
1use itertools::Itertools;
3use super::args_as_single_type;
4use super::error::{ExtensionError, SpecializationError};
5use super::type_specialization_context::TypeSpecializationContext;
6use crate::ids::{ConcreteTypeId, FunctionId, GenericLibfuncId, GenericTypeId};
7use crate::program::{Function, FunctionSignature, GenericArg};
9/// Trait for the specialization of libfunc signatures.
10pub trait SignatureSpecializationContext: TypeSpecializationContext {
11    /// Returns concrete type id given a generic type and the generic arguments.
12    fn try_get_concrete_type(
13        &self,
14        id: GenericTypeId,
15        generic_args: &[GenericArg],
16    ) -> Option<ConcreteTypeId>;
18    /// Wraps [Self::try_get_concrete_type] with a result object.
19    fn get_concrete_type(
20        &self,
21        id: GenericTypeId,
22        generic_args: &[GenericArg],
23    ) -> Result<ConcreteTypeId, SpecializationError> {
24        self.try_get_concrete_type(id.clone(), generic_args)
25            .ok_or_else(|| SpecializationError::TypeWasNotDeclared(id, generic_args.to_vec()))
26    }
28    /// Returns the function's signature object associated with the given [FunctionId].
29    fn try_get_function_signature(&self, function_id: &FunctionId) -> Option<FunctionSignature>;
31    /// Wraps [Self::try_get_function_signature] with a result object.
32    fn get_function_signature(
33        &self,
34        function_id: &FunctionId,
35    ) -> Result<FunctionSignature, SpecializationError> {
36        self.try_get_function_signature(function_id)
37            .ok_or_else(|| SpecializationError::MissingFunction(function_id.clone()))
38    }
40    /// Returns the ap-change of the given function.
41    fn try_get_function_ap_change(&self, function_id: &FunctionId) -> Option<SierraApChange>;
43    /// Wraps [Self::try_get_function_ap_change] with a result object.
44    fn get_function_ap_change(
45        &self,
46        function_id: &FunctionId,
47    ) -> Result<SierraApChange, SpecializationError> {
48        self.try_get_function_ap_change(function_id)
49            .ok_or_else(|| SpecializationError::MissingFunction(function_id.clone()))
50    }
52    /// Returns the concrete id of `T<S>` given generic type T and concrete type S.
53    fn get_wrapped_concrete_type(
54        &self,
55        id: GenericTypeId,
56        wrapped: ConcreteTypeId,
57    ) -> Result<ConcreteTypeId, SpecializationError> {
58        self.get_concrete_type(id, &[GenericArg::Type(wrapped)])
59    }
61    /// Upcasting to the [TypeSpecializationContext], since trait upcasting is still experimental.
62    fn as_type_specialization_context(&self) -> &dyn TypeSpecializationContext;
65/// Trait for the specialization of full libfuncs.
66pub trait SpecializationContext: SignatureSpecializationContext {
67    /// Upcasting to the [SignatureSpecializationContext], since trait upcasting is still
68    /// experimental.
69    fn upcast(&self) -> &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext;
71    /// Returns the function object associated with the given [FunctionId].
72    fn try_get_function(&self, function_id: &FunctionId) -> Option<Function>;
74    /// Wraps [Self::try_get_function] with a result object.
75    fn get_function(&self, function_id: &FunctionId) -> Result<Function, SpecializationError> {
76        self.try_get_function(function_id)
77            .ok_or_else(|| SpecializationError::MissingFunction(function_id.clone()))
78    }
81/// Trait for implementing a libfunc specialization generator.
82pub trait GenericLibfunc: Sized {
83    type Concrete: ConcreteLibfunc;
85    /// Returns the list of generic libfuncs ids that can be instantiated through this type.
86    /// This is useful on hierarchical libfunc aggregates such as `CoreLibfunc`.
87    fn supported_ids() -> Vec<GenericLibfuncId>;
89    /// Instantiates the libfunc by id.
90    fn by_id(id: &GenericLibfuncId) -> Option<Self>;
92    /// Creates the specialization of the libfunc's signature with the template arguments.
93    fn specialize_signature(
94        &self,
95        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
96        args: &[GenericArg],
97    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError>;
99    /// Creates the specialization with the template arguments.
