
2 * Copyright Cedar Contributors
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17use super::{
18    err::{JsonDeserializationError, JsonDeserializationErrorContext, JsonSerializationError},
19    SchemaType,
21use crate::entities::{
22    conformance::err::EntitySchemaConformanceError,
23    json::err::{EscapeKind, TypeMismatchError},
25use crate::extensions::Extensions;
26use crate::FromNormalizedStr;
27use crate::{
28    ast::{
29        expression_construction_errors, BorrowedRestrictedExpr, Eid, EntityUID, ExprKind,
30        ExpressionConstructionError, Literal, RestrictedExpr, Unknown, Value, ValueKind,
31    },
32    entities::Name,
34use either::Either;
35use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
36use serde_with::serde_as;
37use serde_with::{DeserializeAs, SerializeAs};
38use smol_str::{SmolStr, ToSmolStr};
39use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
40use std::sync::Arc;
42#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]
43extern crate tsify;
45/// The canonical JSON representation of a Cedar value.
46/// Many Cedar values have a natural one-to-one mapping to and from JSON values.
47/// Cedar values of some types, like entity references or extension values,
48/// cannot easily be represented in JSON and thus are represented using the
49/// `__entity`, or `__extn` escapes.
51/// For example, this is the JSON format for attribute values expected by
52/// `EntityJsonParser`, when schema-based parsing is not used.
53#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
55#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", derive(tsify::Tsify))]
56#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(into_wasm_abi, from_wasm_abi))]
57pub enum CedarValueJson {
58    /// The `__expr` escape has been removed, but is still reserved in order to throw meaningful errors.
59    ExprEscape {
60        /// Contents, will be ignored and an error is thrown when attempting to parse this
61        #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "__skip"))]
62        __expr: SmolStr,
63    },
64    /// Special JSON object with single reserved "__entity" key:
65    /// the following item should be a JSON object of the form
66    /// `{ "type": "xxx", "id": "yyy" }`.
67    /// This escape is necessary for entity references.
68    //
69    // listed before `Record` so that it takes priority: otherwise, the escape
70    // would be interpreted as a Record with a key "__entity". see docs on
71    // `serde(untagged)`
72    EntityEscape {
73        /// JSON object containing the entity type and ID
74        __entity: TypeAndId,
75    },
76    /// Special JSON object with single reserved "__extn" key:
77    /// the following item should be a JSON object of the form
78    /// `{ "fn": "xxx", "arg": "yyy" }`.
79    /// This escape is necessary for extension values.
80    //
81    // listed before `Record` so that it takes priority: otherwise, the escape
82    // would be interpreted as a Record with a key "__extn". see docs on
83    // `serde(untagged)`
84    ExtnEscape {
85        /// JSON object containing the extension-constructor call
86        __extn: FnAndArg,
87    },
88    /// JSON bool => Cedar bool
89    Bool(bool),
90    /// JSON int => Cedar long (64-bit signed integer)
91    Long(i64),
92    /// JSON string => Cedar string
93    String(#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "string"))] SmolStr),
94    /// JSON list => Cedar set; can contain any `CedarValueJson`s, even
95    /// heterogeneously
96    Set(Vec<CedarValueJson>),
97    /// JSON object => Cedar record; must have string keys, but values
98    /// can be any `CedarValueJson`s, even heterogeneously
99    Record(
100        #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "{ [key: string]: CedarValueJson }"))] JsonRecord,
101    ),
102    /// JSON null, which is never valid, but we put this here in order to
103    /// provide a better error message.
104    Null,
107/// Structure representing a Cedar record in JSON
109#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
110pub struct JsonRecord {
111    /// Cedar records must have string keys, but values can be any
112    /// `CedarValueJson`s, even heterogeneously
113    #[serde_as(as = "serde_with::MapPreventDuplicates<_, _>")]
114    #[serde(flatten)]
115    values: BTreeMap<SmolStr, CedarValueJson>,
118impl IntoIterator for JsonRecord {
119    type Item = (SmolStr, CedarValueJson);
120    type IntoIter = <BTreeMap<SmolStr, CedarValueJson> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
121    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
122        self.values.into_iter()
123    }
126impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a JsonRecord {
127    type Item = (&'a SmolStr, &'a CedarValueJson);
128    type IntoIter = <&'a BTreeMap<SmolStr, CedarValueJson> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
129    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
130        self.values.iter()
131    }
134// At this time, this doesn't check for duplicate keys upon constructing a
135// `JsonRecord` from an iterator.
136// As of this writing, we only construct `JsonRecord` from an iterator during
137// _serialization_, not _deserialization_, and we can assume that values being
138// serialized (i.e., coming from the Cedar engine itself) are already free of
139// duplicate keys.
140impl FromIterator<(SmolStr, CedarValueJson)> for JsonRecord {
141    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = (SmolStr, CedarValueJson)>>(iter: T) -> Self {
142        Self {
143            values: BTreeMap::from_iter(iter),
144        }
145    }
148impl JsonRecord {
149    /// Iterate over the (k, v) pairs in the record
150    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'_ SmolStr, &'_ CedarValueJson)> {
151        self.values.iter()
152    }
154    /// Get the number of attributes in the record
155    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
156        self.values.len()
157    }
159    /// Is the record empty (no attributes)
160    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
161        self.values.is_empty()
162    }
165/// Structure expected by the `__entity` escape
166#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
167#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
168#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", derive(tsify::Tsify))]
169#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(into_wasm_abi, from_wasm_abi))]
170pub struct TypeAndId {
171    /// Entity typename
172    #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "string"))]
173    #[serde(rename = "type")]
174    entity_type: SmolStr,
175    /// Entity id
176    #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "string"))]
177    id: SmolStr,
180impl From<EntityUID> for TypeAndId {
181    fn from(euid: EntityUID) -> TypeAndId {
182        let (entity_type, eid) = euid.components();
183        TypeAndId {
184            entity_type: entity_type.to_string().into(),
185            id: AsRef::<str>::as_ref(&eid).into(),
186        }
187    }
190impl From<&EntityUID> for TypeAndId {
191    fn from(euid: &EntityUID) -> TypeAndId {
192        TypeAndId {
193            entity_type: euid.entity_type().to_string().into(),
194            id: AsRef::<str>::as_ref(&euid.eid()).into(),
195        }
196    }
199impl TryFrom<TypeAndId> for EntityUID {
200    type Error = crate::parser::err::ParseErrors;
202    fn try_from(e: TypeAndId) -> Result<EntityUID, Self::Error> {
203        Ok(EntityUID::from_components(
204            Name::from_normalized_str(&e.entity_type)?.into(),
205            Eid::new(e.id),
206            None,
207        ))
208    }
211/// Structure expected by the `__extn` escape
212#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
213#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
214#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", derive(tsify::Tsify))]
215#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(into_wasm_abi, from_wasm_abi))]
216pub struct FnAndArg {
217    /// Extension constructor function
218    #[serde(rename = "fn")]
219    #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "string"))]
220    pub(crate) ext_fn: SmolStr,
221    /// Argument to that constructor
222    pub(crate) arg: Box<CedarValueJson>,
225impl CedarValueJson {
226    /// Encode the given `EntityUID` as a `CedarValueJson`
227    pub fn uid(euid: &EntityUID) -> Self {
228        Self::EntityEscape {
229            __entity: TypeAndId::from(euid.clone()),
230        }
231    }
233    /// Convert this `CedarValueJson` into a Cedar "restricted expression"
234    pub fn into_expr(
235        self,
236        ctx: impl Fn() -> JsonDeserializationErrorContext + Clone,
237    ) -> Result<RestrictedExpr, JsonDeserializationError> {
238        match self {
239            Self::Bool(b) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::val(b)),
240            Self::Long(i) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::val(i)),
241            Self::String(s) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::val(s)),
242            Self::Set(vals) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::set(
243                vals.into_iter()
244                    .map(|v| v.into_expr(ctx.clone()))
245                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
246            )),
247            Self::Record(map) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::record(
248                map.into_iter()
249                    .map(|(k, v)| Ok((k, v.into_expr(ctx.clone())?)))
250                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, JsonDeserializationError>>()?,
251            )
252            .map_err(|e| match e {
253                ExpressionConstructionError::DuplicateKey(
254                    expression_construction_errors::DuplicateKeyError { key, .. },
255                ) => JsonDeserializationError::duplicate_key(ctx(), key),
256            })?),
257            Self::EntityEscape { __entity: entity } => Ok(RestrictedExpr::val(
258                EntityUID::try_from(entity.clone()).map_err(|errs| {
259                    let err_msg = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&entity)
260                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{:?}", &entity));
261                    JsonDeserializationError::parse_escape(EscapeKind::Entity, err_msg, errs)
262                })?,
263            )),
264            Self::ExtnEscape { __extn: extn } => extn.into_expr(ctx),
265            Self::ExprEscape { .. } => Err(JsonDeserializationError::ExprTag(Box::new(ctx()))),
266            Self::Null => Err(JsonDeserializationError::Null(Box::new(ctx()))),
267        }
268    }
270    /// Convert a Cedar "restricted expression" into a `CedarValueJson`.
271    pub fn from_expr(expr: BorrowedRestrictedExpr<'_>) -> Result<Self, JsonSerializationError> {
272        match expr.as_ref().expr_kind() {
273            ExprKind::Lit(lit) => Ok(Self::from_lit(lit.clone())),
274            ExprKind::ExtensionFunctionApp { fn_name, args } => match args.len() {
275                0 => Err(JsonSerializationError::call_0_args(fn_name.clone())),
276                // PANIC SAFETY. We've checked that `args` is of length 1, fine to index at 0
277                #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)]
278                1 => Ok(Self::ExtnEscape {
279                    __extn: FnAndArg {
280                        ext_fn: fn_name.to_string().into(),
281                        arg: Box::new(CedarValueJson::from_expr(
282                            // assuming the invariant holds for `expr`, it must also hold here
283                            BorrowedRestrictedExpr::new_unchecked(
284                                &args[0], // checked above that |args| == 1
285                            ),
286                        )?),
287                    },
288                }),
289                _ => Err(JsonSerializationError::call_2_or_more_args(fn_name.clone())),
290            },
291            ExprKind::Set(exprs) => Ok(Self::Set(
292                exprs
293                    .iter()
294                    .map(BorrowedRestrictedExpr::new_unchecked) // assuming the invariant holds for `expr`, it must also hold here
295                    .map(CedarValueJson::from_expr)
296                    .collect::<Result<_, JsonSerializationError>>()?,
297            )),
298            ExprKind::Record(map) => {
299                // if `map` contains a key which collides with one of our JSON
300                // escapes, then we have a problem because it would be interpreted
301                // as an escape when being read back in.
302                check_for_reserved_keys(map.keys())?;
303                Ok(Self::Record(
304                    map.iter()
305                        .map(|(k, v)| {
306                            Ok((
307                                k.clone(),
308                                CedarValueJson::from_expr(
309                                    // assuming the invariant holds for `expr`, it must also hold here
310                                    BorrowedRestrictedExpr::new_unchecked(v),
311                                )?,
312                            ))
313                        })
314                        .collect::<Result<_, JsonSerializationError>>()?,
315                ))
316            }
317            kind => Err(JsonSerializationError::unexpected_restricted_expr_kind(
318                kind.clone(),
319            )),
320        }
321    }
323    /// Convert a Cedar value into a `CedarValueJson`.
324    ///
325    /// Only throws errors in two cases:
326    /// 1. `value` is (or contains) a record with a reserved key such as
327    ///     "__entity"
328    /// 2. `value` is (or contains) an extension value, and the argument to the
329    ///     extension constructor that produced that extension value can't
330    ///     itself be converted to `CedarJsonValue`. (Either because that
331    ///     argument falls into one of these two cases itself, or because the
332    ///     argument is a nontrivial residual.)
333    pub fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, JsonSerializationError> {
334        Self::from_valuekind(value.value)
335    }
337    /// Convert a Cedar `ValueKind` into a `CedarValueJson`.
338    ///
339    /// For discussion of when this throws errors, see notes on `from_value`.
340    pub fn from_valuekind(value: ValueKind) -> Result<Self, JsonSerializationError> {
341        match value {
342            ValueKind::Lit(lit) => Ok(Self::from_lit(lit)),
343            ValueKind::Set(set) => Ok(Self::Set(
344                set.iter()
345                    .cloned()
346                    .map(Self::from_value)
347                    .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
348            )),
349            ValueKind::Record(record) => {
350                // if `map` contains a key which collides with one of our JSON
351                // escapes, then we have a problem because it would be interpreted
352                // as an escape when being read back in.
353                check_for_reserved_keys(record.keys())?;
354                Ok(Self::Record(
355                    record
356                        .iter()
357                        .map(|(k, v)| Ok((k.clone(), Self::from_value(v.clone())?)))
358                        .collect::<Result<JsonRecord, JsonSerializationError>>()?,
359                ))
360            }
361            ValueKind::ExtensionValue(ev) => {
362                let ext_func = &ev.func;
363                Ok(Self::ExtnEscape {
364                    __extn: FnAndArg {
365                        ext_fn: ext_func.to_smolstr(),
366                        arg: match ev.args.as_slice() {
367                            [ref expr] => Box::new(Self::from_expr(expr.as_borrowed())?),
368                            [] => {
369                                return Err(JsonSerializationError::call_0_args(ext_func.clone()))
370                            }
371                            _ => {
372                                return Err(JsonSerializationError::call_2_or_more_args(
373                                    ext_func.clone(),
374                                ))
375                            }
376                        },
377                    },
378                })
379            }
380        }
381    }
383    /// Convert a Cedar literal into a `CedarValueJson`.
384    pub fn from_lit(lit: Literal) -> Self {
385        match lit {
386            Literal::Bool(b) => Self::Bool(b),
387            Literal::Long(i) => Self::Long(i),
388            Literal::String(s) => Self::String(s),
389            Literal::EntityUID(euid) => Self::EntityEscape {
390                __entity: Arc::unwrap_or_clone(euid).into(),
391            },
392        }
393    }
395    /// Substitute entity literals
396    pub fn sub_entity_literals(
397        self,
398        mapping: &BTreeMap<EntityUID, EntityUID>,
399    ) -> Result<Self, JsonDeserializationError> {
400        match self.clone() {
401            // Since we are modifying an already legal policy, this should be unreachable.
402            CedarValueJson::ExprEscape { __expr } => Err(JsonDeserializationError::ExprTag(
403                Box::new(JsonDeserializationErrorContext::Unknown),
404            )),
405            CedarValueJson::EntityEscape { __entity } => {
406                let euid = EntityUID::try_from(__entity);
407                match euid {
408                    Ok(euid) => match mapping.get(&euid) {
409                        Some(new_euid) => Ok(CedarValueJson::EntityEscape {
410                            __entity: new_euid.into(),
411                        }),
412                        None => Ok(self),
413                    },
414                    Err(_) => Ok(self),
415                }
416            }
417            CedarValueJson::ExtnEscape { __extn } => Ok(CedarValueJson::ExtnEscape {
418                __extn: FnAndArg {
419                    ext_fn: __extn.ext_fn,
420                    arg: Box::new((*__extn.arg).sub_entity_literals(mapping)?),
421                },
422            }),
423            CedarValueJson::Bool(_) => Ok(self),
424            CedarValueJson::Long(_) => Ok(self),
425            CedarValueJson::String(_) => Ok(self),
426            CedarValueJson::Set(v) => Ok(CedarValueJson::Set(
427                v.into_iter()
428                    .map(|e| e.sub_entity_literals(mapping))
429                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
430            )),
431            CedarValueJson::Record(r) => {
432                let mut new_m = BTreeMap::new();
433                for (k, v) in r.values {
434                    new_m.insert(k, v.sub_entity_literals(mapping)?);
435                }
436                Ok(CedarValueJson::Record(JsonRecord { values: new_m }))
437            }
438            CedarValueJson::Null => Ok(self),
439        }
440    }
443/// helper function to check if the given keys contain any reserved keys,
444/// throwing an appropriate `JsonSerializationError` if so
445fn check_for_reserved_keys<'a>(
446    mut keys: impl Iterator<Item = &'a SmolStr>,
447) -> Result<(), JsonSerializationError> {
448    // We could be a little more permissive here, but to be
449    // conservative, we throw an error for any record that contains
450    // any key with a reserved name, not just single-key records
451    // with the reserved names.
452    let reserved_keys: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from_iter(["__entity", "__extn", "__expr"]);
453    let collision = keys.find(|k| reserved_keys.contains(k.as_str()));
454    match collision {
455        Some(collision) => Err(JsonSerializationError::reserved_key(collision.clone())),
456        None => Ok(()),
457    }
460impl FnAndArg {
461    /// Convert this `FnAndArg` into a Cedar "restricted expression" (which will be a call to an extension constructor)
462    pub fn into_expr(
463        self,
464        ctx: impl Fn() -> JsonDeserializationErrorContext + Clone,
465    ) -> Result<RestrictedExpr, JsonDeserializationError> {
466        Ok(RestrictedExpr::call_extension_fn(
467            Name::from_normalized_str(&self.ext_fn).map_err(|errs| {
468                JsonDeserializationError::parse_escape(EscapeKind::Extension, self.ext_fn, errs)
469            })?,
470            vec![CedarValueJson::into_expr(*self.arg, ctx)?],
471        ))
472    }
475/// Struct used to parse Cedar values from JSON.
476#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
477pub struct ValueParser<'e> {
478    /// Extensions which are active for the JSON parsing.
479    extensions: &'e Extensions<'e>,
482impl<'e> ValueParser<'e> {
483    /// Create a new `ValueParser`.
484    pub fn new(extensions: &'e Extensions<'e>) -> Self {
485        Self { extensions }
486    }
488    /// internal function that converts a Cedar value (in JSON) into a
489    /// `RestrictedExpr`. Performs schema-based parsing if `expected_ty` is
490    /// provided. This does not mean that this function fully validates the
491    /// value against `expected_ty` -- it does not.
492    pub fn val_into_restricted_expr(
493        &self,
494        val: serde_json::Value,
495        expected_ty: Option<&SchemaType>,
496        ctx: impl Fn() -> JsonDeserializationErrorContext + Clone,
497    ) -> Result<RestrictedExpr, JsonDeserializationError> {
498        // First we have to check if we've been given an Unknown. This is valid
499        // regardless of the expected type (see #418).
500        let parse_as_unknown = |val: serde_json::Value| {
501            let extjson: ExtnValueJson = serde_json::from_value(val).ok()?;
502            match extjson {
503                ExtnValueJson::ExplicitExtnEscape {
504                    __extn: FnAndArg { ext_fn, arg },
505                } if ext_fn == "unknown" => {
506                    let arg = arg.into_expr(ctx.clone()).ok()?;
507                    let name = arg.as_string()?;
508                    Some(RestrictedExpr::unknown(Unknown::new_untyped(name.clone())))
509                }
510                _ => None, // only explicit `__extn` escape is valid for this purpose. For instance, if we allowed `ImplicitConstructor` here, then all strings would parse as calls to `unknown()`, which is clearly not what we want.
511            }
512        };
513        if let Some(rexpr) = parse_as_unknown(val.clone()) {
514            return Ok(rexpr);
515        }
516        // otherwise, we do normal schema-based parsing based on the expected type.
517        match expected_ty {
518            // The expected type is an entity reference. Special parsing rules
519            // apply: for instance, the `__entity` escape can optionally be omitted.
520            // What this means is that we parse the contents as `EntityUidJson`, and
521            // then convert that into an entity reference `RestrictedExpr`
522            Some(SchemaType::Entity { .. }) => {
523                let uidjson: EntityUidJson = serde_json::from_value(val)?;
524                Ok(RestrictedExpr::val(uidjson.into_euid(ctx)?))
525            }
526            // The expected type is an extension type. Special parsing rules apply:
527            // for instance, the `__extn` escape can optionally be omitted. What
528            // this means is that we parse the contents as `ExtnValueJson`, and then
529            // convert that into an extension-function-call `RestrictedExpr`
530            Some(SchemaType::Extension { ref name, .. }) => {
531                let extjson: ExtnValueJson = serde_json::from_value(val)?;
532                self.extn_value_json_into_rexpr(extjson, name.clone(), ctx)
533            }
534            // The expected type is a set type. No special parsing rules apply, but
535            // we need to parse the elements according to the expected element type
536            Some(expected_ty @ SchemaType::Set { element_ty }) => match val {
537                serde_json::Value::Array(elements) => Ok(RestrictedExpr::set(
538                    elements
539                        .into_iter()
540                        .map(|element| {
541                            self.val_into_restricted_expr(element, Some(element_ty), ctx.clone())
542                        })
543                        .collect::<Result<Vec<RestrictedExpr>, JsonDeserializationError>>()?,
544                )),
545                val => {
546                    let actual_val = {
547                        let jvalue: CedarValueJson = serde_json::from_value(val)?;
548                        jvalue.into_expr(ctx.clone())?
549                    };
550                    let err = TypeMismatchError::type_mismatch(
551                        expected_ty.clone(),
552                        actual_val.try_type_of(self.extensions),
553                        actual_val,
554                    );
555                    match ctx() {
556                        JsonDeserializationErrorContext::EntityAttribute { uid, attr } => {
557                            Err(JsonDeserializationError::EntitySchemaConformance(
558                                EntitySchemaConformanceError::type_mismatch(uid, attr, err),
559                            ))
560                        }
561                        ctx => Err(JsonDeserializationError::type_mismatch(ctx, err)),
562                    }
563                }
564            },
565            // The expected type is a record type. No special parsing rules
566            // apply, but we need to parse the attribute values according to
567            // their expected element types
568            Some(
569                expected_ty @ SchemaType::Record {
570                    attrs: expected_attrs,
571                    open_attrs,
572                },
573            ) => match val {
574                serde_json::Value::Object(mut actual_attrs) => {
575                    let ctx2 = ctx.clone(); // for borrow-check, so the original `ctx` can be moved into the closure below
576                    let mut_actual_attrs = &mut actual_attrs; // for borrow-check, so only a mut ref gets moved into the closure, and we retain ownership of `actual_attrs`
577                    let rexpr_pairs = expected_attrs
578                        .iter()
579                        .filter_map(move |(k, expected_attr_ty)| {
580                            match mut_actual_attrs.remove(k.as_str()) {
581                                Some(actual_attr) => {
582                                    match self.val_into_restricted_expr(actual_attr, Some(expected_attr_ty.schema_type()), ctx.clone()) {
583                                        Ok(actual_attr) => Some(Ok((k.clone(), actual_attr))),
584                                        Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
585                                    }
586                                }
587                                None if expected_attr_ty.is_required() => Some(Err(JsonDeserializationError::missing_required_record_attr(ctx(), k.clone()))),
588                                None => None,
589                            }
590                        })
591                        .collect::<Result<Vec<(SmolStr, RestrictedExpr)>, JsonDeserializationError>>()?;
593                    if !open_attrs {
594                        // we've now checked that all expected attrs exist, and removed them from `actual_attrs`.
595                        // we still need to verify that we didn't have any unexpected attrs.
596                        if let Some((record_attr, _)) = actual_attrs.into_iter().next() {
597                            return Err(JsonDeserializationError::unexpected_record_attr(
598                                ctx2(),
599                                record_attr,
600                            ));
601                        }
602                    }
604                    // having duplicate keys should be impossible here (because
605                    // neither `actual_attrs` nor `expected_attrs` can have
606                    // duplicate keys; they're both maps), but we can still throw
607                    // the error properly in the case that it somehow happens
608                    RestrictedExpr::record(rexpr_pairs).map_err(|e| match e {
609                        ExpressionConstructionError::DuplicateKey(
610                            expression_construction_errors::DuplicateKeyError { key, .. },
611                        ) => JsonDeserializationError::duplicate_key(ctx2(), key),
612                    })
613                }
614                val => {
615                    let actual_val = {
616                        let jvalue: CedarValueJson = serde_json::from_value(val)?;
617                        jvalue.into_expr(ctx.clone())?
618                    };
619                    let err = TypeMismatchError::type_mismatch(
620                        expected_ty.clone(),
621                        actual_val.try_type_of(self.extensions),
622                        actual_val,
623                    );
624                    match ctx() {
625                        JsonDeserializationErrorContext::EntityAttribute { uid, attr } => {
626                            Err(JsonDeserializationError::EntitySchemaConformance(
627                                EntitySchemaConformanceError::type_mismatch(uid, attr, err),
628                            ))
629                        }
630                        ctx => Err(JsonDeserializationError::type_mismatch(ctx, err)),
631                    }
632                }
633            },
634            // The expected type is any other type, or we don't have an expected type.
635            // No special parsing rules apply; we do ordinary, non-schema-based parsing.
636            Some(_) | None => {
637                // Everything is parsed as `CedarValueJson`, and converted into
638                // `RestrictedExpr` from that.
639                let jvalue: CedarValueJson = serde_json::from_value(val)?;
640                Ok(jvalue.into_expr(ctx)?)
641            }
642        }
643    }
645    /// internal function that converts an `ExtnValueJson` into a
646    /// `RestrictedExpr`, which will be an extension constructor call.
647    ///
648    /// `expected_typename`: Specific extension type that is expected.
649    fn extn_value_json_into_rexpr(
650        &self,
651        extnjson: ExtnValueJson,
652        expected_typename: Name,
653        ctx: impl Fn() -> JsonDeserializationErrorContext + Clone,
654    ) -> Result<RestrictedExpr, JsonDeserializationError> {
655        match extnjson {
656            ExtnValueJson::ExplicitExprEscape { __expr } => {
657                Err(JsonDeserializationError::ExprTag(Box::new(ctx())))
658            }
659            ExtnValueJson::ExplicitExtnEscape { __extn }
660            | ExtnValueJson::ImplicitExtnEscape(__extn) => {
661                // reuse the same logic that parses CedarValueJson
662                let jvalue = CedarValueJson::ExtnEscape { __extn };
663                let expr = jvalue.into_expr(ctx.clone())?;
664                match expr.expr_kind() {
665                    ExprKind::ExtensionFunctionApp { .. } => Ok(expr),
666                    _ => Err(JsonDeserializationError::expected_extn_value(
667                        ctx(),
668                        Either::Right(expr.clone().into()),
669                    )),
670                }
671            }
672            ExtnValueJson::ImplicitConstructor(val) => {
673                let expected_return_type = SchemaType::Extension {
674                    name: expected_typename,
675                };
676                let func = self
677                    .extensions
678                    .lookup_single_arg_constructor(&expected_return_type)
679                    .ok_or_else(|| {
680                        JsonDeserializationError::missing_implied_constructor(
681                            ctx(),
682                            expected_return_type,
683                        )
684                    })?;
685                let arg = val.into_expr(ctx.clone())?;
686                Ok(RestrictedExpr::call_extension_fn(
687                    func.name().clone(),
688                    vec![arg],
689                ))
690            }
691        }
692    }
695/// A (optional) static context for deserialization of entity uids
696/// This is useful when, for plumbing reasons, we can't get the appopriate values into the dynamic
697/// context. Primary use case is in the [`DeserializeAs`] trait.
698pub trait DeserializationContext {
699    /// Access the (optional) static context.
700    /// If returns [`None`], use the dynamic context.
701    fn static_context() -> Option<JsonDeserializationErrorContext>;
704/// A [`DeserializationContext`] that always returns [`None`].
705/// This is the default behaviour,
706#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
707pub struct NoStaticContext;
709impl DeserializationContext for NoStaticContext {
710    fn static_context() -> Option<JsonDeserializationErrorContext> {
711        None
712    }
715/// Serde JSON format for Cedar values where we know we're expecting an entity
716/// reference
717#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
719#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", derive(tsify::Tsify))]
720#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(into_wasm_abi, from_wasm_abi))]
721pub enum EntityUidJson<Context = NoStaticContext> {
722    /// This was removed in 3.0 and is only here for generating nice error messages.
723    ExplicitExprEscape {
724        /// Contents are ignored.
725        #[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "__skip"))]
726        __expr: String,
727        /// Phantom value for the `Context` type parameter
728        #[serde(skip)]
729        context: std::marker::PhantomData<Context>,
730    },
731    /// Explicit `__entity` escape; see notes on `CedarValueJson::EntityEscape`
732    ExplicitEntityEscape {
733        /// JSON object containing the entity type and ID
734        __entity: TypeAndId,
735    },
736    /// Implicit `__entity` escape, in which case we'll see just the TypeAndId
737    /// structure
738    ImplicitEntityEscape(TypeAndId),
740    /// Implicit catch-all case for error handling
741    FoundValue(#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", tsify(type = "__skip"))] serde_json::Value),
744impl<'de, C: DeserializationContext> DeserializeAs<'de, EntityUID> for EntityUidJson<C> {
745    fn deserialize_as<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<EntityUID, D::Error>
746    where
747        D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
748    {
749        use serde::de::Error;
750        // We don't know the context that called us, so we'll rely on the statically set context
751        let context = || JsonDeserializationErrorContext::Unknown;
752        let s = EntityUidJson::<C>::deserialize(deserializer)?;
753        let euid = s.into_euid(context).map_err(Error::custom)?;
754        Ok(euid)
755    }
758impl<C> SerializeAs<EntityUID> for EntityUidJson<C> {
759    fn serialize_as<S>(source: &EntityUID, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
760    where
761        S: serde::Serializer,
762    {
763        let json: EntityUidJson = source.clone().into();
764        json.serialize(serializer)
765    }
768impl<C: DeserializationContext> EntityUidJson<C> {
769    /// Construct an `EntityUidJson` from entity type name and eid.
770    ///
771    /// This will use the `ImplicitEntityEscape` form, if it matters.
772    pub fn new(entity_type: impl Into<SmolStr>, id: impl Into<SmolStr>) -> Self {
773        Self::ImplicitEntityEscape(TypeAndId {
774            entity_type: entity_type.into(),
775            id: id.into(),
776        })
777    }
779    /// Convert this `EntityUidJson` into an `EntityUID`
780    pub fn into_euid(
781        self,
782        dynamic_ctx: impl Fn() -> JsonDeserializationErrorContext + Clone,
783    ) -> Result<EntityUID, JsonDeserializationError> {
784        let ctx = || C::static_context().unwrap_or_else(&dynamic_ctx);
785        match self {
786            Self::ExplicitEntityEscape { __entity } | Self::ImplicitEntityEscape(__entity) => {
787                // reuse the same logic that parses CedarValueJson
788                let jvalue = CedarValueJson::EntityEscape { __entity };
789                let expr = jvalue.into_expr(ctx)?;
790                match expr.expr_kind() {
791                    ExprKind::Lit(Literal::EntityUID(euid)) => Ok((**euid).clone()),
792                    _ => Err(JsonDeserializationError::expected_entity_ref(
793                        ctx(),
794                        Either::Right(expr.clone().into()),
795                    )),
796                }
797            }
798            Self::FoundValue(v) => Err(JsonDeserializationError::expected_entity_ref(
799                ctx(),
800                Either::Left(v),
801            )),
802            Self::ExplicitExprEscape { __expr, .. } => {
803                Err(JsonDeserializationError::ExprTag(Box::new(ctx())))
804            }
805        }
806    }
809/// Convert an `EntityUID` to `EntityUidJson`, using the `ExplicitEntityEscape` option
810impl From<EntityUID> for EntityUidJson {
811    fn from(uid: EntityUID) -> EntityUidJson {
812        EntityUidJson::ExplicitEntityEscape {
813            __entity: uid.into(),
814        }
815    }
818/// Convert an `EntityUID` to `EntityUidJson`, using the `ExplicitEntityEscape` option
819impl From<&EntityUID> for EntityUidJson {
820    fn from(uid: &EntityUID) -> EntityUidJson {
821        EntityUidJson::ExplicitEntityEscape {
822            __entity: uid.into(),
823        }
824    }
827/// Serde JSON format for Cedar values where we know we're expecting an
828/// extension value
829#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
831pub enum ExtnValueJson {
832    /// This was removed in 3.0 and is only here for generating nice error messages.
833    ExplicitExprEscape {
834        /// Contents are ignored.
835        __expr: String,
836    },
837    /// Explicit `__extn` escape; see notes on `CedarValueJson::ExtnEscape`
838    ExplicitExtnEscape {
839        /// JSON object containing the extension-constructor call
840        __extn: FnAndArg,
841    },
842    /// Implicit `__extn` escape, in which case we'll just see the `FnAndArg`
843    /// directly
844    ImplicitExtnEscape(FnAndArg),
845    /// Implicit `__extn` escape and constructor. Constructor is implicitly
846    /// selected based on the argument type and the expected type.
847    //
848    // This is listed last so that it has lowest priority when deserializing.
849    // If one of the above forms fits, we use that.
850    ImplicitConstructor(CedarValueJson),