
Module ec



  • Libfunc for creating an EC point from its coordinates x and y. If (x, y) is not on the curve, nothing is returned.
  • Libfunc for checking whether the given EcPoint is the zero point.
  • Libfunc for unwrapping the x,y values of an EC point.
  • Libfunc for creating an EC point from its x coordinate. If there exists y such that (x, y) is on the curve, either (x, y) or (x, -y) (both constitute valid points on the curve) is returned. Otherwise, nothing is returned.
  • An EC point is a pair (x,y) on the curve.
  • Libfunc for initializing an EC state from an EC point.
  • Libfunc for applying the EC op builtin: given an EC state S, a scalar M and an EC point Q, computes a new EC state S + M * Q.
  • Libfunc for initializing an EC state from an EC point.
  • Libfunc for initializing an EC state from an EC point.
  • An EC state is an EC point and a pointer to a random EC point shift.
  • Libfunc for unwrapping the x,y values of an EC point.
  • Libfunc for returning the zero point (the point at infinity).