100    fn specialize(
101        &self,
102        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
103        args: &[GenericArg],
104    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, SpecializationError>;
107/// Trait for introducing helper methods on [GenericLibfunc].
108pub trait GenericLibfuncEx: GenericLibfunc {
109    fn specialize_signature_by_id(
110        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
111        libfunc_id: &GenericLibfuncId,
112        args: &[GenericArg],
113    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, ExtensionError>;
115    fn specialize_by_id(
116        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
117        libfunc_id: &GenericLibfuncId,
118        args: &[GenericArg],
119    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, ExtensionError>;
121impl<TGenericLibfunc: GenericLibfunc> GenericLibfuncEx for TGenericLibfunc {
122    fn specialize_signature_by_id(
123        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
124        libfunc_id: &GenericLibfuncId,
125        generic_args: &[GenericArg],
126    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, ExtensionError> {
127        if let Some(generic_libfunc) = Self::by_id(libfunc_id) {
128            generic_libfunc.specialize_signature(context, generic_args)
129        } else {
130            Err(SpecializationError::UnsupportedId(libfunc_id.0.clone()))
131        }
132        .map_err(move |error| ExtensionError::LibfuncSpecialization {
133            libfunc_id: libfunc_id.clone(),
134            generic_args: generic_args.iter().cloned().collect_vec(),
135            error,
136        })
137    }
139    fn specialize_by_id(
140        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
141        libfunc_id: &GenericLibfuncId,
142        generic_args: &[GenericArg],
143    ) -> Result<TGenericLibfunc::Concrete, ExtensionError> {
144        if let Some(generic_libfunc) = Self::by_id(libfunc_id) {
145            generic_libfunc.specialize(context, generic_args)
146        } else {
147            Err(SpecializationError::UnsupportedId(libfunc_id.0.clone()))
148        }
149        .map_err(move |error| ExtensionError::LibfuncSpecialization {
150            libfunc_id: libfunc_id.clone(),
151            generic_args: generic_args.iter().cloned().collect_vec(),
152            error,
153        })
154    }
157/// Trait for implementing a specialization generator with a simple id.
158pub trait NamedLibfunc: Default {
159    type Concrete: ConcreteLibfunc;
160    const STR_ID: &'static str;
162    /// Creates the specialization of the libfunc's signature with the template arguments.
163    fn specialize_signature(
164        &self,
165        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
166        args: &[GenericArg],
167    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError>;
169    /// Creates the specialization with the template arguments.
170    fn specialize(
171        &self,
172        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
173        args: &[GenericArg],
174    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, SpecializationError>;
176impl<TNamedLibfunc: NamedLibfunc> GenericLibfunc for TNamedLibfunc {
177    type Concrete = <Self as NamedLibfunc>::Concrete;
179    fn supported_ids() -> Vec<GenericLibfuncId> {
180        vec![GenericLibfuncId::from(Self::STR_ID)]
181    }
183    fn by_id(id: &GenericLibfuncId) -> Option<Self> {
184        if Self::STR_ID == id.0 { Some(Self::default()) } else { None }
185    }
187    fn specialize_signature(
188        &self,
189        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
190        args: &[GenericArg],
191    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError> {
192        self.specialize_signature(context, args)
193    }
195    fn specialize(
196        &self,
197        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
198        args: &[GenericArg],
199    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, SpecializationError> {
200        self.specialize(context, args)
201    }
204/// Trait for implementing a specialization generator not holding anything more than a signature.
205pub trait SignatureOnlyGenericLibfunc: Default {
206    const STR_ID: &'static str;
208    fn specialize_signature(
209        &self,
210        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
211        args: &[GenericArg],
212    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError>;
215impl<T: SignatureOnlyGenericLibfunc> NamedLibfunc for T {
216    type Concrete = SignatureOnlyConcreteLibfunc;
217    const STR_ID: &'static str = <Self as SignatureOnlyGenericLibfunc>::STR_ID;
219    fn specialize_signature(
220        &self,
221        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
222        args: &[GenericArg],
223    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError> {
224        self.specialize_signature(context, args)
225    }
227    fn specialize(
228        &self,
229        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
230        args: &[GenericArg],
231    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, SpecializationError> {
232        Ok(SignatureOnlyConcreteLibfunc {
233            signature: self.specialize_signature(context.upcast(), args)?,
234        })
235    }
238/// Trait for implementing a specialization generator expecting a single generic param type, and
239/// creating a concrete libfunc containing that type as well.
