pub const ADD_SEGMENT: &str = "memory[ap] = segments.add()";
pub const VM_ENTER_SCOPE: &str = "vm_enter_scope()";
pub const VM_EXIT_SCOPE: &str = "vm_exit_scope()";
pub const MEMCPY_ENTER_SCOPE: &str = "vm_enter_scope({'n': ids.len})";
pub const MEMCPY_CONTINUE_COPYING: &str = r#"n -= 1
ids.continue_copying = 1 if n > 0 else 0"#;
pub const MEMSET_ENTER_SCOPE: &str = "vm_enter_scope({'n': ids.n})";
pub const MEMSET_CONTINUE_LOOP: &str = r#"n -= 1
ids.continue_loop = 1 if n > 0 else 0"#;
pub const POW: &str = "ids.locs.bit = (ids.prev_locs.exp % PRIME) & 1";
pub const IS_NN: &str = "memory[ap] = 0 if 0 <= (ids.a % PRIME) < range_check_builtin.bound else 1";
pub const IS_NN_OUT_OF_RANGE: &str =
"memory[ap] = 0 if 0 <= ((-ids.a - 1) % PRIME) < range_check_builtin.bound else 1";
pub const IS_LE_FELT: &str = "memory[ap] = 0 if (ids.a % PRIME) <= (ids.b % PRIME) else 1";
pub const IS_POSITIVE: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import is_positive
ids.is_positive = 1 if is_positive(
value=ids.value, prime=PRIME, rc_bound=range_check_builtin.bound) else 0"#;
pub const ASSERT_NN: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert 0 <= ids.a % PRIME < range_check_builtin.bound, f'a = {ids.a} is out of range.'"#;
pub const ASSERT_NOT_ZERO: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert ids.value % PRIME != 0, f'assert_not_zero failed: {ids.value} = 0.'"#;
pub const ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.lang.vm.relocatable import RelocatableValue
both_ints = isinstance(ids.a, int) and isinstance(ids.b, int)
both_relocatable = (
isinstance(ids.a, RelocatableValue) and isinstance(ids.b, RelocatableValue) and
ids.a.segment_index == ids.b.segment_index)
assert both_ints or both_relocatable, \
f'assert_not_equal failed: non-comparable values: {ids.a}, {ids.b}.'
assert (ids.a - ids.b) % PRIME != 0, f'assert_not_equal failed: {ids.a} = {ids.b}.'"#;
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT: &str = r#"import itertools
from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
a = ids.a % PRIME
b = ids.b % PRIME
assert a <= b, f'a = {a} is not less than or equal to b = {b}.'
# Find an arc less than PRIME / 3, and another less than PRIME / 2.
lengths_and_indices = [(a, 0), (b - a, 1), (PRIME - 1 - b, 2)]
assert lengths_and_indices[0][0] <= PRIME // 3 and lengths_and_indices[1][0] <= PRIME // 2
excluded = lengths_and_indices[2][1]
memory[ids.range_check_ptr + 1], memory[ids.range_check_ptr + 0] = (
divmod(lengths_and_indices[0][0], ids.PRIME_OVER_3_HIGH))
memory[ids.range_check_ptr + 3], memory[ids.range_check_ptr + 2] = (
divmod(lengths_and_indices[1][0], ids.PRIME_OVER_2_HIGH))"#;
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT_V_0_6: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert (ids.a % PRIME) <= (ids.b % PRIME), \\
f'a = {ids.a % PRIME} is not less than or equal to b = {ids.b % PRIME}.'";
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT_V_0_8: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
a = ids.a % PRIME
b = ids.b % PRIME
assert a <= b, f'a = {a} is not less than or equal to b = {b}.'
ids.small_inputs = int(
a < range_check_builtin.bound and (b - a) < range_check_builtin.bound)";
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT_EXCLUDED_0: &str = "memory[ap] = 1 if excluded != 0 else 0";
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT_EXCLUDED_1: &str = "memory[ap] = 1 if excluded != 1 else 0";
pub const ASSERT_LE_FELT_EXCLUDED_2: &str = "assert excluded == 2";
pub const ASSERT_LT_FELT: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert (ids.a % PRIME) < (ids.b % PRIME), \
f'a = {ids.a % PRIME} is not less than b = {ids.b % PRIME}.'"#;
pub const SPLIT_INT_ASSERT_RANGE: &str =
"assert ids.value == 0, 'split_int(): value is out of range.'";
pub const ASSERT_250_BITS: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int
# Correctness check.
value = as_int(ids.value, PRIME) % PRIME
assert value < ids.UPPER_BOUND, f'{value} is outside of the range [0, 2**250).'
# Calculation for the assertion.
ids.high, ids.low = divmod(ids.value, ids.SHIFT)"#;
pub const IS_250_BITS: &str = r#"ids.is_250 = 1 if ids.addr < 2**250 else 0"#;
pub const IS_ADDR_BOUNDED: &str = r#"# Verify the assumptions on the relationship between 2**250, ADDR_BOUND and PRIME.
assert (2**250 < ADDR_BOUND <= 2**251) and (2 * 2**250 < PRIME) and (
'normalize_address() cannot be used with the current constants.'
ids.is_small = 1 if ids.addr < ADDR_BOUND else 0"#;
pub const SPLIT_INT: &str = r#"memory[ids.output] = res = (int(ids.value) % PRIME) % ids.base
assert res < ids.bound, f'split_int(): Limb {res} is out of range.'"#;
pub const SPLIT_64: &str = r#"ids.low = ids.a & ((1<<64) - 1)
ids.high = ids.a >> 64"#;
pub const SPLIT_FELT: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert ids.MAX_HIGH < 2**128 and ids.MAX_LOW < 2**128
assert PRIME - 1 == ids.MAX_HIGH * 2**128 + ids.MAX_LOW
ids.low = ids.value & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.high = ids.value >> 128"#;
pub const SQRT: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import isqrt
value = ids.value % PRIME
assert value < 2 ** 250, f"value={value} is outside of the range [0, 2**250)."
assert 2 ** 250 < PRIME
ids.root = isqrt(value)"#;
pub const UNSIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer
assert 0 < ids.div <= PRIME // range_check_builtin.bound, \
f'div={hex(ids.div)} is out of the valid range.'
