Module consts Copy item path Source ALLOW_ATTR An attribute to allow code that would normally result in a warning. ALLOW_ATTR_ATTR An attribute to allow additional attributes on an item. DEPRECATED_ATTR An attribute to define an item as deprecated. Usage of these items will result in a warning,
unless the using crate is marked with their feature active. FEATURE_ATTR An attribute to allow usage of a feature under a statement. FMT_SKIP_ATTR An attribute that can be used to make the formatter ignore the formatting of a statement or an
item, and keep the user defined formatting. IMPLICIT_PRECEDENCE_ATTR An attribute to define the order of implicit arguments. INLINE_ATTR An attribute to mark a function as a function that should be inlined. INTERNAL_ATTR An attribute to define an item as internal. Usage of these items will result in an error, unless
the usage is marked with their feature active. MUST_USE_ATTR An attribute to define a type as a type that must be used, or a function as a function that its
return value must be used. PHANTOM_ATTR An attribute to define a type as a phantom type, phantom types cannot be created at run time and
are typically used for meta-programming. STARKNET_INTERFACE_ATTR An attribute for the declaration of a starknet interface. UNSTABLE_ATTR An attribute to define an item as unstable. Usage of these items will result in a warning,
unless the using crate is marked with their feature active.