Expand description
Rust bindings for libclang
Note that the documentation on https://docs.rs for this crate assumes usage
of the runtime
Cargo feature as well as the Cargo feature for the latest
supported version of libclang
(e.g., clang_11_0
), neither of which are
enabled by default.
Due to the usage of the runtime
Cargo feature, this documentation will
contain some additional types and functions to manage a dynamically loaded
instance at runtime.
Due to the usage of the Cargo feature for the latest supported version of
, this documentation will contain constants and functions that are
not available in the oldest supported version of libclang
(3.5). All of
these types and functions have a documentation comment which specifies the
minimum libclang
version required to use the item.
- clang_
Block Command Comment_ getArg Text - clang_
Block Command Comment_ getCommand Name - clang_
Block Command Comment_ getNum Args - clang_
Block Command Comment_ getParagraph - clang_
CXCursor Set_ contains - clang_
CXCursor Set_ insert - clang_
CXIndex_ getGlobal Options - clang_
CXIndex_ setGlobal Options - clang_
CXIndex_ setInvocation Emission Path Option - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ isConverting Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ isCopy Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ isDefault Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ isMove Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXField_ isMutable - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isConst - clang_
CXXMethod_ isCopy Assignment Operator - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isDefaulted - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isDeleted - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isExplicit - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isMove Assignment Operator - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ isPure Virtual - clang_
CXXMethod_ isStatic - clang_
CXXMethod_ isVirtual - clang_
CXXRecord_ isAbstract - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
Comment_ getChild - clang_
Comment_ getKind - clang_
Comment_ getNum Children - clang_
Comment_ isWhitespace - clang_
Compilation Database_ dispose - clang_
Compilation Database_ from Directory - clang_
Compilation Database_ getAll Compile Commands - clang_
Compilation Database_ getCompile Commands - clang_
Compile Command_ getArg - clang_
Compile Command_ getDirectory - clang_
Compile Command_ getFilename - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile Command_ getMapped Source Content - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile Command_ getMapped Source Path - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile Command_ getNum Args - clang_
Compile Command_ getNum Mapped Sources - clang_
Compile Commands_ dispose - clang_
Compile Commands_ getCommand - clang_
Compile Commands_ getSize - clang_
Cursor_ Evaluate - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getArgument - clang_
Cursor_ getBrief Comment Text - clang_
Cursor_ getCXX Manglings - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getComment Range - clang_
Cursor_ getMangling - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getModule - clang_
Cursor_ getNum Arguments - clang_
Cursor_ getNum Template Arguments - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Decl Qualifiers - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Manglings - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Property Attributes - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Property Getter Name - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Property Setter Name - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getObjC Selector Index - clang_
Cursor_ getOffset OfField - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getParsed Comment - clang_
Cursor_ getRaw Comment Text - clang_
Cursor_ getReceiver Type - clang_
Cursor_ getSpelling Name Range - clang_
Cursor_ getStorage Class - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getTemplate Argument Kind - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getTemplate Argument Type - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getTemplate Argument Unsigned Value - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getTemplate Argument Value - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ getTranslation Unit - clang_
Cursor_ getVar Decl Initializer - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ hasAttrs - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ hasVar Decl External Storage - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ hasVar Decl Global Storage - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isAnonymous - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isAnonymous Record Decl - Only available on
9.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isBit Field - clang_
Cursor_ isDynamic Call - clang_
Cursor_ isExternal Symbol - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isFunction Inlined - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isInline Namespace - Only available on
9.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isMacro Builtin - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isMacro Function Like - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ isNull - clang_
Cursor_ isObjC Optional - clang_
Cursor_ isVariadic - clang_
Enum Decl_ isScoped - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ dispose - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getAs Double - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getAs Int - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getAs Long Long - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getAs Str - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getAs Unsigned - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ getKind - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval Result_ isUnsigned Int - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
File_ isEqual - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
File_ tryGet Real Path Name - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Full Comment_ getAsHTML - clang_
Full Comment_ getAsXML - clang_
HTML Start TagComment_ isSelf Closing - clang_
HTML Start Tag_ getAttr Name - clang_
HTML Start Tag_ getAttr Value - clang_
HTML Start Tag_ getNum Attrs - clang_
HTML TagComment_ getAs String - clang_
HTML TagComment_ getTag Name - clang_
Index Action_ create - clang_
Index Action_ dispose - clang_
Inline Command Comment_ getArg Text - clang_
Inline Command Comment_ getCommand Name - clang_
Inline Command Comment_ getNum Args - clang_
Inline Command Comment_ getRender Kind - clang_
Inline Content Comment_ hasTrailing Newline - clang_
Location_ isFrom Main File - clang_
Location_ isIn System Header - clang_
Module_ getAST File - clang_
Module_ getFull Name - clang_
Module_ getName - clang_
Module_ getNum TopLevel Headers - clang_
Module_ getParent - clang_
Module_ getTop Level Header - clang_
Module_ isSystem - clang_
Param Command Comment_ getDirection - clang_
Param Command Comment_ getParam Index - clang_
Param Command Comment_ getParam Name - clang_
Param Command Comment_ isDirection Explicit - clang_
Param Command Comment_ isParam Index Valid - clang_
Printing Policy_ dispose - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Printing Policy_ getProperty - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Printing Policy_ setProperty - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Range_ isNull - clang_