ids.q, ids.r = divmod(ids.value, ids.div)"#;
pub const SIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int, assert_integer
assert 0 < ids.div <= PRIME // range_check_builtin.bound, \
f'div={hex(ids.div)} is out of the valid range.'
assert ids.bound <= range_check_builtin.bound // 2, \
f'bound={hex(ids.bound)} is out of the valid range.'
int_value = as_int(ids.value, PRIME)
q, ids.r = divmod(int_value, ids.div)
assert -ids.bound <= q < ids.bound, \
f'{int_value} / {ids.div} = {q} is out of the range [{-ids.bound}, {ids.bound}).'
ids.biased_q = q + ids.bound"#;
pub const IS_QUAD_RESIDUE: &str = r#"from starkware.crypto.signature.signature import FIELD_PRIME
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, is_quad_residue, sqrt
x = ids.x
if is_quad_residue(x, FIELD_PRIME):
ids.y = sqrt(x, FIELD_PRIME)
ids.y = sqrt(div_mod(x, 3, FIELD_PRIME), FIELD_PRIME)"#;
pub const FIND_ELEMENT: &str = r#"array_ptr = ids.array_ptr
elm_size = ids.elm_size
assert isinstance(elm_size, int) and elm_size > 0, \
f'Invalid value for elm_size. Got: {elm_size}.'
key = ids.key
if '__find_element_index' in globals():
ids.index = __find_element_index
found_key = memory[array_ptr + elm_size * __find_element_index]
assert found_key == key, \
f'Invalid index found in __find_element_index. index: {__find_element_index}, ' \
f'expected key {key}, found key: {found_key}.'
# Delete __find_element_index to make sure it's not used for the next calls.
del __find_element_index
n_elms = ids.n_elms
assert isinstance(n_elms, int) and n_elms >= 0, \
f'Invalid value for n_elms. Got: {n_elms}.'
if '__find_element_max_size' in globals():
assert n_elms <= __find_element_max_size, \
f'find_element() can only be used with n_elms<={__find_element_max_size}. ' \
f'Got: n_elms={n_elms}.'
for i in range(n_elms):
if memory[array_ptr + elm_size * i] == key:
ids.index = i
raise ValueError(f'Key {key} was not found.')"#;
pub const SEARCH_SORTED_LOWER: &str = r#"array_ptr = ids.array_ptr
elm_size = ids.elm_size
assert isinstance(elm_size, int) and elm_size > 0, \
f'Invalid value for elm_size. Got: {elm_size}.'
n_elms = ids.n_elms
assert isinstance(n_elms, int) and n_elms >= 0, \
f'Invalid value for n_elms. Got: {n_elms}.'
if '__find_element_max_size' in globals():
assert n_elms <= __find_element_max_size, \
f'find_element() can only be used with n_elms<={__find_element_max_size}. ' \
f'Got: n_elms={n_elms}.'
for i in range(n_elms):
if memory[array_ptr + elm_size * i] >= ids.key:
ids.index = i
ids.index = n_elms"#;
pub const SET_ADD: &str = r#"assert ids.elm_size > 0
assert ids.set_ptr <= ids.set_end_ptr
elm_list = memory.get_range(ids.elm_ptr, ids.elm_size)
for i in range(0, ids.set_end_ptr - ids.set_ptr, ids.elm_size):
if memory.get_range(ids.set_ptr + i, ids.elm_size) == elm_list:
ids.index = i // ids.elm_size
ids.is_elm_in_set = 1
ids.is_elm_in_set = 0"#;
pub const DEFAULT_DICT_NEW: &str = r#"if '__dict_manager' not in globals():
from starkware.cairo.common.dict import DictManager
__dict_manager = DictManager()
memory[ap] = __dict_manager.new_default_dict(segments, ids.default_value)"#;
pub const DICT_NEW: &str = r#"if '__dict_manager' not in globals():
from starkware.cairo.common.dict import DictManager
__dict_manager = DictManager()
memory[ap] = __dict_manager.new_dict(segments, initial_dict)
del initial_dict"#;
pub const DICT_READ: &str = r#"dict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(ids.dict_ptr)
dict_tracker.current_ptr += ids.DictAccess.SIZE
ids.value =[ids.key]"#;
pub const DICT_WRITE: &str = r#"dict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(ids.dict_ptr)
dict_tracker.current_ptr += ids.DictAccess.SIZE
ids.dict_ptr.prev_value =[ids.key][ids.key] = ids.new_value"#;
pub const DICT_UPDATE: &str = r#"# Verify dict pointer and prev value.
dict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(ids.dict_ptr)
current_value =[ids.key]
assert current_value == ids.prev_value, \
f'Wrong previous value in dict. Got {ids.prev_value}, expected {current_value}.'
# Update value.[ids.key] = ids.new_value
dict_tracker.current_ptr += ids.DictAccess.SIZE"#;
pub const SQUASH_DICT: &str = r#"dict_access_size = ids.DictAccess.SIZE
address = ids.dict_accesses.address_
assert ids.ptr_diff % dict_access_size == 0, \
'Accesses array size must be divisible by DictAccess.SIZE'
n_accesses = ids.n_accesses
if '__squash_dict_max_size' in globals():
assert n_accesses <= __squash_dict_max_size, \
f'squash_dict() can only be used with n_accesses<={__squash_dict_max_size}. ' \
f'Got: n_accesses={n_accesses}.'
