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//! A feedback-vertex-set is a set of vertices whose removal leaves a graph without cycles
//! (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback_vertex_set>).
//! We use this algorithm to spot the relevant places for adding `withdraw_gas` statements in the
//! resulting Sierra code - there should be a `withdraw_gas` call in every recursive call, or in
//! other words, in any cycle in the function call graph.
//! An efficient algorithm to find the minimum feedback-vertex-set in a directed graph is not known,
//! so here we implement some straight-forward algorithm that guarantees to cover all the cycles in
//! the graph, but doesn't necessarily produce the minimum size of such a set.
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use super::graph_node::GraphNode;
use super::scc_graph_node::SccGraphNode;
use super::strongly_connected_components::ComputeScc;
use crate::ordered_hash_set::OrderedHashSet;
use crate::unordered_hash_set::UnorderedHashSet;
#[path = "feedback_set_test.rs"]
mod feedback_set_test;
/// Context for the feedback-set algorithm.
struct FeedbackSetAlgoContext<Node: ComputeScc> {
/// Nodes that were discovered as reachable from the current run, but possibly were not yet
/// visited.
/// Note that nodes added here may be visited otherwise, as they could be a part of a cycle, as
/// well as appear more than once in this queue, so we keep a separate account of visited
/// nodes.
pending: VecDeque<SccGraphNode<Node>>,
/// The accumulated feedback set so far in the process of the algorithm. In the end of the
/// algorithm, this is also the result.
feedback_set: OrderedHashSet<Node::NodeId>,
/// Nodes that are currently during the recursion call on them. That is - if one of these is
/// reached, it indicates it's in some cycle that was not "resolved" yet.
in_flight: UnorderedHashSet<Node::NodeId>,
/// Already visited nodes in the current run.
visited: UnorderedHashSet<Node::NodeId>,
/// Calculates the feedback set of an SCC.
pub fn calc_feedback_set<Node: ComputeScc>(
node: SccGraphNode<Node>,
) -> OrderedHashSet<Node::NodeId> {
let mut ctx = FeedbackSetAlgoContext {
feedback_set: OrderedHashSet::default(),
in_flight: UnorderedHashSet::default(),
pending: VecDeque::new(),
visited: UnorderedHashSet::default(),
while let Some(node) = ctx.pending.pop_front() {
calc_feedback_set_recursive(node, &mut ctx);
fn calc_feedback_set_recursive<Node: ComputeScc>(
node: SccGraphNode<Node>,
ctx: &mut FeedbackSetAlgoContext<Node>,
) {
let cur_node_id = node.get_id();
if !ctx.visited.insert(cur_node_id.clone()) {
let neighbors = node.get_neighbors();
let has_self_loop = neighbors.iter().any(|neighbor| neighbor.get_id() == cur_node_id);
let mut remaining_neighbors = neighbors.into_iter();
if has_self_loop {
// If there is a self-loop, we prefer to add the current node to the feedback set as it must
// be there eventually. This may result in smaller feedback sets in many cases.
} else {
for neighbor in remaining_neighbors.by_ref() {
let neighbor_id = neighbor.get_id();
if ctx.feedback_set.contains(&neighbor_id) {
} else if ctx.in_flight.contains(&neighbor_id) {
} else {
calc_feedback_set_recursive(neighbor, ctx);
// `node` might have been added to the fset during this iteration of the loop. If so, no
// need to continue this loop.
if ctx.feedback_set.contains(&cur_node_id) {
ctx.pending.extend(remaining_neighbors.filter(|node| !ctx.visited.contains(&node.get_id())));