lib.rs1extern crate proc_macro;
24use std::str::FromStr;
26use quote::quote;
27use syn::parse_macro_input;
29macro_rules! impl_hash {
30 ($name:ident, $type:ident, $type_str:expr, $link_str:expr) => {
31 #[doc = "A proc-macro used to create a const [`"]
32 #[doc = $type_str]
33 #[doc = "`] from a hexadecimal string or a trimmed hexadecimal string.\n\n[`"]
34 #[doc = $type_str]
35 #[doc = "`]:"]
36 #[doc = $link_str]
37 #[proc_macro]
38 pub fn $name(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
39 let input = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::LitStr);
40 let expanded = {
41 let input = input.value().replace("_", "");
42 if input.len() < 3 || &input[..2] != "0x" {
43 panic!("Input has to be a hexadecimal string with 0x-prefix.");
44 };
45 let input_str = &input[2..];
46 let value = match &input_str[..1] {
47 "0" => {
48 if input_str.len() > 1 {
49 ckb_fixed_hash_core::$type::from_str(input_str)
50 } else {
51 ckb_fixed_hash_core::$type::from_trimmed_str(input_str)
52 }
53 },
54 _ => {
55 ckb_fixed_hash_core::$type::from_trimmed_str(input_str)
56 },
57 }
58 .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
59 panic!("Failed to parse the input hexadecimal string: {}", err);
60 });
61 let eval_str = format!("{:?}", value);
62 let eval_ts: proc_macro2::TokenStream = eval_str.parse().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
63 panic!("Failed to parse the string \"{}\" to TokenStream.", eval_str);
64 });
65 quote!(#eval_ts)
66 };
67 expanded.into()
68 }
69 };
70 ($name:ident, $type:ident) => {
71 impl_hash!($name, $type, stringify!($type), concat!("../ckb_fixed_hash_core/struct.", stringify!($type), ".html"));
72 }
75impl_hash!(h160, H160);
76impl_hash!(h256, H256);
77impl_hash!(h512, H512);
78impl_hash!(h520, H520);