# A map from key to the list of indices accessing it.
access_indices = {}
for i in range(n_accesses):
key = memory[address + dict_access_size * i]
access_indices.setdefault(key, []).append(i)
# Descending list of keys.
keys = sorted(access_indices.keys(), reverse=True)
# Are the keys used bigger than range_check bound.
ids.big_keys = 1 if keys[0] >= range_check_builtin.bound else 0
ids.first_key = key = keys.pop()"#;
"ids.should_skip_loop = 0 if current_access_indices else 1";
pub const SQUASH_DICT_INNER_FIRST_ITERATION: &str = r#"current_access_indices = sorted(access_indices[key])[::-1]
current_access_index = current_access_indices.pop()
memory[ids.range_check_ptr] = current_access_index"#;
pub const SQUASH_DICT_INNER_CHECK_ACCESS_INDEX: &str = r#"new_access_index = current_access_indices.pop()
ids.loop_temps.index_delta_minus1 = new_access_index - current_access_index - 1
current_access_index = new_access_index"#;
"ids.loop_temps.should_continue = 1 if current_access_indices else 0";
pub const SQUASH_DICT_INNER_ASSERT_LEN_KEYS: &str = "assert len(keys) == 0";
pub const SQUASH_DICT_INNER_LEN_ASSERT: &str = "assert len(current_access_indices) == 0";
"assert ids.n_used_accesses == len(access_indices[key])";
pub const SQUASH_DICT_INNER_NEXT_KEY: &str = r#"assert len(keys) > 0, 'No keys left but remaining_accesses > 0.'
ids.next_key = key = keys.pop()"#;
pub const DICT_SQUASH_COPY_DICT: &str = r#"# Prepare arguments for dict_new. In particular, the same dictionary values should be copied
# to the new (squashed) dictionary.
# Make __dict_manager accessible.
'__dict_manager': __dict_manager,
# Create a copy of the dict, in case it changes in the future.
'initial_dict': dict(__dict_manager.get_dict(ids.dict_accesses_end)),
pub const DICT_SQUASH_UPDATE_PTR: &str = r#"# Update the DictTracker's current_ptr to point to the end of the squashed dict.
__dict_manager.get_tracker(ids.squashed_dict_start).current_ptr = \
pub const BIGINT_TO_UINT256: &str = "ids.low = (ids.x.d0 + ids.x.d1 * ids.BASE) & ((1 << 128) - 1)";
pub const UINT256_ADD: &str = r#"sum_low = ids.a.low + ids.b.low
ids.carry_low = 1 if sum_low >= ids.SHIFT else 0
sum_high = ids.a.high + ids.b.high + ids.carry_low
ids.carry_high = 1 if sum_high >= ids.SHIFT else 0"#;
pub const UINT256_ADD_LOW: &str = r#"sum_low = ids.a.low + ids.b.low
ids.carry_low = 1 if sum_low >= ids.SHIFT else 0"#;
pub const UINT128_ADD: &str = r#"res = ids.a + ids.b
ids.carry = 1 if res >= ids.SHIFT else 0"#;
pub const UINT256_SUB: &str = r#"def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int = 128, length: int = 2):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int = 128) -> int:
limbs = (z.low, z.high)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a)
b = pack(ids.b)
res = (a - b)%2**256
res_split = split(res)
ids.res.low = res_split[0]
ids.res.high = res_split[1]"#;
pub const UINT256_SQRT: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import isqrt
n = (ids.n.high << 128) + ids.n.low
root = isqrt(n)
assert 0 <= root < 2 ** 128
ids.root.low = root
ids.root.high = 0"#;
pub const UINT256_SQRT_FELT: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import isqrt
n = (ids.n.high << 128) + ids.n.low
root = isqrt(n)
assert 0 <= root < 2 ** 128
ids.root = root"#;
pub const UINT256_SIGNED_NN: &str = "memory[ap] = 1 if 0 <= (ids.a.high % PRIME) < 2 ** 127 else 0";
pub const UINT256_UNSIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = r#"a = (ids.a.high << 128) + ids.a.low
div = (ids.div.high << 128) + ids.div.low
quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
ids.quotient.low = quotient & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.quotient.high = quotient >> 128
ids.remainder.low = remainder & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.remainder.high = remainder >> 128"#;
pub const UINT256_EXPANDED_UNSIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = r#"a = (ids.a.high << 128) + ids.a.low
div = (ids.div.b23 << 128) + ids.div.b01
quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
ids.quotient.low = quotient & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.quotient.high = quotient >> 128
ids.remainder.low = remainder & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.remainder.high = remainder >> 128"#;
pub const UINT256_MUL_DIV_MOD: &str = r#"a = (ids.a.high << 128) + ids.a.low
b = (ids.b.high << 128) + ids.b.low
div = (ids.div.high << 128) + ids.div.low
quotient, remainder = divmod(a * b, div)
ids.quotient_low.low = quotient & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.quotient_low.high = (quotient >> 128) & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.quotient_high.low = (quotient >> 256) & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.quotient_high.high = quotient >> 384
ids.remainder.low = remainder & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.remainder.high = remainder >> 128"#;
pub const USORT_ENTER_SCOPE: &str =
"vm_enter_scope(dict(__usort_max_size = globals().get('__usort_max_size')))";
pub const USORT_BODY: &str = r#"from collections import defaultdict
input_ptr = ids.input
input_len = int(ids.input_len)
if __usort_max_size is not None:
assert input_len <= __usort_max_size, (
f"usort() can only be used with input_len<={__usort_max_size}. "
f"Got: input_len={input_len}."