240pub trait SignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc: Default {
241    const STR_ID: &'static str;
243    fn specialize_signature(
244        &self,
245        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
246        ty: ConcreteTypeId,
247    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError>;
250/// Wrapper to prevent implementation collisions for [NamedLibfunc].
252pub struct WrapSignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc<T: SignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc>(T);
254impl<T: SignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc> NamedLibfunc for WrapSignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc<T> {
255    type Concrete = SignatureAndTypeConcreteLibfunc;
256    const STR_ID: &'static str = <T as SignatureAndTypeGenericLibfunc>::STR_ID;
258    fn specialize_signature(
259        &self,
260        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
261        args: &[GenericArg],
262    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError> {
263        self.0.specialize_signature(context, args_as_single_type(args)?)
264    }
266    fn specialize(
267        &self,
268        context: &dyn SpecializationContext,
269        args: &[GenericArg],
270    ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, SpecializationError> {
271        let ty = args_as_single_type(args)?;
272        Ok(SignatureAndTypeConcreteLibfunc {
273            ty: ty.clone(),
274            signature: self.0.specialize_signature(context.upcast(), ty)?,
275        })
276    }
279/// Trait for implementing a specialization generator with no generic arguments.
280pub trait NoGenericArgsGenericLibfunc: Default {
281    const STR_ID: &'static str;
283    fn specialize_signature(
284        &self,
285        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
286    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError>;
288impl<T: NoGenericArgsGenericLibfunc> SignatureOnlyGenericLibfunc for T {
289    const STR_ID: &'static str = <Self as NoGenericArgsGenericLibfunc>::STR_ID;
291    fn specialize_signature(
292        &self,
293        context: &dyn SignatureSpecializationContext,
294        args: &[GenericArg],
295    ) -> Result<LibfuncSignature, SpecializationError> {
296        if args.is_empty() {
297            self.specialize_signature(context)
298        } else {
299            Err(SpecializationError::WrongNumberOfGenericArgs)
300        }
301    }
304/// Information regarding a parameter of the libfunc.
306pub struct ParamSignature {
307    /// The type of the parameter.
308    pub ty: ConcreteTypeId,
309    /// Whether the libfunc argument can be an expression of the form `[ap/fp + i] + [ap/fp + j]`.
310    /// For example, `store_temp()` and `store_local()`.
311    pub allow_deferred: bool,
312    /// Whether the libfunc argument can be an expression of the form `[ap + i] + const`.
313    pub allow_add_const: bool,
314    /// Whether the libfunc argument can be a constant.
315    pub allow_const: bool,
317impl ParamSignature {
318    /// Returns a [ParamSignature] with default attributes.
319    pub fn new(ty: ConcreteTypeId) -> Self {
320        Self { ty, allow_add_const: false, allow_deferred: false, allow_const: false }
321    }
323    /// Returns a modified version of [ParamSignature], with the `allow_deferred` flag set.
324    pub fn with_allow_deferred(mut self) -> Self {
325        self.allow_deferred = true;
326        self
327    }
329    /// Returns a modified version of [ParamSignature], with the `allow_add_const` flag set.
330    pub fn with_allow_add_const(mut self) -> Self {
331        self.allow_add_const = true;
332        self
333    }
335    /// Returns a modified version of [ParamSignature], with the `allow_const` flag set.
336    pub fn with_allow_const(mut self) -> Self {
337        self.allow_const = true;
338        self
339    }
341    /// Returns a modified version of [ParamSignature], with all attributes set.
342    pub fn with_allow_all(mut self) -> Self {
343        self.allow_add_const = true;
344        self.allow_deferred = true;
345        self.allow_const = true;
346        self
347    }
349impl From<ConcreteTypeId> for ParamSignature {
350    fn from(ty: ConcreteTypeId) -> Self {
351        Self::new(ty)
352    }
355/// Information regarding the reference created as an output of a library function.
