Crate cipher

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This crate defines a set of traits which describe the functionality of block ciphers, block modes, and stream ciphers.





  • Array is a newtype for an inner [T; N] array where N is determined by a generic ArraySize parameter, which is a marker trait for a numeric value determined by ZSTs that impl the typenum::Unsigned trait.
  • Custom pointer type which contains one immutable (input) and one mutable (output) pointer, which are either equal or non-overlapping.
  • Custom slice type which references one immutable (input) slice and one mutable (output) slice of equal length. Input and output slices are either the same or do not overlap.
  • The error type returned when key and/or IV used in the KeyInit, KeyIvInit, and InnerIvInit slice-based methods had an invalid length.


  • Trait which stores algorithm name constant, used in Debug implementations.
  • Types which process data in blocks.
  • Types which can be initialized from another type and additional initialization vector/nonce.
  • Types which use initialization vector (nonce) for initialization.
  • Trait for loading current IV state.
  • Types which can be initialized from key.
  • Types which can be initialized from key and initialization vector (nonce).
  • Types which use key for initialization.
  • Types which can process blocks in parallel.

Type Aliases§