positions_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(input_len):
val = memory[input_ptr + i]
output = sorted(positions_dict.keys())
ids.output_len = len(output)
ids.output = segments.gen_arg(output)
ids.multiplicities = segments.gen_arg([len(positions_dict[k]) for k in output])"#;
pub const USORT_VERIFY: &str = r#"last_pos = 0
positions = positions_dict[ids.value][::-1]"#;
pub const USORT_VERIFY_MULTIPLICITY_ASSERT: &str = "assert len(positions) == 0";
pub const USORT_VERIFY_MULTIPLICITY_BODY: &str = r#"current_pos = positions.pop()
ids.next_item_index = current_pos - last_pos
last_pos = current_pos + 1"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_COMPUTE: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import compute_blake2s_func
compute_blake2s_func(segments=segments, output_ptr=ids.output)"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_FINALIZE: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import IV, blake2s_compress
_n_packed_instances = int(ids.N_PACKED_INSTANCES)
assert 0 <= _n_packed_instances < 20
_blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.INPUT_BLOCK_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
message = [0] * _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts
modified_iv = [IV[0] ^ 0x01010020] + IV[1:]
output = blake2s_compress(
padding = (modified_iv + message + [0, 0xffffffff] + output) * (_n_packed_instances - 1)
segments.write_arg(ids.blake2s_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_FINALIZE_V2: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import IV, blake2s_compress
_n_packed_instances = int(ids.N_PACKED_INSTANCES)
assert 0 <= _n_packed_instances < 20
_blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.BLAKE2S_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
message = [0] * _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts
modified_iv = [IV[0] ^ 0x01010020] + IV[1:]
output = blake2s_compress(
padding = (modified_iv + message + [0, 0xffffffff] + output) * (_n_packed_instances - 1)
segments.write_arg(ids.blake2s_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_FINALIZE_V3: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import IV, blake2s_compress
_n_packed_instances = int(ids.N_PACKED_INSTANCES)
assert 0 <= _n_packed_instances < 20
_blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.BLAKE2S_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
message = [0] * _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts
modified_iv = [IV[0] ^ 0x01010020] + IV[1:]
output = blake2s_compress(
padding = (message + modified_iv + [0, 0xffffffff] + output) * (_n_packed_instances - 1)
segments.write_arg(ids.blake2s_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_ADD_UINT256: &str = r#"B = 32
MASK = 2 ** 32 - 1
segments.write_arg(, [(ids.low >> (B * i)) & MASK for i in range(4)])
segments.write_arg( + 4, [(ids.high >> (B * i)) & MASK for i in range(4)])"#;
pub const BLAKE2S_ADD_UINT256_BIGEND: &str = r#"B = 32
MASK = 2 ** 32 - 1
segments.write_arg(, [(ids.high >> (B * (3 - i))) & MASK for i in range(4)])
segments.write_arg( + 4, [(ids.low >> (B * (3 - i))) & MASK for i in range(4)])"#;
pub const EXAMPLE_BLAKE2S_COMPRESS: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import IV, blake2s_compress
_blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.BLAKE2S_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
new_state = blake2s_compress(
message=memory.get_range(ids.blake2s_start, _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts),
h=[IV[0] ^ 0x01010020] + IV[1:],
segments.write_arg(ids.output, new_state)"#;
pub const NONDET_BIGINT3_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import split
segments.write_arg(ids.res.address_, split(value))"#;
pub const NONDET_BIGINT3_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import split
segments.write_arg(ids.res.address_, split(value))"#;
pub const VERIFY_ZERO_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
ids.q = q % PRIME"#;
pub const VERIFY_ZERO_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P
q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
ids.q = q % PRIME"#;
pub const VERIFY_ZERO_V3: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
to_assert = pack(ids.val, PRIME)
q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
ids.q = q % PRIME"#;
pub const VERIFY_ZERO_EXTERNAL_SECP: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
ids.q = q % PRIME"#;
pub const REDUCE_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
value = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const REDUCE_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
value = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const REDUCE_ED25519: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
value = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const UNSAFE_KECCAK: &str = r#"from import keccak
data, length =, ids.length
if '__keccak_max_size' in globals():
assert length <= __keccak_max_size, \
f'unsafe_keccak() can only be used with length<={__keccak_max_size}. ' \
f'Got: length={length}.'
keccak_input = bytearray()
for word_i, byte_i in enumerate(range(0, length, 16)):
word = memory[data + word_i]
n_bytes = min(16, length - byte_i)
assert 0 <= word < 2 ** (8 * n_bytes)
keccak_input += word.to_bytes(n_bytes, 'big')
hashed = keccak(keccak_input)
ids.high = int.from_bytes(hashed[:16], 'big')
ids.low = int.from_bytes(hashed[16:32], 'big')"#;
pub const UNSAFE_KECCAK_FINALIZE: &str = r#"from import keccak
keccak_input = bytearray()
n_elms = ids.keccak_state.end_ptr - ids.keccak_state.start_ptr
for word in memory.get_range(ids.keccak_state.start_ptr, n_elms):
keccak_input += word.to_bytes(16, 'big')
hashed = keccak(keccak_input)
ids.high = int.from_bytes(hashed[:16], 'big')
ids.low = int.from_bytes(hashed[16:32], 'big')"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_NONDET: &str = "memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(x == 0)";
pub const IS_ZERO_INT: &str = "memory[ap] = int(x == 0)";
pub const IS_ZERO_PACK_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_PACK_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_PACK_EXTERNAL_SECP_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_PACK_EXTERNAL_SECP_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_PACK_ED25519: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_ASSIGN_SCOPE_VARS: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
value = x_inv = div_mod(1, x, SECP_P)"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_ASSIGN_SCOPE_VARS_EXTERNAL_SECP: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
value = x_inv = div_mod(1, x, SECP_P)"#;
pub const IS_ZERO_ASSIGN_SCOPE_VARS_ED25519: &str = r#"SECP_P=2**255-19
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
value = x_inv = div_mod(1, x, SECP_P)"#;
pub const DIV_MOD_N_PACKED_DIVMOD_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import N, pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
a = pack(ids.a, PRIME)
b = pack(ids.b, PRIME)
value = res = div_mod(a, b, N)"#;
pub const DIV_MOD_N_PACKED_DIVMOD_EXTERNAL_N: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
a = pack(ids.a, PRIME)
b = pack(ids.b, PRIME)
value = res = div_mod(a, b, N)"#;
pub const DIV_MOD_N_SAFE_DIV: &str = r#"value = k = safe_div(res * b - a, N)"#;
pub const GET_FELT_BIT_LENGTH: &str = r#"x = ids.x
ids.bit_length = x.bit_length()"#;
pub const BIGINT_PACK_DIV_MOD: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
p = pack(ids.P, PRIME)
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) + as_int(ids.x.d3, PRIME) * ids.BASE ** 3 + as_int(ids.x.d4, PRIME) * ids.BASE ** 4
y = pack(ids.y, PRIME)
value = res = div_mod(x, y, p)"#;
pub const BIGINT_SAFE_DIV: &str = r#"k = safe_div(res * y - x, p)
value = k if k > 0 else 0 - k
ids.flag = 1 if k > 0 else 0"#;
pub const DIV_MOD_N_SAFE_DIV_PLUS_ONE: &str =
r#"value = k_plus_one = safe_div(res * b - a, N) + 1"#;
pub const GET_POINT_FROM_X: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
x_cube_int = pack(ids.x_cube, PRIME) % SECP_P
y_square_int = (x_cube_int + ids.BETA) % SECP_P
y = pow(y_square_int, (SECP_P + 1) // 4, SECP_P)
# We need to decide whether to take y or SECP_P - y.
if ids.v % 2 == y % 2:
value = y
value = (-y) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_NEGATE: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME) % SECP_P
# The modulo operation in python always returns a nonnegative number.
value = (-y) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_NEGATE_EMBEDDED_SECP: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME) % SECP_P
# The modulo operation in python always returns a nonnegative number.
value = (-y) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_SLOPE_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import ec_double_slope
