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/// Tells Cargo to pass `-C link-arg=$flag` to the compiler.
/// This is equivalent to:
/// ```
/// println!("cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=$flag");
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// Runtime arguments can be passed directly.
/// ```
/// let flag1 = // ...
/// # "";
/// let flag2 = // ...
/// # "";
/// cargo_emit::rustc_cdylib_link_arg!(flag1, flag2);
/// ```
/// or, in case you want it to emit to a custom stream:
/// ```
/// let flag1 = // ...
/// # "";
/// let flag2 = // ...
/// # "";
/// let mut stdout = std::io::stdout();
/// cargo_emit::rustc_cdylib_link_arg!(
/// to: stdout,
/// flag1, flag2
/// );
/// ```
macro_rules! rustc_cdylib_link_arg {
(to: $stream:expr, $($flag:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
$($crate::pair!(to: $stream, "rustc-cdylib-link-arg", "{}", $flag);)+
($($flag:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
$crate::rustc_cdylib_link_arg!(to: std::io::stdout(), $($flag),+);
mod tests {
fn single() {
crate::capture_output(|output| {
to: output,
fn multiple() {
crate::capture_output(|output| {
to: output,