_sint::<_, { i16::MIN as i128 }, { i16::MAX as i128 }>(
675 libfunc, builder,
676 )
677 }
678 Sint32(libfunc) => {
679 int::signed::build_sint::<_, { i32::MIN as i128 }, { i32::MAX as i128 }>(
680 libfunc, builder,
681 )
682 }
683 Sint64(libfunc) => {
684 int::signed::build_sint::<_, { i64::MIN as i128 }, { i64::MAX as i128 }>(
685 libfunc, builder,
686 )
687 }
688 Sint128(libfunc) => int::signed128::build(libfunc, builder),
689 Gas(libfunc) => gas::build(libfunc, builder),
690 BranchAlign(_) => misc::build_branch_align(builder),
691 Array(libfunc) => array::build(libfunc, builder),
692 Drop(_) => misc::build_drop(builder),
693 Dup(_) => misc::build_dup(builder),
694 Mem(libfunc) => mem::build(libfunc, builder),
695 UnwrapNonZero(_) => misc::build_identity(builder),
696 FunctionCall(libfunc) | CouponCall(libfunc) => function_call::build(libfunc, builder),
697 UnconditionalJump(_) => misc::build_jump(builder),
698 ApTracking(_) => misc::build_update_ap_tracking(builder),
699 Box(libfunc) => boxing::build(libfunc, builder),
700 Enum(libfunc) => enm::build(libfunc, builder),
701 Struct(libfunc) => structure::build(libfunc, builder),
702 Felt252Dict(libfunc) => felt252_dict::build_dict(libfunc, builder),
703 Pedersen(libfunc) => pedersen::build(libfunc, builder),
704 Poseidon(libfunc) => poseidon::build(libfunc, builder),
705 Starknet(libfunc) => starknet::build(libfunc, builder),
706 Nullable(libfunc) => nullable::build(libfunc, builder),
707 Debug(libfunc) => debug::build(libfunc, builder),
708 SnapshotTake(_) => misc::build_dup(builder),
709 Felt252DictEntry(libfunc) => felt252_dict::build_entry(libfunc, builder),
710 Bytes31(libfunc) => bytes31::build(libfunc, builder),
711 Const(libfunc) => const_type::build(libfunc, builder),
712 Coupon(libfunc) => match libfunc {
713 CouponConcreteLibfunc::Buy(_) => Ok(builder
714 .build_only_reference_changes([ReferenceExpression::zero_sized()].into_iter())),
715 CouponConcreteLibfunc::Refund(_) => {
716 Ok(builder.build_only_reference_changes([].into_iter()))
717 }
718 },
719 BoundedInt(libfunc) => int::bounded::build(libfunc, builder),
720 Circuit(libfunc) => circuit::build(libfunc, builder),
721 IntRange(libfunc) => range::build(libfunc, builder),
722 Blake(libfunc) => blake::build(libfunc, builder),
723 Trace(libfunc) => trace::build(libfunc, builder),
724 }
727trait ReferenceExpressionView: Sized {
730 type Error;
731 fn try_get_view(
735 expr: &ReferenceExpression,
736 program_info: &ProgramInfo<'_>,
737 concrete_type_id: &ConcreteTypeId,
738 ) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
739 fn to_reference_expression(self) -> ReferenceExpression;
743pub fn get_non_fallthrough_statement_id(builder: &CompiledInvocationBuilder<'_>) -> StatementIdx {
746 match builder.invocation.branches.as_slice() {
747 [
748 BranchInfo { target: BranchTarget::Fallthrough, results: _ },
749 BranchInfo { target: BranchTarget::Statement(target_statement_id), results: _ },
750 ] => *target_statement_id,
751 _ => panic!("malformed invocation"),
752 }
755macro_rules! add_input_variables {
757 ($casm_builder:ident,) => {};
758 ($casm_builder:ident, deref $var:ident; $($tok:tt)*) => {
759 let $var = $casm_builder.add_var(cairo_lang_casm::cell_expression::CellExpression::Deref(
760 $var.to_deref().ok_or(InvocationError::InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument)?,
761 ));
762 $crate::invocations::add_input_variables!($casm_builder, $($tok)*)
763 };
764 ($casm_builder:ident, deref_or_immediate $var:ident; $($tok:tt)*) => {
765 let $var = $casm_builder.add_var(
766 match $var
767 .to_deref_or_immediate()
768 .ok_or(InvocationError::InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument)?
769 {
770 cairo_lang_casm::operand::DerefOrImmediate::Deref(cell) => {
771 cairo_lang_casm::cell_expression::CellExpression::Deref(cell)
772 }
773 cairo_lang_casm::operand::DerefOrImmediate::Immediate(cell) => {
774 cairo_lang_casm::cell_expression::CellExpression::Immediate(cell.value)
775 }
776 },
777 );
778 $crate::invocations::add_input_variables!($casm_builder, $($tok)*)
779 };
780 ($casm_builder:ident, buffer($slack:expr) $var:ident; $($tok:tt)*) => {
781 let $var = $casm_builder.add_var(
782 $var.to_buffer($slack).ok_or(InvocationError::InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument)?,
783 );
784 $crate::invocations::add_input_variables!($casm_builder, $($tok)*)
785 };
787use add_input_variables;