TParam Command Comment_ getDepth - clang_
TParam Command Comment_ getIndex - clang_
TParam Command Comment_ getParam Name - clang_
TParam Command Comment_ isParam Position Valid - clang_
Target Info_ dispose - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Target Info_ getPointer Width - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Target Info_ getTriple - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Text Comment_ getText - clang_
Type_ getAlign Of - clang_
Type_ getCXX RefQualifier - clang_
Type_ getClass Type - clang_
Type_ getModified Type - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getNamed Type - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Type_ getNullability - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getNum ObjC Protocol Refs - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getNum ObjC Type Args - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getNum Template Arguments - clang_
Type_ getObjC Encoding - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Type_ getObjC Object Base Type - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getObjC Protocol Decl - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getObjC Type Arg - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ getOffset Of - clang_
Type_ getSize Of - clang_
Type_ getTemplate Argument AsType - clang_
Type_ getValue Type - Only available on
11.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ isTransparent TagTypedef - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ visit Fields - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Verbatim Block Line Comment_ getText - clang_
Verbatim Line Comment_ getText - clang_
annotate Tokens - clang_
code Complete At - clang_
code Complete GetContainer Kind - clang_
code Complete GetContainerUSR - clang_
code Complete GetContexts - clang_
code Complete GetDiagnostic - clang_
code Complete GetNum Diagnostics - clang_
code Complete GetObjC Selector - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Category - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Class - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Ivar - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Method - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Property - clang_
constructUSR_ ObjC Protocol - clang_
createCX Cursor Set - clang_
create Index - clang_
create Index With Options - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
create Translation Unit - clang_
create Translation Unit2 - clang_
create Translation Unit From Source File - clang_
default Code Complete Options - clang_
default Diagnostic Display Options - clang_
default Editing Translation Unit Options - clang_
default Reparse Options - clang_
default Save Options - clang_
disposeCX Cursor Set - clang_
disposeCX Platform Availability - clang_
disposeCXTU Resource Usage - clang_
dispose Code Complete Results - clang_
dispose Diagnostic - clang_
dispose Diagnostic Set - clang_
dispose Index - clang_
dispose Overridden Cursors - clang_
dispose Source Range List - clang_
dispose String - clang_
dispose String Set - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
dispose Tokens - clang_
dispose Translation Unit - clang_
enable Stack Traces - clang_
equal Cursors - clang_
equal Locations - clang_
equal Ranges - clang_
equal Types - clang_
execute OnThread - clang_
find Includes InFile - clang_
find References InFile - clang_
format Diagnostic - clang_
free - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
getAddress Space - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getAll Skipped Ranges - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
getArg Type - clang_
getArray Element Type - clang_
getArray Size - clang_
getBinary Operator Kind Spelling - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getC String - clang_
getCXTU Resource Usage - clang_
getCXX Access Specifier - clang_
getCanonical Cursor - clang_
getCanonical Type - clang_
getChild Diagnostics - clang_
getClang Version - clang_
getCompletion Annotation - clang_
getCompletion Availability - clang_
getCompletion Brief Comment - clang_
getCompletion Chunk Completion String - clang_
getCompletion Chunk Kind - clang_
getCompletion Chunk Text - clang_
getCompletion FixIt - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCompletion NumAnnotations - clang_
getCompletion NumFix Its - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCompletion Parent - clang_
getCompletion Priority - clang_
getCursor - clang_
getCursor Availability - clang_
getCursor Binary Operator Kind - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Completion String - clang_
getCursor Definition - clang_
getCursor Display Name - clang_
getCursor Exception Specification Type - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Extent - clang_
getCursor Kind - clang_
getCursor Kind Spelling - clang_
getCursor Language - clang_
getCursor Lexical Parent - clang_
getCursor Linkage - clang_
getCursor Location - clang_
getCursor Platform Availability - clang_
getCursor Pretty Printed - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Printing Policy - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Reference Name Range - clang_
getCursor Referenced - clang_
getCursor Result Type - clang_
getCursor Semantic Parent - clang_
getCursor Spelling - clang_
getCursorTLS Kind - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Type - clang_
getCursorUSR - clang_
getCursor Unary Operator Kind - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor Visibility - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
getDecl ObjC Type Encoding - clang_
getDefinition Spelling AndExtent - clang_
getDiagnostic - clang_
getDiagnostic Category - clang_
getDiagnostic Category Name - clang_
getDiagnostic Category Text - clang_
getDiagnostic FixIt - clang_
getDiagnostic InSet - clang_
getDiagnostic Location - clang_
getDiagnostic NumFix Its - clang_
getDiagnostic NumRanges - clang_
getDiagnostic Option - clang_
getDiagnostic Range - clang_
getDiagnostic SetFromTU - clang_
getDiagnostic Severity - clang_
getDiagnostic Spelling - clang_
getElement Type - clang_
getEnum Constant Decl Unsigned Value - clang_
getEnum Constant Decl Value - clang_
getEnum Decl Integer Type - clang_
getException Specification Type - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getExpansion Location - clang_
getField Decl BitWidth - clang_
getFile - clang_
getFile Contents - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
getFile Location - clang_
getFile Name - clang_
getFile Time - clang_
getFile UniqueID - clang_
getFunction Type Calling Conv - clang_
getIB Outlet Collection Type - clang_
getIncluded File - clang_
getInclusions - clang_
getInstantiation Location - clang_
getLocation - clang_
getLocation ForOffset - clang_
getModule ForFile - clang_
getNon Reference Type - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
getNull Cursor - clang_
getNull Location - clang_
getNull Range - clang_
getNum ArgTypes - clang_
getNum Completion Chunks - clang_
getNum Diagnostics - clang_
getNum Diagnostics InSet - clang_
getNum Elements - clang_
getNum Overloaded Decls - clang_
getOverloaded Decl - clang_
getOverridden Cursors - clang_
getPointee Type - clang_
getPresumed Location - clang_
getRange - clang_
getRange End - clang_
getRange Start - clang_
getRemappings - clang_
getRemappings From File List - clang_
getResult Type - clang_
