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//! A capability-based network API modeled after `std::net`. //! //! This corresponds to [`std::net`]. //! //! Instead of [`std::net`]'s constructor methods which take an address to //! connect to, this crates has methods on [`Pool`] which operate on addresses //! which must be present in the pool. //! //! [`Pool`]: struct.Pool.html mod incoming; mod pool; mod tcp_listener; mod tcp_stream; mod udp_socket; pub use incoming::*; pub use pool::*; pub use tcp_listener::*; pub use tcp_stream::*; pub use udp_socket::*; // Re-export things from `std::net` that we can use as-is. pub use std::net::{ AddrParseError, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, Shutdown, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6, ToSocketAddrs, }; // TODO: re-export experimental Ipv6MulticastScope?