357/// For example, whether the reference is equal to one of the parameters (as in the dup() function),
358/// or whether it's newly allocated local variable.
359#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
360pub enum OutputVarReferenceInfo {
361    /// The output value is exactly the same as one of the parameters.
362    SameAsParam { param_idx: usize },
363    /// The output value is a part of one of the parameters.
364    /// For example, it may be the first element of a struct.
365    ///
366    /// Information, such as whether the parameter was a temporary or local variable, will be
367    /// copied to the output variable.
368    PartialParam { param_idx: usize },
369    /// The output was allocated as a temporary variable and it is at the top of the stack
370    /// (contiguously).
371    NewTempVar {
372        /// The index of the temporary variable in the stack (0 is the variable with the lowest
373        /// memory address).
374        idx: usize,
375    },
376    /// The output was allocated as a local variable.
377    NewLocalVar,
378    /// The output is the result of a computation. For example `[ap] + [fp]`,
379    /// `[ap + 1] * [fp - 3]`, `[ap] + 3`, `7`.
380    Deferred(DeferredOutputKind),
381    /// All the output cells are of the form `[ap/fp + const]`. For example, `([ap + 1], [fp])`.
382    SimpleDerefs,
383    /// The output is a of size 0.
384    ZeroSized,
387/// The type of a deferred output.
388#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
389pub enum DeferredOutputKind {
390    /// The output is a constant. For example, `7`.
391    Const,
392    /// The output is the addition of a constant to one of the parameters. For example, `x + 3`.
393    AddConst { param_idx: usize },
394    /// The output is not one of the above (e.g., `[ap] + [fp]`, `[ap + 1] * [fp - 3]`,
395    /// `[ap] * 3`).
396    Generic,
399/// Contains information regarding an output variable in a single branch.
400#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
401pub struct OutputVarInfo {
402    pub ty: ConcreteTypeId,
403    pub ref_info: OutputVarReferenceInfo,
405impl OutputVarInfo {
406    /// Convenience function to get the common OutputVarInfo for builtins.
407    pub fn new_builtin(builtin: ConcreteTypeId, param_idx: usize) -> Self {
408        Self {
409            ty: builtin,
410            ref_info: OutputVarReferenceInfo::Deferred(DeferredOutputKind::AddConst { param_idx }),
411        }
412    }
415/// Contains information on the variables returned in a single libfunc branch
416/// for all the output variables in an output branch.
418/// See [OutputVarInfo].
420pub struct BranchSignature {
421    /// Information about the new variables created in the branch.
422    pub vars: Vec<OutputVarInfo>,
423    /// Information about the change in the `ap` register in the branch.
424    pub ap_change: SierraApChange,
427/// Describes the effect on the `ap` register in a given libfunc branch.
428#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
429pub enum SierraApChange {
430    /// The libfunc changes `ap` in an unknown way.
431    Unknown,
432    /// The libfunc changes `ap` in a known (during compilation) way.
433    Known {
434        /// `true` if all the new stack cells created by the libfunc are its output
435        /// variables (as described in [OutputVarReferenceInfo::NewTempVar] in
436        /// [`BranchSignature::vars`]).
437        new_vars_only: bool,
438    },
439    /// The lib func is `branch_align`.
440    /// The `ap` change is known during compilation.
441    BranchAlign,
443/// Trait for a specialized library function.
444pub trait ConcreteLibfunc {
445    /// The parameter types and other information for the parameters for calling a library
446    /// function.
447    fn param_signatures(&self) -> &[ParamSignature];
448    /// The output types and other information returning from a library function per branch.
449    fn branch_signatures(&self) -> &[BranchSignature];
450    /// The index of the fallthrough branch of the library function if any.
451    fn fallthrough(&self) -> Option<usize>;
453    /// Returns the output types returning from a library function per branch.
454    fn output_types(&self) -> Vec<Vec<ConcreteTypeId>> {
455        self.branch_signatures()
456            .iter()
457            .map(|branch_info| {
458                branch_info.vars.iter().map(|var_info| var_info.ty.clone()).collect()
459            })
460            .collect()
461    }
464/// Represents the signature of a library function.
465pub struct LibfuncSignature {
466    /// The parameter types and other information for the parameters for calling a library
467    /// function.
468    pub param_signatures: Vec<ParamSignature>,
469    /// The output types and other information for the return values of a library function per
470    /// branch.
471    pub branch_signatures: Vec<BranchSignature>,
472    /// The index of the fallthrough branch of the library function if any.
473    pub fallthrough: Option<usize>,
475impl LibfuncSignature {
476    /// Creates a non branch signature.
477    pub fn new_non_branch(
478        input_types: Vec<ConcreteTypeId>,
479        output_info: Vec<OutputVarInfo>,
480        ap_change: SierraApChange,
481    ) -> Self {
482        Self::new_non_branch_ex(
483            input_types.into_iter().map(ParamSignature::new).collect(),
484            output_info,
485            ap_change,
486        )
487    }
489    /// Same as [LibfuncSignature::new_non_branch], except that more complicated [ParamSignature]
490    /// are supported.
491    pub fn new_non_branch_ex(
492        param_signatures: Vec<ParamSignature>,
493        output_info: Vec<OutputVarInfo>,
494        ap_change: SierraApChange,
495    ) -> LibfuncSignature {
496        Self {
497            param_signatures,
498            branch_signatures: vec![BranchSignature { vars: output_info, ap_change }],
499            fallthrough: Some(0),
500        }
501    }
504/// Trait for implementing a [ConcreteLibfunc] that returns a reference to the full signature of the
505/// library function.
506pub trait SignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc {
507    fn signature(&self) -> &LibfuncSignature;
510impl<TSignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc: SignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc> ConcreteLibfunc
511    for TSignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc
513    fn param_signatures(&self) -> &[ParamSignature] {
514        &self.signature().param_signatures
515    }
516    fn branch_signatures(&self) -> &[BranchSignature] {
517        &self.signature().branch_signatures
518    }
519    fn fallthrough(&self) -> Option<usize> {
520        self.signature().fallthrough
521    }
524/// Struct providing a [ConcreteLibfunc] only with a signature and a type.
525pub struct SignatureAndTypeConcreteLibfunc {
526    pub ty: ConcreteTypeId,
527    pub signature: LibfuncSignature,
529impl SignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc for SignatureAndTypeConcreteLibfunc {
530    fn signature(&self) -> &LibfuncSignature {
531        &self.signature
532    }
535/// Struct providing a [ConcreteLibfunc] only with a signature - should not be implemented for
536/// concrete libfuncs that require any extra data.
537pub struct SignatureOnlyConcreteLibfunc {
538    pub signature: LibfuncSignature,
540impl SignatureBasedConcreteLibfunc for SignatureOnlyConcreteLibfunc {
541    fn signature(&self) -> &LibfuncSignature {
542        &self.signature
543    }
546/// Forms a concrete library function type from an enum of library calls.
547/// The new enum implements [ConcreteLibfunc].
548/// All the variant types must also implement [ConcreteLibfunc].
549/// Usage example:
550/// ```ignore
551/// define_concrete_libfunc_hierarchy! {
552///     pub enum MyLibfunc {
553///       LF0(Libfunc0),
554///       LF1(Libfunc1),
555///     }
556/// }
557/// ```
559macro_rules! define_concrete_libfunc_hierarchy {
560    (pub enum $name:ident $(<
561        $generic_arg:ident : $generic_arg_first_req:ident $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs:ident)*
562    >)? {
563        $($variant_name:ident ($variant:ty),)*
564    }) => {
565        #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)]
566        pub enum $name $(< $generic_arg : $generic_arg_first_req $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs)* >)? {
567            $($variant_name ($variant),)*
568        }
569        impl $(< $generic_arg : $generic_arg_first_req $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs)* >)?
570            $crate::extensions::ConcreteLibfunc for $name $(< $generic_arg >)? {
571            $crate::extensions::lib_func::concrete_method_impl! {
572                fn param_signatures(&self) -> &[$crate::extensions::lib_func::ParamSignature] {
573                    $($variant_name => $variant,)*
574                }
575            }
576            $crate::extensions::lib_func::concrete_method_impl!{
577                fn branch_signatures(&self) -> &[$crate::extensions::lib_func::BranchSignature] {
578                    $($variant_name => $variant,)*
579                }
580            }
581            $crate::extensions::lib_func::concrete_method_impl!{
582                fn fallthrough(&self) -> Option<usize> {
583                    $($variant_name => $variant,)*
584                }
585            }
586        }
587    }
590/// Implements a method for an enum of library calls by recursively calling the enum option existing
591/// implementation.
592macro_rules! concrete_method_impl {
593    (fn $method_name:ident(&self $(,$var_name:ident : $var:ty)*) -> $ret_type:ty {
594        $($variant_name:ident => $variant:ty,)*
595    }) => {
596        fn $method_name(&self $(,$var_name:ident : $var:ty)*) -> $ret_type {
597            match self {
598                $(Self::$variant_name(value) => value.$method_name()),*
599            }
600        }
601    }
603pub(crate) use concrete_method_impl;
605/// Forms a libfunc type from an enum of libfuncs.
606/// The new enum implements [GenericLibfunc].
607/// All the variant types must also implement [GenericLibfunc].
608/// Usage example:
609/// ```ignore
610/// define_libfunc_hierarchy! {
611///     pub enum MyLibfunc {
612///       LF0(Libfunc0),
613///       LF1(Libfunc1),
614///     }, MyLibfuncConcrete
615/// }
616/// ```
618macro_rules! define_libfunc_hierarchy {
619    (pub enum $name:ident $(<
620        $generic_arg:ident : $generic_arg_first_req:ident $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs:ident)*
621    >)? {
622        $($variant_name:ident ($variant:ty),)*
623    },
624    $concrete_name:ident) => {
625        #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)]
626        pub enum $name $(< $generic_arg : $generic_arg_first_req $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs)* >)? {
627            $($variant_name ($variant)),*
628        }
630        impl $(< $generic_arg : $generic_arg_first_req $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs)* >)?
631            $crate::extensions::GenericLibfunc for $name $(< $generic_arg >)? {
632            type Concrete = $concrete_name $(< $generic_arg >)?;
633            fn supported_ids() -> Vec<$crate::ids::GenericLibfuncId> {
634                itertools::chain!(
635                    $(
636                        <$variant as $crate::extensions::GenericLibfunc>::supported_ids()
637                    ),*
638                ).collect()
639            }
640            fn by_id(id: &$crate::ids::GenericLibfuncId) -> Option<Self> {
641                $(
642                    if let Some(res) = <$variant>::by_id(id){
643                        return Some(Self::$variant_name(res));
644                    }
645                )*
646                None
647            }
648            fn specialize_signature(
649                    &self,
650                    context: &dyn $crate::extensions::lib_func::SignatureSpecializationContext,
651                    args: &[$crate::program::GenericArg],
652            ) -> Result<
653                    $crate::extensions::lib_func::LibfuncSignature,
654                    $crate::extensions::SpecializationError
655                >{
656                match self {
657                    $(
658                        Self::$variant_name(value) => {
659                            <$variant as $crate::extensions::GenericLibfunc>::specialize_signature(
660                                value, context, args,
661                            )
662                        }
663                    ),*
664                }
665            }
666            fn specialize(
667                    &self,
668                    context: &dyn $crate::extensions::lib_func::SpecializationContext,
669                    args: &[$crate::program::GenericArg],
670            ) -> Result<Self::Concrete, $crate::extensions::SpecializationError>{
671                match self {
672                    $(
673                        Self::$variant_name(value) => {
674                            Ok(Self::Concrete::$variant_name(
675                                <$variant as $crate::extensions::GenericLibfunc>::specialize(
676                                    value, context, args,
677                                )?
678                                .into(),
679                            ))
680                        }
681                    ),*
682                }
683            }
684        }
686        $crate::define_concrete_libfunc_hierarchy! {
687            pub enum $concrete_name $(<
688                $generic_arg : $generic_arg_first_req $(+ $generic_arg_other_reqs)*
689            >)? {
690                $($variant_name (<$variant as $crate::extensions::GenericLibfunc> ::Concrete),)*
691            }
692        }
693    }