getSkipped Ranges - clang_
getSpecialized Cursor Template - clang_
getSpelling Location - clang_
getTU Resource Usage Name - clang_
getTemplate Cursor Kind - clang_
getToken - clang_
getToken Extent - clang_
getToken Kind - clang_
getToken Location - clang_
getToken Spelling - clang_
getTranslation Unit Cursor - clang_
getTranslation Unit Spelling - clang_
getTranslation Unit Target Info - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getType Declaration - clang_
getType Kind Spelling - clang_
getType Spelling - clang_
getTypedef Decl Underlying Type - clang_
getTypedef Name - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getUnary Operator Kind Spelling - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getUnqualified Type - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
hash Cursor - clang_
index Loc_ getCX Source Location - clang_
index Loc_ getFile Location - clang_
index Source File - clang_
index Source File Full Argv - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
index Translation Unit - clang_
index_ getCXX Class Decl Info - clang_
index_ getClient Container - clang_
index_ getClient Entity - clang_
index_ getIB Outlet Collection Attr Info - clang_
index_ getObjC Category Decl Info - clang_
index_ getObjC Container Decl Info - clang_
index_ getObjC Interface Decl Info - clang_
index_ getObjC Property Decl Info - clang_
index_ getObjC Protocol RefList Info - clang_
index_ isEntity ObjC Container Kind - clang_
index_ setClient Container - clang_
index_ setClient Entity - clang_
isAttribute - clang_
isConst Qualified Type - clang_
isCursor Definition - clang_
isDeclaration - clang_
isExpression - clang_
isFile Multiple Include Guarded - clang_
isFunction Type Variadic - clang_
isInvalid - clang_
isInvalid Declaration - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
isPOD Type - clang_
isPreprocessing - clang_
isReference - clang_
isRestrict Qualified Type - clang_
isStatement - clang_
isTranslation Unit - clang_
isUnexposed - clang_
isVirtual Base - clang_
isVolatile Qualified Type - clang_
load Diagnostics - clang_
parse Translation Unit - clang_
parse Translation Unit2 - clang_
parse Translation Unit2 Full Argv - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
remap_ dispose - clang_
remap_ getFilenames - clang_
remap_ getNum Files - clang_
reparse Translation Unit - clang_
save Translation Unit - clang_
sort Code Completion Results - clang_
suspend Translation Unit - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
toggle Crash Recovery - clang_
tokenize - clang_
visit Children - support
- Provides helper functionality.
- CXCode
Complete Results - CXComment
- CXCompletion
Result - CXCursor
- CXCursor
AndRange Visitor - CXFile
UniqueID - CXIdx
Attr Info - CXIdx
Base Class Info - CXIdxCXX
Class Decl Info - CXIdx
Container Info - CXIdx
Decl Info - CXIdx
Entity Info - CXIdx
Entity RefInfo - CXIdxIB
Outlet Collection Attr Info - CXIdx
ImportedAST File Info - CXIdx
Included File Info - CXIdx
Loc - CXIdx
ObjC Category Decl Info - CXIdx
ObjC Container Decl Info - CXIdx
ObjC Interface Decl Info - CXIdx
ObjC Property Decl Info - CXIdx
ObjC Protocol RefInfo - CXIdx
ObjC Protocol RefList Info - CXIndex
Options - CXPlatform
Availability - CXSource
Location - CXSource
Range - CXSource
Range List - CXString
- CXString
Set - CXTU
Resource Usage - CXTU
Resource Usage Entry - CXToken
- CXType
- CXUnsaved
File - CXVersion
- Functions
- The set of functions loaded dynamically.
- Indexer
Callbacks - Shared
Library - A dynamically loaded instance of the
- Version
- The (minimum) version of a
shared library.
- CXAvailability_
Available - CXAvailability_
Deprecated - CXAvailability_
NotAccessible - CXAvailability_
NotAvailable - CXBinary
Operator_ Add - CXBinary
Operator_ AddAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ And - CXBinary
Operator_ AndAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ Assign - CXBinary
Operator_ Cmp - CXBinary
Operator_ Comma - CXBinary
Operator_ Div - CXBinary
Operator_ DivAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ EQ - CXBinary
Operator_ GE - CXBinary
Operator_ GT - CXBinary
Operator_ Invalid - CXBinary
Operator_ LAnd - CXBinary
Operator_ LE - CXBinary
Operator_ LOr - CXBinary
Operator_ LT - CXBinary
Operator_ Mul - CXBinary
Operator_ MulAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ NE - CXBinary
Operator_ Or - CXBinary
Operator_ OrAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ PtrMemD - CXBinary
Operator_ PtrMemI - CXBinary
Operator_ Rem - CXBinary
Operator_ RemAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ Shl - CXBinary
Operator_ ShlAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ Shr - CXBinary
Operator_ ShrAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ Sub - CXBinary
Operator_ SubAssign - CXBinary
Operator_ Xor - CXBinary
Operator_ XorAssign - CXCalling
Conv_ AAPCS - CXCalling
Conv_ AAPCS_ VFP - CXCalling
Conv_ AArch64SVEPCS - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ AArch64 Vector Call - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ C - CXCalling
Conv_ Default - CXCalling
Conv_ Intel OclBicc - CXCalling
Conv_ Invalid - CXCalling
Conv_ M68kRTD - Only produced by
18.0 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ Preserve All - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ Preserve Most - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ Swift - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ Swift Async - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ Unexposed - CXCalling
Conv_ Win64 - CXCalling
Conv_ X86Fast Call - CXCalling
Conv_ X86Pascal - CXCalling
Conv_ X86Reg Call - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ X86Std Call - CXCalling
Conv_ X86This Call - CXCalling
Conv_ X86Vector Call - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCalling
Conv_ X86_ 64SysV - CXCalling
Conv_ X86_ 64Win64 - CXChild
Visit_ Break - CXChild
Visit_ Continue - CXChild
Visit_ Recurse - CXChoice_
Default - CXChoice_
Disabled - CXChoice_
Enabled - CXCode
Complete_ Include Brief Comments - CXCode
Complete_ Include Code Patterns - CXCode
Complete_ Include Completions With FixIts - CXCode
Complete_ Include Macros - CXCode
Complete_ Skip Preamble - CXComment
Inline Command Render Kind_ Bold - CXComment
Inline Command Render Kind_ Emphasized - CXComment
Inline Command Render Kind_ Monospaced - CXComment
Inline Command Render Kind_ Normal - CXComment
Param Pass Direction_ In - CXComment
Param Pass Direction_ InOut - CXComment
Param Pass Direction_ Out - CXComment_
Block Command - CXComment_
Full Comment - CXComment_
HTML EndTag - CXComment_
HTML Start Tag - CXComment_
Inline Command - CXComment_
Null - CXComment_
Paragraph - CXComment_
Param Command - CXComment_
TParam Command - CXComment_
Text - CXComment_
Verbatim Block Command - CXComment_
Verbatim Block Line - CXComment_
Verbatim Line - CXCompilation
Database_ CanNot Load Database - CXCompilation
Database_ NoError - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Colon - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Comma - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Current Parameter - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Equal - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Horizontal Space - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Informative - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Left Angle - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Left Brace - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Left Bracket - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Left Paren - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Optional - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Placeholder - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Result Type - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Right Angle - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Right Brace - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Right Bracket - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Right Paren - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Semi Colon - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Text - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Typed Text - CXCompletion
Chunk_ Vertical Space - CXCompletion
Context_ AnyType - CXCompletion
Context_ AnyValue - CXCompletion
Context_ Arrow Member Access - CXCompletion
Context_ CXXClass Type Value - CXCompletion
Context_ Class Tag - CXCompletion
Context_ DotMember Access - CXCompletion
Context_ Enum Tag - CXCompletion
Context_ Included File - CXCompletion
Context_ Macro Name - CXCompletion
Context_ Namespace - CXCompletion
Context_ Natural Language - CXCompletion
Context_ Nested Name Specifier - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Category - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Class Message - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Instance Message - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Interface - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Object Value - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Property Access - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Protocol - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Selector Name - CXCompletion
Context_ ObjC Selector Value - CXCompletion
Context_ Struct Tag - CXCompletion
Context_ Unexposed - CXCompletion
Context_ Union Tag - CXCompletion
Context_ Unknown - CXCursor_
Addr Label Expr - CXCursor_
Aligned Attr - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Annotate Attr - CXCursor_
Array Subscript Expr - CXCursor_
AsmLabel Attr - CXCursor_
AsmStmt - Duplicate of
. - CXCursor_
Binary Operator - CXCursor_
Block Expr - CXCursor_
Break Stmt - CXCursor_
Builtin BitCast Expr - Only produced by ‘libclang’ 9.0 and later.
- CXCursor_
CStyle Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CUDA Constant Attr - CXCursor_
CUDA Device Attr - CXCursor_
CUDA Global Attr - CXCursor_
CUDA Host Attr - CXCursor_
CUDA Shared Attr - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
CXXAccess Specifier - CXCursor_
CXXAddrspace Cast Expr - Only produced by
12.0 and later. - CXCursor_
CXXBase Specifier - CXCursor_
CXXBool Literal Expr - CXCursor_
CXXCatch Stmt - CXCursor_
CXXConst Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CXXDelete Expr - CXCursor_
CXXDynamic Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CXXFinal Attr - CXCursor_
CXXFor Range Stmt - CXCursor_
CXXFunctional Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CXXMethod - CXCursor_
CXXNew Expr - CXCursor_
CXXNull PtrLiteral Expr - CXCursor_
CXXOverride Attr - CXCursor_
CXXParen List Init Expr - Only produced by
16.0 and later. - CXCursor_
CXXReinterpret Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CXXStatic Cast Expr - CXCursor_
CXXThis Expr - CXCursor_
CXXThrow Expr - CXCursor_
CXXTry Stmt - CXCursor_
CXXTypeid Expr - CXCursor_
Call Expr - CXCursor_
Case Stmt - CXCursor_
Character Literal - CXCursor_
Class Decl - CXCursor_
Class Template - CXCursor_
Class Template Partial Specialization - CXCursor_
Compound Assign Operator - CXCursor_
Compound Literal Expr - CXCursor_
Compound Stmt - CXCursor_
Concept Decl - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Concept Specialization Expr - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Conditional Operator - CXCursor_
Const Attr - CXCursor_
Constructor - CXCursor_
Continue Stmt - CXCursor_
Convergent Attr - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Conversion Function - CXCursor_
DLLExport - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
DLLImport - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
Decl RefExpr - CXCursor_
Decl Stmt - CXCursor_
Default Stmt - CXCursor_
Destructor - CXCursor_
DoStmt - CXCursor_
Enum Constant Decl - CXCursor_
Enum Decl - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Basic Noexcept - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Computed Noexcept - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Dynamic - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Dynamic None - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ MSAny - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ NoThrow - Only available on
9.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ None - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Unevaluated - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Uninstantiated - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind_ Unparsed - CXCursor_
Field Decl - CXCursor_
Fixed Point Literal - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Flag Enum - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Floating Literal - CXCursor_
ForStmt - CXCursor_
Friend Decl - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Function Decl - CXCursor_
Function Template - CXCursor_
GNUNull Expr - CXCursor_
Generic Selection Expr - CXCursor_
Goto Stmt - CXCursor_
IBAction Attr - CXCursor_
IBOutlet Attr - CXCursor_
IBOutlet Collection Attr - CXCursor_
IfStmt - CXCursor_
Imaginary Literal - CXCursor_
Inclusion Directive - CXCursor_
Indirect Goto Stmt - CXCursor_
Init List Expr - CXCursor_
Integer Literal - CXCursor_
Invalid Code - CXCursor_
Invalid File - CXCursor_
Label Ref - CXCursor_
Label Stmt - CXCursor_
Lambda Expr - CXCursor_
Linkage Spec - CXCursor_
MSAsm Stmt - CXCursor_
Macro Definition - CXCursor_
Macro Expansion - Duplicate of
. - CXCursor_
Member Ref - CXCursor_
Member RefExpr - CXCursor_
Module Import Decl - CXCursor_
NSConsumed - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
NSConsumes Self - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
NSReturns Autoreleased - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
NSReturns NotRetained - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
NSReturns Retained - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Namespace - CXCursor_
Namespace Alias - CXCursor_
Namespace Ref - CXCursor_
NoDecl Found - CXCursor_
NoDuplicate Attr - CXCursor_
NonType Template Parameter - CXCursor_
NotImplemented - CXCursor_
Null Stmt - CXCursor_
OMPArray Section Expr - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPArray Shaping Expr - Only produced by
12.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPAtomic Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPBarrier Directive - CXCursor_
OMPCancel Directive - Only produced by
3.7 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPCancellation Point Directive - Only produced by
3.7 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPCanonical Loop - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPCritical Directive - CXCursor_
OMPDepobj Directive - Only produced by
11.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPDispatch Directive - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPDistribute Directive - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPDistribute Parallel ForDirective - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPDistribute Parallel ForSimd Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPDistribute Simd Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPError Directive - Only produced by
16.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPFlush Directive - CXCursor_
OMPFor Directive - CXCursor_
OMPFor Simd Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPGeneric Loop Directive - Only produced by
14.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPInterop Directive - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPIterator Expr - Only produced by
12.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMasked Directive - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMasked Task Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMasked Task Loop Simd Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMaster Directive - CXCursor_
OMPMaster Task Loop Directive - Only produced by
10.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMaster Task Loop Simd Directive - Only produced by
10.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPMeta Directive - Only produced by
14.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPOrdered Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Directive - CXCursor_
OMPParallel ForDirective - CXCursor_
OMPParallel ForSimd Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Generic Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Masked Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Masked Task Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Masked Task Loop Simd Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Master Directive - Only produced by
10.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Master Task Loop Directive - Only produced by
10.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Master Task Loop Simd Directive - Only produced by
10.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPParallel Sections Directive - CXCursor_
OMPScan Directive - Only produced by
11.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPScope Directive - Only produced by
18.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPSection Directive - CXCursor_
OMPSections Directive - CXCursor_
OMPSimd Directive - CXCursor_
OMPSingle Directive - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Data Directive - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Enter Data Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Exit Data Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Parallel Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Parallel ForDirective - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Parallel ForSimd Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Parallel Generic Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Simd Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Distribute Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Distribute Parallel ForDirective - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Distribute Parallel ForSimd Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Distribute Simd Directive - Only producer by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Teams Generic Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTarget Update Directive - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTask Directive - CXCursor_
OMPTask Loop Directive - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTask Loop Simd Directive - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTaskgroup Directive - Only produced by
3.7 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTaskwait Directive - CXCursor_
OMPTaskyield Directive - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Directive - Only produced by
3.6 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Distribute Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Distribute Parallel ForDirective - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Distribute Parallel ForSimd Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Distribute Simd Directive - Only produced by
4.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTeams Generic Loop Directive - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPTile Directive - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
OMPUnroll Directive - Only produced by
13.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC AtCatch Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC AtFinally Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC AtSynchronized Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC AtThrow Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC AtTry Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC Autorelease Pool Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC Availability Check Expr - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Bool Literal Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC Boxable - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Bridged Cast Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC Category Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Category Impl Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Class Method Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Class Ref - CXCursor_
ObjC Designated Initializer - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Dynamic Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Encode Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC Exception - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Explicit Protocol Impl - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC ForCollection Stmt - CXCursor_
ObjC Implementation Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Independent Class - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Instance Method Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Interface Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Ivar Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Message Expr - CXCursor_
ObjCNS Object - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Precise Lifetime - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Property Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Protocol Decl - CXCursor_
ObjC Protocol Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC Protocol Ref - CXCursor_
ObjC Requires Super - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Returns Inner Pointer - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Root Class - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Runtime Visible - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Selector Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC Self Expr - CXCursor_
ObjC String Literal - CXCursor_
ObjC Subclassing Restricted - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXCursor_
ObjC Super Class Ref - CXCursor_
ObjC Synthesize Decl - CXCursor_
Overload Candidate - Only produced by
3.7 and later. - CXCursor_
Overloaded Decl Ref - CXCursor_
Pack Expansion Expr - CXCursor_
Packed Attr - CXCursor_
Paren Expr - CXCursor_
Parm Decl - CXCursor_
Preprocessing Directive - CXCursor_
Pure Attr - CXCursor_
Requires Expr - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Return Stmt - CXCursor_
SEHExcept Stmt - CXCursor_
SEHFinally Stmt - CXCursor_
SEHLeave Stmt - CXCursor_
SEHTry Stmt - CXCursor_
Size OfPack Expr - CXCursor_
Static Assert - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXCursor_
Stmt Expr - CXCursor_
String Literal - CXCursor_
Struct Decl - CXCursor_
Switch Stmt - CXCursor_
Template Ref - CXCursor_
Template Template Parameter - CXCursor_
Template Type Parameter - CXCursor_
Translation Unit - CXCursor_
Type Alias Decl - CXCursor_
Type Alias Template Decl - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
Type Ref - CXCursor_
Typedef Decl - CXCursor_
Unary Expr - CXCursor_
Unary Operator - CXCursor_
Unexposed Attr - CXCursor_
Unexposed Decl - CXCursor_
Unexposed Expr - CXCursor_
Unexposed Stmt - CXCursor_
Union Decl - CXCursor_
Using Declaration - CXCursor_
Using Directive - CXCursor_
VarDecl - CXCursor_
Variable Ref - CXCursor_
Visibility Attr - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXCursor_
Warn Unused Attr - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXCursor_
Warn Unused Result Attr - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXCursor_
While Stmt - CXDiagnostic_
Display Category Id - CXDiagnostic_
Display Category Name - CXDiagnostic_
Display Column - CXDiagnostic_
Display Option - CXDiagnostic_
Display Source Location - CXDiagnostic_
Display Source Ranges - CXDiagnostic_
Error - CXDiagnostic_
Fatal - CXDiagnostic_
Ignored - CXDiagnostic_
Note - CXDiagnostic_
Warning - CXError_
ASTRead Error - CXError_
Crashed - CXError_
Failure - CXError_
Invalid Arguments - CXError_
Success - CXEval_
CFStr - CXEval_
Float - CXEval_
Int - CXEval_
ObjC StrLiteral - CXEval_
Other - CXEval_
StrLiteral - CXEval_
UnExposed - CXGlobal
Opt_ None - CXGlobal
Opt_ Thread Background Priority ForAll - CXGlobal
Opt_ Thread Background Priority ForEditing - CXGlobal
Opt_ Thread Background Priority ForIndexing - CXIdx
Attr_ IBAction - CXIdx
Attr_ IBOutlet - CXIdx
Attr_ IBOutlet Collection - CXIdx
Attr_ Unexposed - CXIdx
Decl Flag_ Skipped - CXIdx
Entity Lang_ C - CXIdx
Entity Lang_ CXX - CXIdx
Entity Lang_ None - CXIdx
Entity Lang_ ObjC - CXIdx
Entity Lang_ Swift - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXIdx
Entity Ref_ Direct - CXIdx
Entity Ref_ Implicit - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXClass - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXConcept - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXConstructor - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXConversion Function - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXDestructor - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXInstance Method - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXInterface - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXNamespace - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXNamespace Alias - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXStatic Method - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXStatic Variable - CXIdx
Entity_ CXXType Alias - CXIdx
Entity_ Enum - CXIdx
Entity_ Enum Constant - CXIdx
Entity_ Field - CXIdx
Entity_ Function - CXIdx
Entity_ NonTemplate - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Category - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Class - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Class Method - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Instance Method - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Ivar - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Property - CXIdx
Entity_ ObjC Protocol - CXIdx
Entity_ Struct - CXIdx
Entity_ Template - CXIdx
Entity_ Template Partial Specialization - CXIdx
Entity_ Template Specialization - CXIdx
Entity_ Typedef - CXIdx
Entity_ Unexposed - CXIdx
Entity_ Union - CXIdx
Entity_ Variable - CXIdx
ObjC Container_ Forward Ref - CXIdx
ObjC Container_ Implementation - CXIdx
ObjC Container_ Interface - CXIndex
OptIndex Function Local Symbols - CXIndex
OptIndex Implicit Template Instantiations - CXIndex
OptNone - CXIndex
OptSkip Parsed Bodies InSession - CXIndex
OptSuppress Redundant Refs - CXIndex
OptSuppress Warnings - CXIndex
Options_ Display Diagnostics - Only available on
17.0 and later. - CXIndex
Options_ Exclude Declarations FromPCH - Only available on
17.0 and later. - CXIndex
Options_ Store Preambles InMemory - Only available on
17.0 and later. - CXLanguage_
C - CXLanguage_
CPlus Plus - CXLanguage_
Invalid - CXLanguage_
ObjC - CXLinkage_
External - CXLinkage_
Internal - CXLinkage_
Invalid - CXLinkage_
NoLinkage - CXLinkage_
Unique External - CXLoad
Diag_ Cannot Load - CXLoad
Diag_ Invalid File - CXLoad
Diag_ None - CXLoad
Diag_ Unknown - CXName
Range_ Want Qualifier - CXName
Range_ Want Single Piece - CXName
Range_ Want Template Args - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ Bycopy - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ Byref - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ In - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ Inout - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ None - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ Oneway - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier_ Out - CXObjC
Property Attr_ assign - CXObjC
Property Attr_ atomic - CXObjC
Property Attr_ class - Only available on
3.9 and later. - CXObjC
Property Attr_ copy - CXObjC
Property Attr_ getter - CXObjC
Property Attr_ noattr - CXObjC
Property Attr_ nonatomic - CXObjC
Property Attr_ readonly - CXObjC
Property Attr_ readwrite - CXObjC
Property Attr_ retain - CXObjC
Property Attr_ setter - CXObjC
Property Attr_ strong - CXObjC
Property Attr_ unsafe_ unretained - CXObjC
Property Attr_ weak - CXPrinting
Policy_ Alignof - CXPrinting
Policy_ Anonymous TagLocations - CXPrinting
Policy_ Bool - CXPrinting
Policy_ Constant Array Size AsWritten - CXPrinting
Policy_ Constants AsWritten - CXPrinting
Policy_ Fully Qualified Name - CXPrinting
Policy_ Half - CXPrinting
Policy_ Include Newlines - CXPrinting
Policy_ Include TagDefinition - CXPrinting
Policy_ Indentation - CXPrinting
Policy_ MSVC Formatting - CXPrinting
Policy_ MSWChar - CXPrinting
Policy_ Polish ForDeclaration - CXPrinting
Policy_ Restrict - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Implicit Base - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Initializers - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Lifetime Qualifiers - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Scope - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Specifiers - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Strong Lifetime - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress TagKeyword - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Template Args InCXX Constructors - CXPrinting
Policy_ Suppress Unwritten Scope - CXPrinting
Policy_ Terse Output - CXPrinting
Policy_ Underscore Alignof - CXPrinting
Policy_ UseVoid ForZero Params - CXRef
Qualifier_ LValue - CXRef
Qualifier_ None - CXRef
Qualifier_ RValue - CXReparse_
None - CXResult_
Invalid - CXResult_
Success - CXResult_
Visit Break - CXSave
Error_ InvalidTU - CXSave
Error_ None - CXSave
Error_ Translation Errors - CXSave
Error_ Unknown - CXSave
Translation Unit_ None - CXSymbol
Role_ Address Of - CXSymbol
Role_ Call - CXSymbol
Role_ Declaration - CXSymbol
Role_ Definition - CXSymbol
Role_ Dynamic - CXSymbol
Role_ Implicit - CXSymbol
Role_ None - CXSymbol
Role_ Read - CXSymbol
Role_ Reference - CXSymbol
Role_ Write - CXTLS_
Dynamic - CXTLS_
None - CXTLS_
Static - CXTU
Resource Usage_ AST - CXTU
Resource Usage_ AST_ Side Tables - CXTU
Resource Usage_ ExternalAST Source_ Membuffer_ MMap - CXTU
Resource Usage_ ExternalAST Source_ Membuffer_ Malloc - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Global Completion Results - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Identifiers - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Preprocessing Record - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Preprocessor - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Preprocessor_ Header Search - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Selectors - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Source Manager Content Cache - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Source Manager_ Data Structures - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Source Manager_ Membuffer_ MMap - CXTU
Resource Usage_ Source Manager_ Membuffer_ Malloc - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Declaration - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Expression - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Integral - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Invalid - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Null - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Null Ptr - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Pack - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Template - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Template Expansion - CXTemplate
Argument Kind_ Type - CXToken_
Comment - CXToken_
Identifier - CXToken_
Keyword - CXToken_
Literal - CXToken_
Punctuation - CXTranslation
Unit_ CXXChainedPCH - CXTranslation
Unit_ Cache Completion Results - CXTranslation
Unit_ Create Preamble OnFirst Parse - Only available on
3.8 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Detailed Preprocessing Record - CXTranslation
Unit_ ForSerialization - CXTranslation
Unit_ Ignore NonErrors From Included Files - Only available on
9.0 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Include Attributed Types - Only available on
8.0 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Include Brief Comments InCode Completion - CXTranslation
Unit_ Incomplete - CXTranslation
Unit_ Keep Going - Only available on
3.9 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Limit Skip Function Bodies ToPreamble - Only available on
7.0 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ None - CXTranslation
Unit_ Precompiled Preamble - CXTranslation
Unit_ Retain Excluded Conditional Blocks - Only available on
10.0 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Single File Parse - Only available on
5.0 and later. - CXTranslation
Unit_ Skip Function Bodies - CXTranslation
Unit_ Visit Implicit Attributes - Only available on
8.0 and later. - CXType
Layout Error_ Dependent - CXType
Layout Error_ Incomplete - CXType
Layout Error_ Invalid - CXType
Layout Error_ Invalid Field Name - CXType
Layout Error_ NotConstant Size - CXType
Layout Error_ Undeduced - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXType
Nullability_ Invalid - CXType
Nullability_ NonNull - CXType
Nullability_ Nullable - CXType
Nullability_ Nullable Result - Only produced by
12.0 and later. - CXType
Nullability_ Unspecified - CXType_
Accum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
Atomic - Only produced by
11.0 and later. - CXType_
Attributed - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
Auto - Only produced by
3.8 and later. - CXType_
BFloat16 - Only produced by
11.0 and later. - CXType_
BTFTag Attributed - Only produced by
15.0 and later. - CXType_
Block Pointer - CXType_
Bool - CXType_
Char16 - CXType_
Char32 - CXType_
Char_ S - CXType_
Char_ U - CXType_
Complex - CXType_
Constant Array - CXType_
Dependent - CXType_
Dependent Sized Array - CXType_
Double - CXType_
Elaborated - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXType_
Enum - CXType_
ExtVector - Only produced by
9.0 and later. - CXType_
Float - CXType_
Float16 - Only produced by
6.0 and later. - CXType_
Float128 - Only produced by
3.9 and later. - CXType_
Function NoProto - CXType_
Function Proto - CXType_
Half - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
Ibm128 - Only produced by
14.0 and later. - CXType_
Incomplete Array - CXType_
Int - CXType_
Int128 - CXType_
Invalid - CXType_
LValue Reference - CXType_
Long - CXType_
Long Accum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
Long Double - CXType_
Long Long - CXType_
Member Pointer - CXType_
Null Ptr - CXType_
OCLEvent - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d ArrayRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d ArrayRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d ArrayWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d BufferRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d BufferRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1d BufferWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1dRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1dRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage1dWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d Array DepthRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d Array DepthRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d Array DepthWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAA DepthRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAA DepthRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAA DepthWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAARO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAARW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayMSAAWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d ArrayWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d DepthRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d DepthRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2d DepthWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAA DepthRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAA DepthRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAA DepthWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAARO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAARW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dMSAAWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage2dWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage3dRO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage3dRW - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLImage3dWO - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImeDual RefStreamin - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImePayload - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImeResult - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImeResult Dual RefStreamout - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImeResult Single RefStreamout - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC ImeSingle RefStreamin - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC McePayload - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC MceResult - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC RefPayload - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC RefResult - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC SicPayload - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLIntel SubgroupAVC SicResult - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLQueue - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLReserveID - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
OCLSampler - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
ObjC Class - CXType_
ObjC Id - CXType_
ObjC Interface - CXType_
ObjC Object - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
ObjC Object Pointer - CXType_
ObjC Sel - CXType_
ObjC Type Param - Only produced by
8.0 and later. - CXType_
Overload - CXType_
Pipe - Only produced by
5.0 and later. - CXType_
Pointer - CXType_
RValue Reference - CXType_
Record - CXType_
SChar - CXType_
Short - CXType_
Short Accum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
Typedef - CXType_
UAccum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
UChar - CXType_
UInt - CXType_
UInt128 - CXType_
ULong - CXType_
ULong Accum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
ULong Long - CXType_
UShort - CXType_
UShort Accum - Only produced by
7.0 and later. - CXType_
Unexposed - CXType_
Variable Array - CXType_
Vector - CXType_
Void - CXType_
WChar - CXUnary
Operator_ Addr Of - CXUnary
Operator_ Coawait - CXUnary
Operator_ Deref - CXUnary
Operator_ Extension - CXUnary
Operator_ Imag - CXUnary
Operator_ Invalid - CXUnary
Operator_ LNot - CXUnary
Operator_ Minus - CXUnary
Operator_ Not - CXUnary
Operator_ Plus - CXUnary
Operator_ Post Dec - CXUnary
Operator_ Post Inc - CXUnary
Operator_ PreDec - CXUnary
Operator_ PreInc - CXUnary
Operator_ Real - CXVisibility_
Default - CXVisibility_
Hidden - CXVisibility_
Invalid - CXVisibility_
Protected - CXVisit_
Break - CXVisit_
Continue - CX_
CXXInvalid Access Specifier - CX_
CXXPrivate - CX_
CXXProtected - CX_
CXXPublic - CX_
SC_ Auto - CX_
SC_ Extern - CX_
SC_ Invalid - CX_
SC_ None - CX_
SC_ OpenCL Work Group Local - CX_
SC_ Private Extern - CX_
SC_ Register - CX_
SC_ Static
- clang_
Block ⚠Command Comment_ getArg Text - clang_
Block ⚠Command Comment_ getCommand Name - clang_
Block ⚠Command Comment_ getNum Args - clang_
Block ⚠Command Comment_ getParagraph - clang_
CXCursor ⚠Set_ contains - clang_
CXCursor ⚠Set_ insert - clang_
CXIndex_ ⚠getGlobal Options - clang_
CXIndex_ ⚠setGlobal Options - clang_
CXIndex_ ⚠setInvocation Emission Path Option - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ ⚠isConverting Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ ⚠isCopy Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ ⚠isDefault Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXConstructor_ ⚠isMove Constructor - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXField_ ⚠isMutable - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isConst - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isCopy Assignment Operator - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isDefaulted - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isDeleted - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isExplicit - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isMove Assignment Operator - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isPure Virtual - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isStatic - clang_
CXXMethod_ ⚠isVirtual - clang_
CXXRecord_ ⚠isAbstract - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
Comment_ ⚠getChild - clang_
Comment_ ⚠getKind - clang_
Comment_ ⚠getNum Children - clang_
Comment_ ⚠isWhitespace - clang_
Compilation ⚠Database_ dispose - clang_
Compilation ⚠Database_ from Directory - clang_
Compilation ⚠Database_ getAll Compile Commands - clang_
Compilation ⚠Database_ getCompile Commands - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getArg - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getDirectory - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getFilename - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getMapped Source Content - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getMapped Source Path - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getNum Args - clang_
Compile ⚠Command_ getNum Mapped Sources - clang_
Compile ⚠Commands_ dispose - clang_
Compile ⚠Commands_ getCommand - clang_
Compile ⚠Commands_ getSize - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠Evaluate - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getArgument - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getBrief Comment Text - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getCXX Manglings - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getComment Range - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getMangling - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getModule - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getNum Arguments - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getNum Template Arguments - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Decl Qualifiers - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Manglings - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Property Attributes - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Property Getter Name - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Property Setter Name - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getObjC Selector Index - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getOffset OfField - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getParsed Comment - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getRaw Comment Text - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getReceiver Type - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getSpelling Name Range - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getStorage Class - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getTemplate Argument Kind - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getTemplate Argument Type - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getTemplate Argument Unsigned Value - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getTemplate Argument Value - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getTranslation Unit - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠getVar Decl Initializer - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠hasAttrs - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠hasVar Decl External Storage - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠hasVar Decl Global Storage - Only available on
12.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isAnonymous - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isAnonymous Record Decl - Only available on
9.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isBit Field - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isDynamic Call - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isExternal Symbol - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isFunction Inlined - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isInline Namespace - Only available on
9.0 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isMacro Builtin - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isMacro Function Like - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isNull - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isObjC Optional - clang_
Cursor_ ⚠isVariadic - clang_
Enum ⚠Decl_ isScoped - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ dispose - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getAs Double - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getAs Int - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getAs Long Long - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getAs Str - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getAs Unsigned - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ getKind - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Eval ⚠Result_ isUnsigned Int - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
File_ ⚠isEqual - Only available on
3.6 and later. - clang_
File_ ⚠tryGet Real Path Name - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Full ