Expand description
§Rust CDEvents SDK
Rust SDK to emit CDEvents.
The SDK can be used to create CDEvents and send them as CloudEvents, as well as parse a received CloudEvent into a CDEvent.
§Create and send your first CDEvent as CloudEvent
Import the modules in your code
cdevents-sdk = "0.1.0"
To send a CDEvent as CloudEvent:
// from examples/pipelinerun_finished.rs
use std::error::Error;
use cdevents_sdk::{CDEvent, Subject, spec_0_3_0::pipelinerun_finished, Content};
use cloudevents::{Event, AttributesReader};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let cdevent = CDEvent::from(
errors: Some("pipelineErrors".into()),
outcome: Some("success".into()),
pipeline_name: Some("testPipeline".into()),
url: Some("https://dev.pipeline.run/url".into())
let cdevent_expected = cdevent.clone();
// shortcut for creating cloudevents with
// ```rust
// use cloudevents::event::EventBuilderV10;
// use cdevents_sdk::cloudevents::BuilderExt;
// let mut cloudevent = EventBuilderV10::new().with_cdevent(cdevent.clone())?.build()?;
// ```
let cloudevent: Event = cdevent.try_into()?;
// zero transport, but cloning
let cloudevent_received: Event = cloudevent.clone();
let cdevent_extracted: CDEvent = cloudevent_received.try_into()?;
assert_eq!(cloudevent.id(), cdevent_extracted.id().to_string());
assert_eq!(cdevent_expected, cdevent_extracted);
See the CloudEvents docs as well.
- A non-empty string.