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use crate::fs::{Dir, File, FileType, Metadata, OpenOptions}; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::DirEntryExt; #[cfg(target_os = "wasi")] use std::os::wasi::fs::DirEntryExt; use std::{ffi::OsString, fmt, io}; /// Entries returned by the `ReadDir` iterator. /// /// This corresponds to [`std::fs::DirEntry`]. /// /// Unlike `std::fs::DirEntry`, this API has no `DirEntry::path`, because /// absolute paths don't interoperate well with the capability model. /// /// There is a `file_name` function, however there are also `open`, /// `open_with`, `open_dir`, `remove_file`, and `remove_dir` functions for /// opening or removing the entry directly, which can be more efficient and /// convenient. /// /// Note that there is no `from_std` method, as `std::fs::DirEntry` doesn't /// provide a way to construct a `DirEntry` without opening directories by /// ambient paths. /// /// [`std::fs::DirEntry`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.DirEntry.html pub struct DirEntry { pub(crate) inner: cap_primitives::fs::DirEntry, } impl DirEntry { /// Open the file for reading. #[inline] pub fn open(&self) -> io::Result<File> { self.inner.open().map(File::from_std) } /// Open the file with the given options. #[inline] pub fn open_with(&self, options: &OpenOptions) -> io::Result<File> { self.inner.open_with(options).map(File::from_std) } /// Open the entry as a directory. #[inline] pub fn open_dir(&self) -> io::Result<Dir> { self.inner.open_dir().map(Dir::from_std_file) } /// Removes the file from its filesystem. #[inline] pub fn remove_file(&self) -> io::Result<()> { self.inner.remove_file() } /// Removes the directory from its filesystem. #[inline] pub fn remove_dir(&self) -> io::Result<()> { self.inner.remove_dir() } /// Returns the metadata for the file that this entry points at. /// /// This corresponds to [`std::fs::DirEntry::metadata`]. /// /// [`std::fs::DirEntry::metadata`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.DirEntry.html#method.metadata #[inline] pub fn metadata(&self) -> io::Result<Metadata> { self.inner.metadata() } /// Returns the file type for the file that this entry points at. /// /// This corresponds to [`std::fs::DirEntry::file_type`]. /// /// [`std::fs::DirEntry::file_type`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.DirEntry.html#method.file_type #[inline] pub fn file_type(&self) -> io::Result<FileType> { self.inner.file_type() } /// Returns the bare file name of this directory entry without any other leading path component. /// /// This corresponds to [`std::fs::DirEntry::file_name`]. /// /// [`std::fs::DirEntry::file_name`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.DirEntry.html#method.file_name #[inline] pub fn file_name(&self) -> OsString { self.inner.file_name() } } #[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))] impl DirEntryExt for DirEntry { #[inline] fn ino(&self) -> u64 { self.inner.ino() } } impl fmt::Debug for DirEntry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.inner.fmt(f) } }