use cairo_lang_casm::ap_change::ApplyApChange;
use cairo_lang_casm::cell_expression::CellExpression;
use cairo_lang_casm::operand::{CellRef, Register};
use cairo_lang_sierra::ids::{ConcreteTypeId, VarId};
use cairo_lang_sierra::program::{Function, StatementIdx};
use cairo_lang_sierra_type_size::TypeSizeMap;
use cairo_lang_utils::casts::IntoOrPanic;
use cairo_lang_utils::ordered_hash_map::OrderedHashMap;
use cairo_lang_utils::write_comma_separated;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::invocations::InvocationError;
#[derive(Error, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReferencesError {
#[error("Invalid function declaration.")]
"One of the arguments does not match the expected type of the libfunc or return statement."
#[error("Unknown type `{0}`.")]
pub type StatementRefs = OrderedHashMap<VarId, ReferenceValue>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ReferenceValue {
pub expression: ReferenceExpression,
pub ty: ConcreteTypeId,
pub stack_idx: Option<usize>,
pub introduction_point: IntroductionPoint,
impl ReferenceValue {
pub fn validate(&self, type_sizes: &TypeSizeMap) {
let size = *type_sizes.get(&self.ty).expect("ReferenceValue has unknown type");
let actual_size: i16 = self.expression.cells.len().into_or_panic();
assert_eq!(actual_size, size, "ReferenceValue type size mismatch.");
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct IntroductionPoint {
pub source_statement_idx: Option<StatementIdx>,
pub destination_statement_idx: StatementIdx,
pub output_idx: usize,
impl core::fmt::Display for IntroductionPoint {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
if let Some(source_statement_idx) = self.source_statement_idx {
self.destination_statement_idx, self.output_idx
} else {
write!(f, "Function@{}[{}]", self.destination_statement_idx, self.output_idx)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct OutputReferenceValue {
pub expression: ReferenceExpression,
pub ty: ConcreteTypeId,
pub stack_idx: Option<usize>,
pub introduction_point: OutputReferenceValueIntroductionPoint,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum OutputReferenceValueIntroductionPoint {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ReferenceExpression {
pub cells: Vec<CellExpression>,
impl ReferenceExpression {
pub fn from_cell(cell_expr: CellExpression) -> Self {
Self { cells: vec![cell_expr] }
pub fn zero_sized() -> Self {
Self { cells: vec![] }
pub fn try_unpack<const SIZE: usize>(
) -> Result<&[CellExpression; SIZE], InvocationError> {
<&[CellExpression; SIZE]>::try_from(&self.cells[..])
.map_err(|_| InvocationError::InvalidReferenceExpressionForArgument)
pub fn try_unpack_single(&self) -> Result<&CellExpression, InvocationError> {
impl ApplyApChange for ReferenceExpression {
fn apply_known_ap_change(self, ap_change: usize) -> Option<Self> {
Some(ReferenceExpression {
cells: self
.map(|cell_expr| cell_expr.apply_known_ap_change(ap_change))
fn can_apply_unknown(&self) -> bool {
self.cells.iter().all(|cell| cell.can_apply_unknown())
impl core::fmt::Display for ReferenceExpression {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[")?;
write_comma_separated(f, &self.cells)?;
write!(f, "]")
pub fn build_function_parameters_refs(
func: &Function,
type_sizes: &TypeSizeMap,
) -> Result<StatementRefs, ReferencesError> {
let mut refs = StatementRefs::default();
let mut offset = -3_i16;
for (param_idx, param) in func.params.iter().rev().enumerate() {
let size = type_sizes
.ok_or_else(|| ReferencesError::UnknownType(param.ty.clone()))?;
if refs
ReferenceValue {
expression: ReferenceExpression {
cells: ((offset - size + 1)..(offset + 1))
.map(|i| {
CellExpression::Deref(CellRef { register: Register::FP, offset: i })
ty: param.ty.clone(),
stack_idx: None,
introduction_point: IntroductionPoint {
source_statement_idx: None,
destination_statement_idx: func.entry_point,
output_idx: param_idx,
return Err(ReferencesError::InvalidFunctionDeclaration(func.clone()));
offset -= size;
pub fn check_types_match(
refs: &[ReferenceValue],
types: &[ConcreteTypeId],
) -> Result<(), ReferencesError> {
if itertools::equal(types.iter(), refs.iter().map(|r| &r.ty)) {
} else {