Module cedar_policy_core::est

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This module contains the External Syntax Tree (EST)


  • Serde JSON structure for an extension function call in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for policies and templates in the EST format


  • Serde JSON structure for an action head constraint in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for an in head constraint for action in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for a when or unless clause in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for a == head constraint in the EST format
  • Errors arising while converting EST to AST
  • Serde JSON structure for a Cedar expression in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for [any Cedar expression other than an extension function call] in the EST format
  • Errors while instantiating a policy
  • Serde JSON structure for a principal head constraint in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for an in head constraint for principal/resource in the EST format
  • Serde JSON structure for a resource head constraint in the EST format