4use crate::stdlib::{collections::HashSet, prelude::*};
5use crate::types::builtin_name::BuiltinName;
6use crate::types::layout_name::LayoutName;
7use thiserror_no_std::Error;
9use super::{memory_errors::MemoryError, trace_errors::TraceError};
10use crate::types::{errors::math_errors::MathError, relocatable::Relocatable};
11use crate::Felt252;
13#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Error)]
14pub enum RunnerError {
15 #[error("Initialization failure: No execution base")]
16 NoExecBase,
17 #[error("Initialization failure: No program base")]
18 NoProgBase,
19 #[error("Missing main()")]
20 MissingMain,
21 #[error("Found None PC during VM initialization")]
22 NoPC,
23 #[error("Found None AP during VM initialization")]
24 NoAP,
25 #[error("Found None FP during VM initialization")]
26 NoFP,
27 #[error("Memory validation failed during VM initialization: {0}")]
28 MemoryValidationError(MemoryError),
29 #[error("Memory loading failed during state initialization: {0}")]
30 MemoryInitializationError(MemoryError),
31 #[error("Failed to convert string to FieldElement")]
32 FailedStringConversion,
33 #[error("EcOpBuiltin: m should be at most {0}")]
34 EcOpBuiltinScalarLimit(Box<Felt252>),
35 #[error("Given builtins are not in appropiate order")]
36 DisorderedBuiltins,
37 #[error("Expected integer at address {:?} to be smaller than 2^{}, Got {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1, (*.0).2)]
38 IntegerBiggerThanPowerOfTwo(Box<(Relocatable, u32, Felt252)>),
39 #[error("{0}")]
40 EcOpSameXCoordinate(Box<str>),
41 #[error("EcOpBuiltin: point {0:?} is not on the curve")]
42 PointNotOnCurve(Box<(Felt252, Felt252)>),
43 #[error("Builtin(s) {:?} not present in layout {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
44 NoBuiltinForInstance(Box<(HashSet<BuiltinName>, LayoutName)>),
45 #[error("end_run called twice.")]
46 EndRunCalledTwice,
47 #[error("end_run must be called before finalize_segments.")]
48 FinalizeNoEndRun,
49 #[error("end_run must be called before read_return_values.")]
50 ReadReturnValuesNoEndRun,
51 #[error("Error while finalizing segments: {0}")]
52 FinalizeSegements(MemoryError),
53 #[error("finalize_segments called but proof_mode is not enabled")]
54 FinalizeSegmentsNoProofMode,
55 #[error("Invalid stop pointer for {}: Stop pointer has value {} but builtin segment is {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1, (*.0).2)]
56 InvalidStopPointerIndex(Box<(BuiltinName, Relocatable, usize)>),
57 #[error("Invalid stop pointer for {}. Expected: {}, found: {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1, (*.0).2)]
58 InvalidStopPointer(Box<(BuiltinName, Relocatable, Relocatable)>),
59 #[error("No stop pointer found for builtin {0}")]
60 NoStopPointer(Box<BuiltinName>),
61 #[error("Running in proof-mode but no __start__ label found, try compiling with proof-mode")]
62 NoProgramStart,
63 #[error("Running in proof-mode but no __end__ label found, try compiling with proof-mode")]
64 NoProgramEnd,
65 #[error("Could not convert slice to array")]
66 SliceToArrayError,
67 #[error("Cannot add the return values to the public memory after segment finalization.")]
68 FailedAddingReturnValues,
69 #[error("Missing execution public memory")]
70 NoExecPublicMemory,
71 #[error("Coulnd't parse prime from felt lib")]
72 CouldntParsePrime,
73 #[error("Could not convert vec with Maybe Relocatables into u64 array")]
74 MaybeRelocVecToU64ArrayError,
75 #[error("Expected Integer value, got Relocatable instead")]
76 FoundNonInt,
77 #[error(transparent)]
78 Memory(#[from] MemoryError),
79 #[error(transparent)]
80 Math(#[from] MathError),
81 #[error("keccak_builtin: Failed to get first input address")]
82 KeccakNoFirstInput,
83 #[error("{}: Expected integer at address {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
84 BuiltinExpectedInteger(Box<(BuiltinName, Relocatable)>),
85 #[error("keccak_builtin: Failed to convert input cells to u64 values")]
86 KeccakInputCellsNotU64,
87 #[error("Unexpected ret_fp_segment size")]
88 UnexpectedRetFpSegmentSize,
89 #[error("Unexpected ret_pc_segment size")]
90 UnexpectedRetPcSegmentSize,
91 #[error("Expected program base offset to be zero")]
92 ProgramBaseOffsetNotZero,
93 #[error("Expected execution base offset to be zero")]
94 ExecBaseOffsetNotZero,
95 #[error("Expected ret_fp offset to be zero")]
96 RetFpOffsetNotZero,
97 #[error("Expected ret_pc offset to be zero")]
98 RetPcOffsetNotZero,
99 #[error("Can't build a StrippedProgram from a Program without main")]
100 StrippedProgramNoMain,
101 #[error(transparent)]
102 Trace(#[from] TraceError),
103 #[error("EcOp builtin: Invalid Point")]
104 InvalidPoint,
105 #[error("Page ({0}) is not on the expected segment {1}")]
106 PageNotOnSegment(Relocatable, usize),
107 #[error("Expected integer at address {} to be smaller than 2^{}. Got: {}.", (*.0).0, (*.0).1, (*.0).2)]
108 WordExceedsModBuiltinWordBitLen(Box<(Relocatable, u32, Felt252)>),
109 #[error("{}: Expected n >= 1. Got: {}.", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
110 ModBuiltinNLessThanOne(Box<(BuiltinName, usize)>),
111 #[error("{}: Missing value at address {}.", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
112 ModBuiltinMissingValue(Box<(BuiltinName, Relocatable)>),
113 #[error("{}: n must be <= {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
114 FillMemoryMaxExceeded(Box<(BuiltinName, usize)>),
115 #[error("{0}: write_n_words value must be 0 after loop")]
116 WriteNWordsValueNotZero(BuiltinName),
117 #[error("add_mod and mul_mod builtins must have the same n_words and word_bit_len.")]
118 ModBuiltinsMismatchedInstanceDef,
119 #[error("At least one of add_mod and mul_mod must be given.")]
120 FillMemoryNoBuiltinSet,
121 #[error("Could not fill the values table, add_mod_index={0}, mul_mod_index={1}")]
122 FillMemoryCoudNotFillTable(usize, usize),
123 #[error("{}: {}", (*.0).0, (*.0).1)]
124 ModBuiltinSecurityCheck(Box<(BuiltinName, String)>),
125 #[error("{0} is missing")]
126 MissingBuiltin(BuiltinName),
127 #[error("The stop pointer of the missing builtin {0} must be 0")]
128 MissingBuiltinStopPtrNotZero(BuiltinName),
129 #[error("The number of steps in the Cairo PIE's execution resources does not match the number of steps in the RunResources")]
130 PieNStepsVsRunResourcesNStepsMismatch,
131 #[error("A Cairo PIE can not be ran in proof_mode")]
132 CairoPieProofMode,
133 #[error("{0}: Invalid additional data")]
134 InvalidAdditionalData(BuiltinName),
135 #[error("dynamic layout params is missing")]
136 MissingDynamicLayoutParams,
137 #[error("dynamic layout {0} ratio should be 0 when disabled")]
138 BadDynamicLayoutBuiltinRatio(BuiltinName),
142mod tests {
143 use super::*;
145 #[test]
146 fn test_runner_error_size() {
148 let size = crate::stdlib::mem::size_of::<RunnerError>();
149 assert!(size <= 32, "{size}")
150 }