Crate candle_core

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ML framework for Rust

use candle_core::{Tensor, DType, Device};

let a = Tensor::arange(0f32, 6f32, &Device::Cpu)?.reshape((2, 3))?;
let b = Tensor::arange(0f32, 12f32, &Device::Cpu)?.reshape((3, 4))?;

let c = a.matmul(&b)?;


  • Simple syntax (looks and feels like PyTorch)
  • CPU and Cuda backends (and M1 support)
  • Enable serverless (CPU) small and fast deployments
  • Model training
  • Distributed computing (NCCL).
  • Models out of the box (Llama, Whisper, Falcon, …)


  • Why Candle?

Candle stems from the need to reduce binary size in order to enable serverless possible by making the whole engine smaller than PyTorch very large library volume

And simply removing Python from production workloads. Python can really add overhead in more complex workflows and the GIL is a notorious source of headaches.

Rust is cool, and a lot of the HF ecosystem already has Rust crates safetensors and tokenizers

§Other Crates

Candle consists of a number of crates. This crate holds core the common data structures but you may wish to look at the docs for the other crates which can be found here:





  • An iterator over offset position for items of an N-dimensional arrays stored in a flat buffer using some potential strides.
  • The core struct for manipulating tensors.
  • Unique identifier for tensors.
  • A variable is a wrapper around a tensor, however variables can have their content modified whereas tensors are immutable.

