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//! Representation for chrono objects in human languages
//! # Quick Start
//! `HumanTime` objects are created from chrono objects, such as `chrono::DateTime`
//! and `chrono::Duration`
//! # Examples
//! Convert current time taken as `Local::now()` to `HumanTime`
//! ```
//! let dt = chrono::Local::now();
//! let ht = chrono_humanize::HumanTime::from(dt);
//! assert_eq!("now", format!("{}", ht));
//! ```
//! ```
//! let dt = chrono::Local::now() - chrono::Duration::minutes(58);
//! let ht = chrono_humanize::HumanTime::from(dt);
//! assert_eq!("an hour ago", format!("{}", ht));
//! ```
//! For full control over the text representation use `HumanTime::to_text_en()`
//! ```
//! use chrono::Duration;
//! use chrono_humanize::{Accuracy, HumanTime, Tense};
//! # fn main() {
//! let dt = Duration::days(45);
//! let ht = HumanTime::from(dt);
//! assert_eq!("a month", ht.to_text_en(Accuracy::Rough, Tense::Present));
//! assert_eq!("1 month, 2 weeks and 1 day", ht.to_text_en(Accuracy::Precise, Tense::Present));
//! # }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(feature = "pedantic", warn(clippy::pedantic))]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
pub use crate::humantime::{Accuracy, HumanTime, Tense};
mod humantime;
/// Present the object in human friendly text form
pub trait Humanize {
/// Emits `String` that represents current object in human friendly form
fn humanize(&self) -> String;