- Bounded
IntAdd Libfunc - Libfunc for adding two BoundedInts. The result is a BoundedInt.
- Bounded
IntConcrete Type - Bounded
IntConstrain Concrete Libfunc - Bounded
IntConstrain Libfunc - Libfunc for constraining a BoundedInt<Min, Max> to one of two non-empty ranges: [Min, Boundary) or [Boundary, Max]. The libfunc is also applicable for standard types such as u* and i*.
- Bounded
IntDiv RemConcrete Libfunc - Bounded
IntDiv RemLibfunc - Libfunc for dividing two non negative BoundedInts and getting the quotient and remainder.
- Bounded
IntIs Zero Libfunc - Libfunc for checking whether the given bounded int is zero or not, and returning a non-zero wrapped value in case of success.
- Bounded
IntMul Libfunc - Libfunc for multiplying two BoundedInts. The result is a BoundedInt.
- Bounded
IntSub Libfunc - Libfunc for subtracting two BoundedInts. The result is a BoundedInt.
- Bounded
IntTrim Concrete Libfunc - Bounded
IntTrim Libfunc - Libfunc for trimming a BoundedInt<Min, Max> by removing
from the range. The libfunc is also applicable for standard types such as u* and i*. - Bounded
IntType - Type for BoundedInt. The native type of the Cairo architecture.
- Bounded
IntWrap NonZero Libfunc - Libfunc for wrapping a given bounded int with non-zero, given 0 is not in the range.
- Bounded
IntConcrete Libfunc - Bounded
IntDiv RemAlgorithm - The algorithm to use for division and remainder of bounded integers.
- Bounded
- bounded_
int_ ty - Returns the concrete type for a BoundedInt<min, max>.