
1use crate::config::{Config, RunType};
2use crate::path_utils::{get_source_walker, is_source_file};
3use lazy_static::lazy_static;
4use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
5use quote::ToTokens;
6use regex::Regex;
7use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
8use std::cell::RefCell;
9use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
10use std::ffi::OsStr;
11use std::fs::File;
12use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Read};
13use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
14use syn::spanned::Spanned;
15use syn::*;
16use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
17use walkdir::WalkDir;
19mod attributes;
20mod expressions;
21mod items;
22mod macros;
23mod statements;
25mod tests;
27pub(crate) mod prelude {
28    pub(crate) use super::*;
29    pub(crate) use attributes::*;
30    pub(crate) use macros::*;
33/// Enumeration representing which lines to ignore
34#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
35pub enum Lines {
36    /// Ignore all lines in the file
37    All,
38    /// A single line to ignore in the file
39    Line(usize),
42/// Represents the results of analysis of a single file. Does not store the file
43/// in question as this is expected to be maintained by the user.
44#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
45pub struct LineAnalysis {
46    /// This represents lines that should be ignored in coverage
47    /// but may be identifed as coverable in the DWARF tables
48    pub ignore: HashSet<Lines>,
49    /// This represents lines that should be included in coverage
50    /// But may be ignored. Doesn't make sense to cover ALL the lines so this
51    /// is just an index.
52    pub cover: HashSet<usize>,
53    /// Some logical lines may be split between physical lines this shows the
54    /// mapping from physical line to logical line to prevent false positives
55    /// from expressions split across physical lines
56    pub logical_lines: HashMap<usize, usize>,
57    /// Shows the line length of the provided file
58    max_line: usize,
59    pub functions: HashMap<String, (usize, usize)>,
62/// Provides context to the source analysis stage including the tarpaulin
63/// config and the source code being analysed.
64pub(crate) struct Context<'a> {
65    /// Program config
66    config: &'a Config,
67    /// Contents of the source file
68    file_contents: &'a str,
69    /// path to the file being analysed
70    file: &'a Path,
71    /// Other parts of context are immutable like tarpaulin config and users
72    /// source code. This is discovered during hence use of interior mutability
73    ignore_mods: RefCell<HashSet<PathBuf>>,
74    /// As we traverse the structures we want to grab module names etc so we can get proper names
75    /// for our functions etc
76    pub(crate) symbol_stack: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
79pub(crate) struct StackGuard<'a>(&'a RefCell<Vec<String>>);
81impl<'a> Drop for StackGuard<'a> {
82    fn drop(&mut self) {
83        self.0.borrow_mut().pop();
84    }
87impl<'a> Context<'a> {
88    pub(crate) fn push_to_symbol_stack(&self, mut ident: String) -> StackGuard<'_> {
89        if !(ident.starts_with("<") && ident.ends_with(">")) {
90            ident = ident.replace(' ', "");
91        }
92        self.symbol_stack.borrow_mut().push(ident);
93        StackGuard(&self.symbol_stack)
94    }
96    pub(crate) fn get_qualified_name(&self) -> String {
97        let stack = self.symbol_stack.borrow();
98        let name = stack.join("::");
99        debug!("Found function: {}", name);
100        name
101    }
104/// When the `LineAnalysis` results are mapped to their files there needs to be
105/// an easy way to get the information back. For the container used implement
106/// this trait
107pub trait SourceAnalysisQuery {
108    /// Returns true if the line in the given file should be ignored
109    fn should_ignore(&self, path: &Path, l: &usize) -> bool;
110    /// Takes a path and line number and normalises it to the logical line
111    /// that should be represented in the statistics
112    fn normalise(&self, path: &Path, l: usize) -> (PathBuf, usize);
115#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
116pub(crate) enum SubResult {
117    /// Expression should be a reachable one (or we don't care to check further)
118    Ok,
119    /// Expression definitely reachable - reserved for early returns from functions to stop
120    /// unreachable expressions wiping them out
121    Definite,
122    /// Unreachable expression i.e. unreachable!()
123    Unreachable,
126// Addition works for this by forcing anything + definite to definite, otherwise prioritising
127// unreachable.
128impl std::ops::AddAssign for SubResult {
129    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
130        if *self == Self::Definite || other == Self::Definite {
131            *self = Self::Definite;
132        } else if *self == Self::Unreachable || other == Self::Unreachable {
133            *self = Self::Unreachable;
134        } else {
135            *self = Self::Ok;
136        }
137    }
140impl std::ops::Add for SubResult {
141    type Output = Self;
143    fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
144        self += rhs;
145        self
146    }
149impl SubResult {
150    pub fn is_reachable(&self) -> bool {
151        *self != Self::Unreachable
152    }
154    pub fn is_unreachable(&self) -> bool {
155        !self.is_reachable()
156    }
159impl SourceAnalysisQuery for HashMap<PathBuf, LineAnalysis> {
160    fn should_ignore(&self, path: &Path, l: &usize) -> bool {
161        if self.contains_key(path) {
162            self.get(path).unwrap().should_ignore(*l)
163        } else {
164            false
165        }
166    }
168    fn normalise(&self, path: &Path, l: usize) -> (PathBuf, usize) {
169        let pb = path.to_path_buf();
170        match self.get(path) {
171            Some(s) => match s.logical_lines.get(&l) {
172                Some(o) => (pb, *o),
173                _ => (pb, l),
174            },
175            _ => (pb, l),
176        }
177    }
180impl LineAnalysis {
181    /// Creates a new LineAnalysis object
182    fn new() -> Self {
183        Default::default()
184    }
186    fn new_from_file(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Self> {
187        let file = BufReader::new(File::open(path)?);
188        Ok(Self {
189            max_line: file.lines().count(),
190            ..Default::default()
191        })
192    }
194    /// Ignore all lines in the file
195    pub fn ignore_all(&mut self) {
196        self.ignore.clear();
197        self.cover.clear();
198        self.ignore.insert(Lines::All);
199    }
201    /// Ignore all tokens in the given token stream
202    pub fn ignore_tokens<T>(&mut self, tokens: T)
203    where
204        T: ToTokens,
205    {
206        for token in tokens.into_token_stream() {
207            self.ignore_span(token.span());
208        }
209    }
211    /// Adds the lines of the provided span to the ignore set
212    pub fn ignore_span(&mut self, span: Span) {
213        // If we're already ignoring everything no need to ignore this span
214        if !self.ignore.contains(&Lines::All) {
215            for i in span.start().line..=span.end().line {
216                self.ignore.insert(Lines::Line(i));
217                if self.cover.contains(&i) {
218                    self.cover.remove(&i);
219                }
220            }
221        }
222    }
224    /// Cover all tokens in the given tokenstream
225    pub fn cover_token_stream(&mut self, tokens: TokenStream, contents: Option<&str>) {
226        for token in tokens {
227            self.cover_span(token.span(), contents);
228        }
229    }
231    /// Adds the lines of the provided span to the cover set
232    pub fn cover_span(&mut self, span: Span, contents: Option<&str>) {
233        // Not checking for Lines::All because I trust we've called cover_span
234        // for a reason.
235        let mut useful_lines: HashSet<usize> = HashSet::new();
236        if let Some(c) = contents {
237            lazy_static! {
238                static ref SINGLE_LINE: Regex = Regex::new(r"\s*//").unwrap();
239            }
240            const MULTI_START: &str = "/*";
241            const MULTI_END: &str = "*/";
242            let len = span.end().line - span.start().line;
243            let mut is_comment = false;
244            for (i, line) in c.lines().enumerate().skip(span.start().line - 1).take(len) {
245                let is_code = if line.contains(MULTI_START) {
246                    if !line.contains(MULTI_END) {
247                        is_comment = true;
248                    }
249                    false
250                } else if is_comment {
251                    if line.contains(MULTI_END) {
252                        is_comment = false;
253                    }
254                    false
255                } else {
256                    true
257                };
258                if is_code && !SINGLE_LINE.is_match(line) {
259                    useful_lines.insert(i + 1);
260                }
261            }
262        }
263        for i in span.start().line..=span.end().line {
264            if !self.ignore.contains(&Lines::Line(i)) && useful_lines.contains(&i) {
265                self.cover.insert(i);
266            }
267        }
268    }
270    /// Shows whether the line should be ignored by tarpaulin
271    pub fn should_ignore(&self, line: usize) -> bool {
272        self.ignore.contains(&Lines::Line(line))
273            || self.ignore.contains(&Lines::All)
274            || (self.max_line > 0 && self.max_line < line)
275    }
277    /// Adds a line to the list of lines to ignore
278    fn add_to_ignore(&mut self, lines: impl IntoIterator<Item = usize>) {
279        if !self.ignore.contains(&Lines::All) {
280            for l in lines {
281                self.ignore.insert(Lines::Line(l));
282                if self.cover.contains(&l) {
283                    self.cover.remove(&l);
284                }
285            }
286        }
287    }
290impl Function {
291    fn new(name: &str, span: (usize, usize)) -> Self {
292        Self {
293            name: name.to_string(),
294            start: span.0 as u64,
295            end: span.1 as u64,
296        }
297    }
300#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Deserialize, Serialize)]
301pub struct Function {
302    pub name: String,
303    pub start: u64,
304    pub end: u64,
308pub struct SourceAnalysis {
309    pub lines: HashMap<PathBuf, LineAnalysis>,
310    ignored_modules: Vec<PathBuf>,
313impl SourceAnalysis {
314    pub fn new() -> Self {
315        Default::default()
316    }
318    pub fn create_function_map(&self) -> HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<Function>> {
319        self.lines
320            .iter()
321            .map(|(file, analysis)| {
322                let mut functions: Vec<Function> = analysis
323                    .functions
324                    .iter()
325                    .map(|(function, span)| Function::new(function, *span))
326                    .collect();
327                functions.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.start.cmp(&b.start));
328                (file.to_path_buf(), functions)
329            })
330            .collect()
331    }
333    pub fn get_line_analysis(&mut self, path: PathBuf) -> &mut LineAnalysis {
334        self.lines
335            .entry(path.clone())
336            .or_insert_with(|| LineAnalysis::new_from_file(&path).unwrap_or_default())
337    }
339    fn is_ignored_module(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
340        self.ignored_modules.iter().any(|x| path.starts_with(x))
341    }
343    pub fn get_analysis(config: &Config) -> Self {
344        let mut result = Self::new();
345        let mut ignored_files: HashSet<PathBuf> = HashSet::new();
346        let root = config.root();
348        for e in get_source_walker(config) {
349            if !ignored_files.contains(e.path()) {
350                result.analyse_package(e.path(), &root, config, &mut ignored_files);
351            } else {
352                let mut analysis = LineAnalysis::new();
353                analysis.ignore_all();
354                result.lines.insert(e.path().to_path_buf(), analysis);
355                ignored_files.remove(e.path());
356            }
357        }
358        for e in &ignored_files {
359            let mut analysis = LineAnalysis::new();
360            analysis.ignore_all();
361            result.lines.insert(e.clone(), analysis);
362        }
363        result.debug_printout(config);
365        result
366    }
368    /// Analyses a package of the target crate.
369    fn analyse_package(
370        &mut self,
371        path: &Path,
372        root: &Path,
373        config: &Config,
374        filtered_files: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>,
375    ) {
376        if let Some(file) = path.to_str() {
377            let skip_cause_test = !config.include_tests() && path.starts_with(root.join("tests"));
378            let skip_cause_example = path.starts_with(root.join("examples"))
379                && !config.run_types.contains(&RunType::Examples);
380            if (skip_cause_test || skip_cause_example) || self.is_ignored_module(path) {
381                let mut analysis = LineAnalysis::new();
382                analysis.ignore_all();
383                self.lines.insert(path.to_path_buf(), analysis);
384            } else {
385                let file = File::open(file);
386                if let Ok(mut file) = file {
387                    let mut content = String::new();
388                    let res = file.read_to_string(&mut content);
389                    if let Err(e) = res {
390                        warn!(
391                            "Unable to read file into string, skipping source analysis: {}",
392                            e
393                        );
394                        return;
395                    }
396                    let file = parse_file(&content);
397                    if let Ok(file) = file {
398                        let ctx = Context {
399                            config,
400                            file_contents: &content,
401                            file: path,
402                            ignore_mods: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
403                            symbol_stack: RefCell::new(vec![]),
404                        };
405                        if self.check_attr_list(&file.attrs, &ctx) {
406                            self.find_ignorable_lines(&ctx);
407                            self.process_items(&file.items, &ctx);
409                            let mut ignored_files = ctx.ignore_mods.into_inner();
410                            for f in ignored_files.drain() {
411                                if f.is_file() {
412                                    filtered_files.insert(f);
413                                } else {
414                                    let walker = WalkDir::new(f).into_iter();
415                                    for e in walker
416                                        .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok)
417                                        .filter(is_source_file)
418                                    {
419                                        filtered_files.insert(e.path().to_path_buf());
420                                    }
421                                }
422                            }
423                            maybe_ignore_first_line(path, &mut self.lines);
424                        } else {
425                            // Now we need to ignore not only this file but if it is a or
426                            // we need to get the others
427                            let bad_module =
428                                match (path.parent(), path.file_name().map(OsStr::to_string_lossy))
429                                {
430                                    (Some(p), Some(n)) => {
431                                        if n == "" || n == "" {
432                                            Some(p.to_path_buf())
433                                        } else {
434                                            let ignore = p.join(n.trim_end_matches(".rs"));
435                                            if ignore.exists() && ignore.is_dir() {
436                                                Some(ignore)
437                                            } else {
438                                                None
439                                            }
440                                        }
441                                    }
442                                    _ => None,
443                                };
444                            // Kill it with fire!`
445                            if let Some(module) = bad_module {
446                                self.lines
447                                    .iter_mut()
448                                    .filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with(module.as_path()))
449                                    .for_each(|(_, v)| v.ignore_all());
450                                self.ignored_modules.push(module);
451                            }
452                            let analysis = self.get_line_analysis(path.to_path_buf());
453                            analysis.ignore_span(file.span());
454                        }
455                    }
456                }
457            }
458        }
459    }
461    /// Finds lines from the raw string which are ignorable.
462    /// These are often things like close braces, semicolons that may register as
463    /// false positives.
464    pub(crate) fn find_ignorable_lines(&mut self, ctx: &Context) {
465        lazy_static! {
466            static ref IGNORABLE: Regex =
467                Regex::new(r"^((\s*//)|([\[\]\{\}\(\)\s;\?,/]*$))").unwrap();
468        }
469        let analysis = self.get_line_analysis(ctx.file.to_path_buf());
470        let lines = ctx
471            .file_contents
472            .lines()
473            .enumerate()
474            .filter(|&(_, x)| IGNORABLE.is_match(x))
475            .map(|(i, _)| i + 1);
476        analysis.add_to_ignore(lines);
478        let lines = ctx
479            .file_contents
480            .lines()
481            .enumerate()
482            .filter(|&(_, x)| {
483                let mut x = x.to_string();
484                x.retain(|c| !c.is_whitespace());
485                x == "}else{"
486            })
487            .map(|(i, _)| i + 1);
488        analysis.add_to_ignore(lines);
489    }
491    pub(crate) fn visit_generics(&mut self, generics: &Generics, ctx: &Context) {
492        if let Some(ref wh) = generics.where_clause {
493            let analysis = self.get_line_analysis(ctx.file.to_path_buf());
494            analysis.ignore_tokens(wh);
495        }
496    }
498    /// Printout a debug summary of the results of source analysis if debug logging
499    /// is enabled
500    #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
501    pub fn debug_printout(&self, config: &Config) {
502        if config.debug {
503            for (path, analysis) in &self.lines {
504                trace!(
505                    "Source analysis for {}",
506                    config.strip_base_dir(path).display()
507                );
508                let mut lines = Vec::new();
509                for l in &analysis.ignore {
510                    match l {
511                        Lines::All => {
512                            lines.clear();
513                            trace!("All lines are ignorable");
514                            break;
515                        }
516                        Lines::Line(i) => {
517                            lines.push(i);
518                        }
519                    }
520                }
521                if !lines.is_empty() {
522                    lines.sort();
523                    trace!("Ignorable lines: {:?}", lines);
524                    lines.clear();
525                }
526                for c in &analysis.cover {
527                    lines.push(c);
528                }
530                if !lines.is_empty() {
531                    lines.sort();
532                    trace!("Coverable lines: {:?}", lines);
533                }
534            }
535        }
536    }
539/// can often show up as a coverable line when it's not. This ignores
540/// that line as long as it's not a real source line. This can also affect
541/// the main files for binaries in a project as well.
542fn maybe_ignore_first_line(file: &Path, result: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, LineAnalysis>) {
543    if let Ok(f) = File::open(file) {
544        let read_file = BufReader::new(f);
545        if let Some(Ok(first)) = read_file.lines().next() {
546            if !(first.starts_with("pub") || first.starts_with("fn")) {
547                let file = file.to_path_buf();
548                let line_analysis = result.entry(file).or_default();
549                line_analysis.add_to_ignore([1]);
550            }
551        }
552    }