# Compute the slope.
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = slope = ec_double_slope(point=(x, y), alpha=0, p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_SLOPE_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import ec_double_slope
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
# Compute the slope.
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = slope = ec_double_slope(point=(x, y), alpha=42204101795669822316448953119945047945709099015225996174933988943478124189485, p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_SLOPE_V3: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
# Compute the slope.
x = pack(, PRIME)
y = pack(, PRIME)
value = slope = div_mod(3 * x ** 2, 2 * y, SECP_P)"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_SLOPE_V4: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp256r1_utils import SECP256R1_ALPHA, SECP256R1_P
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import ec_double_slope
# Compute the slope.
x = pack(ids.point.x, SECP256R1_P)
y = pack(ids.point.y, SECP256R1_P)
value = slope = ec_double_slope(point=(x, y), alpha=SECP256R1_ALPHA, p=SECP256R1_P)"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_SLOPE_EXTERNAL_CONSTS: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import ec_double_slope
# Compute the slope.
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = slope = ec_double_slope(point=(x, y), alpha=ALPHA, p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const COMPUTE_SLOPE_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import line_slope
# Compute the slope.
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y1 = pack(ids.point1.y, PRIME)
value = slope = line_slope(point1=(x0, y0), point2=(x1, y1), p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const COMPUTE_SLOPE_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import line_slope
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
# Compute the slope.
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y1 = pack(ids.point1.y, PRIME)
value = slope = line_slope(point1=(x0, y0), point2=(x1, y1), p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const COMPUTE_SLOPE_SECP256R1_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import line_slope
# Compute the slope.
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y1 = pack(ids.point1.y, PRIME)
value = slope = line_slope(point1=(x0, y0), point2=(x1, y1), p=SECP_P)"#;
pub const COMPUTE_SLOPE_SECP256R1_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp256r1_utils import SECP256R1_P
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import line_slope
# Compute the slope.
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y1 = pack(ids.point1.y, PRIME)
value = slope = line_slope(point1=(x0, y0), point2=(x1, y1), p=SECP256R1_P)"#;
pub const IMPORT_SECP256R1_P: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp256r1_utils import SECP256R1_P as SECP_P";
pub const COMPUTE_SLOPE_WHITELIST: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
# Compute the slope.
x0 = pack(ids.pt0.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.pt0.y, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.pt1.x, PRIME)
y1 = pack(ids.pt1.y, PRIME)
value = slope = div_mod(y0 - y1, x0 - x1, SECP_P)"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V3: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V4: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x = pack(, PRIME)
y = pack(, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_Y: &str = r#"value = new_y = (slope * (x - new_x) - y) % SECP_P"#;
pub const SHA256_INPUT: &str = r#"ids.full_word = int(ids.n_bytes >= 4)"#;
pub const SHA256_MAIN_CONSTANT_INPUT_LENGTH: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_sha256.sha256_utils import (
IV, compute_message_schedule, sha2_compress_function)
_sha256_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
w = compute_message_schedule(memory.get_range(
ids.sha256_start, _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts))
new_state = sha2_compress_function(IV, w)
segments.write_arg(ids.output, new_state)"#;
pub const SHA256_MAIN_ARBITRARY_INPUT_LENGTH: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_sha256.sha256_utils import (
compute_message_schedule, sha2_compress_function)
_sha256_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
_sha256_state_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _sha256_state_size_felts < 100
w = compute_message_schedule(memory.get_range(
ids.sha256_start, _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts))
new_state = sha2_compress_function(memory.get_range(ids.state, _sha256_state_size_felts), w)
segments.write_arg(ids.output, new_state)"#;
pub const SHA256_FINALIZE: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_sha256.sha256_utils import (
IV, compute_message_schedule, sha2_compress_function)
_block_size = int(ids.BLOCK_SIZE)
assert 0 <= _block_size < 20
_sha256_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
message = [0] * _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts
w = compute_message_schedule(message)
output = sha2_compress_function(IV, w)
padding = (message + IV + output) * (_block_size - 1)
segments.write_arg(ids.sha256_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const KECCAK_WRITE_ARGS: &str = r#"segments.write_arg(ids.inputs, [ids.low % 2 ** 64, ids.low // 2 ** 64])
segments.write_arg(ids.inputs + 2, [ids.high % 2 ** 64, ids.high // 2 ** 64])"#;
r#"memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.n_bytes < ids.BYTES_IN_WORD)"#;
r#"memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.n_bytes >= ids.KECCAK_FULL_RATE_IN_BYTES)"#;
pub const BLOCK_PERMUTATION: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.keccak_utils.keccak_utils import keccak_func
_keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
output_values = keccak_func(memory.get_range(
ids.keccak_ptr - _keccak_state_size_felts, _keccak_state_size_felts))
segments.write_arg(ids.keccak_ptr, output_values)"#;
pub const BLOCK_PERMUTATION_WHITELIST_V1: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_keccak.keccak_utils import keccak_func
_keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
output_values = keccak_func(memory.get_range(
ids.keccak_ptr - _keccak_state_size_felts, _keccak_state_size_felts))
segments.write_arg(ids.keccak_ptr, output_values)"#;
pub const BLOCK_PERMUTATION_WHITELIST_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_keccak.keccak_utils import keccak_func
_keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
output_values = keccak_func(memory.get_range(
ids.keccak_ptr_start, _keccak_state_size_felts))
segments.write_arg(ids.output, output_values)"#;
pub const CAIRO_KECCAK_INPUT_IS_FULL_WORD: &str = r#"ids.full_word = int(ids.n_bytes >= 8)"#;
pub const CAIRO_KECCAK_FINALIZE_V1: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
_keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
_block_size = int(ids.BLOCK_SIZE)
assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
assert 0 <= _block_size < 10
inp = [0] * _keccak_state_size_felts
padding = (inp + keccak_func(inp)) * _block_size
segments.write_arg(ids.keccak_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const CAIRO_KECCAK_FINALIZE_V2: &str = r#"# Add dummy pairs of input and output.
_keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
_block_size = int(ids.BLOCK_SIZE)
assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
assert 0 <= _block_size < 1000
inp = [0] * _keccak_state_size_felts
padding = (inp + keccak_func(inp)) * _block_size
segments.write_arg(ids.keccak_ptr_end, padding)"#;
pub const FAST_EC_ADD_ASSIGN_NEW_X: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P"#;
pub const FAST_EC_ADD_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V2: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
SECP_P = 2**255-19
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P"#;
pub const FAST_EC_ADD_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V3: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x0 = pack(ids.pt0.x, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.pt1.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.pt0.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P"#;
pub const FAST_EC_ADD_ASSIGN_NEW_Y: &str =
r#"value = new_y = (slope * (x0 - new_x) - y0) % SECP_P"#;
pub const EC_MUL_INNER: &str = r#"memory[ap] = (ids.scalar % PRIME) % 2"#;
pub const RELOCATE_SEGMENT: &str =
r#"memory.add_relocation_rule(src_ptr=ids.src_ptr, dest_ptr=ids.dest_ptr)"#;
pub const TEMPORARY_ARRAY: &str = r#"ids.temporary_array = segments.add_temp_segment()"#;
pub const VERIFY_ECDSA_SIGNATURE: &str =
r#"ecdsa_builtin.add_signature(ids.ecdsa_ptr.address_, (ids.signature_r, ids.signature_s))"#;
pub const SPLIT_OUTPUT_0: &str = "ids.output0_low = ids.output0 & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.output0_high = ids.output0 >> 128";
pub const SPLIT_OUTPUT_1: &str = "ids.output1_low = ids.output1 & ((1 << 128) - 1)
ids.output1_high = ids.output1 >> 128";
pub const SPLIT_INPUT_3: &str = "ids.high3, ids.low3 = divmod(memory[ids.inputs + 3], 256)";
pub const SPLIT_INPUT_6: &str = "ids.high6, ids.low6 = divmod(memory[ids.inputs + 6], 256 ** 2)";
pub const SPLIT_INPUT_9: &str = "ids.high9, ids.low9 = divmod(memory[ids.inputs + 9], 256 ** 3)";
pub const SPLIT_INPUT_12: &str =
"ids.high12, ids.low12 = divmod(memory[ids.inputs + 12], 256 ** 4)";
pub const SPLIT_INPUT_15: &str =
"ids.high15, ids.low15 = divmod(memory[ids.inputs + 15], 256 ** 5)";
pub const SPLIT_N_BYTES: &str =
"ids.n_words_to_copy, ids.n_bytes_left = divmod(ids.n_bytes, ids.BYTES_IN_WORD)";
pub const SPLIT_OUTPUT_MID_LOW_HIGH: &str = "tmp, ids.output1_low = divmod(ids.output1, 256 ** 7)
ids.output1_high, ids.output1_mid = divmod(tmp, 2 ** 128)";
pub const NONDET_N_GREATER_THAN_10: &str = "memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.n >= 10)";
pub const NONDET_N_GREATER_THAN_2: &str = "memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.n >= 2)";
pub const RANDOM_EC_POINT: &str = r#"from starkware.crypto.signature.signature import ALPHA, BETA, FIELD_PRIME
from starkware.python.math_utils import random_ec_point
from starkware.python.utils import to_bytes
# Define a seed for random_ec_point that's dependent on all the input, so that:
# (1) The added point s is deterministic.
# (2) It's hard to choose inputs for which the builtin will fail.
seed = b"".join(map(to_bytes, [ids.p.x, ids.p.y, ids.m, ids.q.x, ids.q.y]))
ids.s.x, ids.s.y = random_ec_point(FIELD_PRIME, ALPHA, BETA, seed)"#;
pub const CHAINED_EC_OP_RANDOM_EC_POINT: &str = r#"from starkware.crypto.signature.signature import ALPHA, BETA, FIELD_PRIME
from starkware.python.math_utils import random_ec_point
from starkware.python.utils import to_bytes
n_elms = ids.len
assert isinstance(n_elms, int) and n_elms >= 0, \
f'Invalid value for len. Got: {n_elms}.'
if '__chained_ec_op_max_len' in globals():
assert n_elms <= __chained_ec_op_max_len, \
f'chained_ec_op() can only be used with len<={__chained_ec_op_max_len}. ' \
f'Got: n_elms={n_elms}.'
# Define a seed for random_ec_point that's dependent on all the input, so that:
# (1) The added point s is deterministic.
# (2) It's hard to choose inputs for which the builtin will fail.
seed = b"".join(
*memory.get_range(ids.m, n_elms),
*memory.get_range(ids.q.address_, 2 * n_elms),
ids.s.x, ids.s.y = random_ec_point(FIELD_PRIME, ALPHA, BETA, seed)"#;
pub const RECOVER_Y: &str =
"from starkware.crypto.signature.signature import ALPHA, BETA, FIELD_PRIME
from starkware.python.math_utils import recover_y
ids.p.x = ids.x
# This raises an exception if `x` is not on the curve.
ids.p.y = recover_y(ids.x, ALPHA, BETA, FIELD_PRIME)";
pub const PACK_MODN_DIV_MODN: &str = "from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % N
s = pack(ids.s, PRIME) % N
value = res = div_mod(x, s, N)";
pub const XS_SAFE_DIV: &str = "value = k = safe_div(res * s - x, N)";
pub const UINT384_UNSIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = "def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
assert len(quotient_split) == 3
ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]";
pub const UINT384_SPLIT_128: &str = "ids.low = ids.a & ((1<<128) - 1)
ids.high = ids.a >> 128";
pub const ADD_NO_UINT384_CHECK: &str = "sum_d0 = ids.a.d0 + ids.b.d0
ids.carry_d0 = 1 if sum_d0 >= ids.SHIFT else 0
sum_d1 = ids.a.d1 + ids.b.d1 + ids.carry_d0
ids.carry_d1 = 1 if sum_d1 >= ids.SHIFT else 0
sum_d2 = ids.a.d2 + ids.b.d2 + ids.carry_d1
ids.carry_d2 = 1 if sum_d2 >= ids.SHIFT else 0";
pub const UINT384_SQRT: &str = "from starkware.python.math_utils import isqrt
def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift=128)
root = isqrt(a)
assert 0 <= root < 2 ** 192
root_split = split(root, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.root.d0 = root_split[0]
ids.root.d1 = root_split[1]
ids.root.d2 = root_split[2]";
pub const SUB_REDUCED_A_AND_REDUCED_B: &str =
"def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
b = pack(ids.b, num_bits_shift = 128)
p = pack(ids.p, num_bits_shift = 128)
res = (a - b) % p
res_split = split(res, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.res.d0 = res_split[0]
ids.res.d1 = res_split[1]
ids.res.d2 = res_split[2]";
pub const UNSIGNED_DIV_REM_UINT768_BY_UINT384: &str =
"def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
def pack_extended(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2, z.d3, z.d4, z.d5)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack_extended(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=6)
ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
ids.quotient.d3 = quotient_split[3]
ids.quotient.d4 = quotient_split[4]
ids.quotient.d5 = quotient_split[5]
remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]";
pub const UNSIGNED_DIV_REM_UINT768_BY_UINT384_STRIPPED: &str = r#"def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
def pack_extended(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2, z.d3, z.d4, z.d5)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack_extended(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=6)
ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
ids.quotient.d3 = quotient_split[3]
ids.quotient.d4 = quotient_split[4]
ids.quotient.d5 = quotient_split[5]
remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]"#;
pub const UINT384_SIGNED_NN: &str = "memory[ap] = 1 if 0 <= (ids.a.d2 % PRIME) < 2 ** 127 else 0";
pub const IMPORT_SECP256R1_ALPHA: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp256r1_utils import SECP256R1_ALPHA as ALPHA";
pub const IMPORT_SECP256R1_N: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp256r1_utils import SECP256R1_N as N";
pub const UINT384_GET_SQUARE_ROOT: &str =
"from starkware.python.math_utils import is_quad_residue, sqrt
def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int = 128, length: int = 3):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int = 128) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
generator = pack(ids.generator)
x = pack(ids.x)
p = pack(ids.p)
success_x = is_quad_residue(x, p)
root_x = sqrt(x, p) if success_x else None
success_gx = is_quad_residue(generator*x, p)
root_gx = sqrt(generator*x, p) if success_gx else None
# Check that one is 0 and the other is 1
if x != 0:
assert success_x + success_gx ==1
# `None` means that no root was found, but we need to transform these into a felt no matter what
if root_x == None:
root_x = 0
if root_gx == None:
root_gx = 0
ids.success_x = int(success_x)
ids.success_gx = int(success_gx)
split_root_x = split(root_x)
split_root_gx = split(root_gx)
ids.sqrt_x.d0 = split_root_x[0]
ids.sqrt_x.d1 = split_root_x[1]
ids.sqrt_x.d2 = split_root_x[2]
ids.sqrt_gx.d0 = split_root_gx[0]
ids.sqrt_gx.d1 = split_root_gx[1]
ids.sqrt_gx.d2 = split_root_gx[2]";
pub const UINT256_GET_SQUARE_ROOT: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import is_quad_residue, sqrt
def split(a: int):
return (a & ((1 << 128) - 1), a >> 128)
def pack(z) -> int:
return z.low + (z.high << 128)
generator = pack(ids.generator)
x = pack(ids.x)
p = pack(ids.p)
success_x = is_quad_residue(x, p)
root_x = sqrt(x, p) if success_x else None
success_gx = is_quad_residue(generator*x, p)
root_gx = sqrt(generator*x, p) if success_gx else None
# Check that one is 0 and the other is 1
if x != 0:
assert success_x + success_gx == 1
# `None` means that no root was found, but we need to transform these into a felt no matter what
if root_x == None:
root_x = 0
if root_gx == None:
root_gx = 0
ids.success_x = int(success_x)
ids.success_gx = int(success_gx)
split_root_x = split(root_x)
# print('split root x', split_root_x)
split_root_gx = split(root_gx)
ids.sqrt_x.low = split_root_x[0]
ids.sqrt_x.high = split_root_x[1]
ids.sqrt_gx.low = split_root_gx[0]
ids.sqrt_gx.high = split_root_gx[1]"#;
pub const UINT384_DIV: &str = "from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
b = pack(ids.b, num_bits_shift = 128)
p = pack(ids.p, num_bits_shift = 128)
# For python3.8 and above the modular inverse can be computed as follows:
# b_inverse_mod_p = pow(b, -1, p)
# Instead we use the python3.7-friendly function div_mod from starkware.python.math_utils
b_inverse_mod_p = div_mod(1, b, p)
b_inverse_mod_p_split = split(b_inverse_mod_p, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.d0 = b_inverse_mod_p_split[0]
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.d1 = b_inverse_mod_p_split[1]
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.d2 = b_inverse_mod_p_split[2]";
pub const INV_MOD_P_UINT256: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
def split(a: int):
return (a & ((1 << 128) - 1), a >> 128)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.low, z.high)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, 128)
b = pack(ids.b, 128)
p = pack(ids.p, 128)
# For python3.8 and above the modular inverse can be computed as follows:
# b_inverse_mod_p = pow(b, -1, p)
# Instead we use the python3.7-friendly function div_mod from starkware.python.math_utils
b_inverse_mod_p = div_mod(1, b, p)
b_inverse_mod_p_split = split(b_inverse_mod_p)
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.low = b_inverse_mod_p_split[0]
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.high = b_inverse_mod_p_split[1]"#;
pub const HI_MAX_BITLEN: &str =
"ids.len_hi = max(ids.scalar_u.d2.bit_length(), ids.scalar_v.d2.bit_length())-1";
pub const QUAD_BIT: &str = r#"ids.quad_bit = (
8 * ((ids.scalar_v >> ids.m) & 1)
+ 4 * ((ids.scalar_u >> ids.m) & 1)
+ 2 * ((ids.scalar_v >> (ids.m - 1)) & 1)
+ ((ids.scalar_u >> (ids.m - 1)) & 1)
pub const INV_MOD_P_UINT512: &str = "def pack_512(u, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (u.d0, u.d1, u.d2, u.d3)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
x = pack_512(ids.x, num_bits_shift = 128)
p = ids.p.low + (ids.p.high << 128)
x_inverse_mod_p = pow(x,-1, p)
x_inverse_mod_p_split = (x_inverse_mod_p & ((1 << 128) - 1), x_inverse_mod_p >> 128)
ids.x_inverse_mod_p.low = x_inverse_mod_p_split[0]
ids.x_inverse_mod_p.high = x_inverse_mod_p_split[1]";
pub const DI_BIT: &str =
r#"ids.dibit = ((ids.scalar_u >> ids.m) & 1) + 2 * ((ids.scalar_v >> ids.m) & 1)"#;
pub const EC_RECOVER_DIV_MOD_N_PACKED: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
N = pack(ids.n, PRIME)
x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % N
s = pack(ids.s, PRIME) % N
value = res = div_mod(x, s, N)"#;
pub const UINT512_UNSIGNED_DIV_REM: &str = r#"def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
a = []
for _ in range(length):
a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
num = num >> num_bits_shift
return tuple(a)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.low, z.high)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
def pack_extended(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2, z.d3)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
x = pack_extended(ids.x, num_bits_shift = 128)
div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
quotient, remainder = divmod(x, div)
quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=4)
ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
ids.quotient.d3 = quotient_split[3]
remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=2)
ids.remainder.low = remainder_split[0]
ids.remainder.high = remainder_split[1]"#;
pub const EC_RECOVER_SUB_A_B: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
a = pack(ids.a, PRIME)
b = pack(ids.b, PRIME)
value = res = a - b"#;
pub const A_B_BITAND_1: &str = "ids.a_lsb = ids.a & 1
ids.b_lsb = ids.b & 1";
pub const EC_RECOVER_PRODUCT_MOD: &str = r#"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
a = pack(ids.a, PRIME)
b = pack(ids.b, PRIME)
product = a * b
m = pack(ids.m, PRIME)
value = res = product % m"#;
pub const UINT256_MUL_INV_MOD_P: &str = r#"from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
def split(a: int):
return (a & ((1 << 128) - 1), a >> 128)
def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
limbs = (z.low, z.high)
return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
a = pack(ids.a, 128)
b = pack(ids.b, 128)
p = pack(ids.p, 128)
# For python3.8 and above the modular inverse can be computed as follows:
# b_inverse_mod_p = pow(b, -1, p)
# Instead we use the python3.7-friendly function div_mod from starkware.python.math_utils
b_inverse_mod_p = div_mod(1, b, p)
b_inverse_mod_p_split = split(b_inverse_mod_p)
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.low = b_inverse_mod_p_split[0]
ids.b_inverse_mod_p.high = b_inverse_mod_p_split[1]"#;
pub const EC_RECOVER_PRODUCT_DIV_M: &str = "value = k = product // m";
pub const SQUARE_SLOPE_X_MOD_P: &str =
"from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P";
pub const SPLIT_XX: &str = "PRIME = 2**255 - 19
II = pow(2, (PRIME - 1) // 4, PRIME)
xx = ids.xx.low + (ids.xx.high<<128)
x = pow(xx, (PRIME + 3) // 8, PRIME)
if (x * x - xx) % PRIME != 0:
x = (x * II) % PRIME
if x % 2 != 0:
x = PRIME - x
ids.x.low = x & ((1<<128)-1)
ids.x.high = x >> 128";
#[cfg(feature = "test_utils")]
pub const SKIP_NEXT_INSTRUCTION: &str = "skip_next_instruction()";
#[cfg(feature = "test_utils")]
pub const PRINT_FELT: &str = "print(ids.x)";
#[cfg(feature = "test_utils")]
pub const PRINT_ARR: &str = r#"print(bytes.fromhex(f"{}").decode().replace('\x00',''))
arr = [memory[ids.arr + i] for i in range(ids.arr_len)]
#[cfg(feature = "test_utils")]
pub const PRINT_DICT: &str = r#"print(bytes.fromhex(f"{}").decode().replace('\x00',''))
data = __dict_manager.get_dict(ids.dict_ptr)
{k: v if isinstance(v, int) else [memory[v + i] for i in range(ids.pointer_size)] for k, v in data.items()}
pub const RUN_P_CIRCUIT: &str = "from starkware.cairo.lang.builtins.modulo.mod_builtin_runner import ModBuiltinRunner\nassert builtin_runners[\"add_mod_builtin\"].instance_def.batch_size == 1\nassert builtin_runners[\"mul_mod_builtin\"].instance_def.batch_size == 1\n\nModBuiltinRunner.fill_memory(\n memory=memory,\n add_mod=(ids.add_mod_ptr.address_, builtin_runners[\"add_mod_builtin\"], ids.add_mod_n),\n mul_mod=(ids.mul_mod_ptr.address_, builtin_runners[\"mul_mod_builtin\"], ids.mul_mod_n),\n)";
pub const RUN_P_CIRCUIT_WITH_LARGE_BATCH_SIZE: &str = "from starkware.cairo.lang.builtins.modulo.mod_builtin_runner import ModBuiltinRunner\nassert builtin_runners[\"add_mod_builtin\"].instance_def.batch_size == ids.BATCH_SIZE\nassert builtin_runners[\"mul_mod_builtin\"].instance_def.batch_size == ids.BATCH_SIZE\n\nModBuiltinRunner.fill_memory(\n memory=memory,\n add_mod=(ids.add_mod_ptr.address_, builtin_runners[\"add_mod_builtin\"], ids.add_mod_n),\n mul_mod=(ids.mul_mod_ptr.address_, builtin_runners[\"mul_mod_builtin\"], ids.mul_mod_n),\n)";
pub const NONDET_ELEMENTS_OVER_TEN: &str =
"memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.elements_end - ids.elements >= 10)";
pub const NONDET_ELEMENTS_OVER_TWO: &str =
"memory[ap] = to_felt_or_relocatable(ids.elements_end - ids.elements >= 2)";
pub const EXCESS_BALANCE: &str = r#"from excess_balance import excess_balance_func
res = excess_balance_func(ids, memory, __dict_manager)
ids.check_account_value = res["account_value"]
ids.check_excess_balance = res["excess_balance"]
ids.check_margin_requirement_d = res["margin_requirement"]
ids.check_unrealized_pnl_d = res["unrealized_pnl"]"#;