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// Copyright 2016 Tyler Neely
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_uchar, c_void, size_t};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::slice;
/// Decision about how to handle compacting an object
/// This is returned by a compaction filter callback. Depending
/// on the value, the object may be kept, removed, or changed
/// in the database during a compaction.
pub enum Decision {
/// Keep the old value
/// Remove the object from the database
/// Change the value for the key
Change(&'static [u8]),
/// CompactionFilter allows an application to modify/delete a key-value at
/// the time of compaction.
pub trait CompactionFilter {
/// The compaction process invokes this
/// method for kv that is being compacted. The application can inspect
/// the existing value of the key and make decision based on it.
/// Key-Values that are results of merge operation during compaction are not
/// passed into this function. Currently, when you have a mix of Put()s and
/// Merge()s on a same key, we only guarantee to process the merge operands
/// through the compaction filters. Put()s might be processed, or might not.
/// When the value is to be preserved, the application has the option
/// to modify the existing_value and pass it back through new_value.
/// value_changed needs to be set to true in this case.
/// Note that RocksDB snapshots (i.e. call GetSnapshot() API on a
/// DB* object) will not guarantee to preserve the state of the DB with
/// CompactionFilter. Data seen from a snapshot might disappear after a
/// compaction finishes. If you use snapshots, think twice about whether you
/// want to use compaction filter and whether you are using it in a safe way.
/// If the CompactionFilter was created by a factory, then it will only ever
/// be used by a single thread that is doing the compaction run, and this
/// call does not need to be thread-safe. However, multiple filters may be
/// in existence and operating concurrently.
fn filter(&mut self, level: u32, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Decision;
/// Returns a name that identifies this compaction filter.
/// The name will be printed to LOG file on start up for diagnosis.
fn name(&self) -> &CStr;
/// Function to filter compaction with.
/// This function takes the level of compaction, the key, and the existing value
/// and returns the decision about how to handle the Key-Value pair.
/// See [Options::set_compaction_filter][set_compaction_filter] for more details
/// [set_compaction_filter]: ../struct.Options.html#method.set_compaction_filter
pub trait CompactionFilterFn: FnMut(u32, &[u8], &[u8]) -> Decision {}
impl<F> CompactionFilterFn for F where F: FnMut(u32, &[u8], &[u8]) -> Decision + Send + 'static {}
pub struct CompactionFilterCallback<F>
F: CompactionFilterFn,
pub name: CString,
pub filter_fn: F,
impl<F> CompactionFilter for CompactionFilterCallback<F>
F: CompactionFilterFn,
fn name(&self) -> &CStr {
fn filter(&mut self, level: u32, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Decision {
(self.filter_fn)(level, key, value)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn destructor_callback<F>(raw_cb: *mut c_void)
F: CompactionFilter,
let _ = Box::from_raw(raw_cb as *mut F);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn name_callback<F>(raw_cb: *mut c_void) -> *const c_char
F: CompactionFilter,
let cb = &*(raw_cb as *mut F);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn filter_callback<F>(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
level: c_int,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_length: size_t,
existing_value: *const c_char,
value_length: size_t,
new_value: *mut *mut c_char,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
value_changed: *mut c_uchar,
) -> c_uchar
F: CompactionFilter,
use self::Decision::{Change, Keep, Remove};
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut F);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_length);
let oldval = slice::from_raw_parts(existing_value as *const u8, value_length);
let result = cb.filter(level as u32, key, oldval);
match result {
Keep => 0,
Remove => 1,
Change(newval) => {
*new_value = newval.as_ptr() as *mut c_char;
*new_value_length = newval.len() as size_t;
*value_changed = 1_u8;
fn test_filter(level: u32, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Decision {
use self::Decision::{Change, Keep, Remove};
match key.first() {
Some(&b'_') => Remove,
Some(&b'%') => Change(b"secret"),
_ => Keep,
fn compaction_filter_test() {
use crate::{ops::*, Options, TemporaryDBPath, DB};
let path = TemporaryDBPath::new();
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_compaction_filter("test", test_filter);
let db = DB::open(&opts, &path).unwrap();
let _r = db.put(b"k1", b"a");
let _r = db.put(b"_k", b"b");
let _r = db.put(b"%k", b"c");
db.compact_range(None::<&[u8]>, None::<&[u8]>);
assert_eq!(&*db.get(b"k1").unwrap().unwrap(), b"a");
assert_eq!(&*db.get(b"%k").unwrap().unwrap(), b"secret");
let result = DB::destroy(&opts, path);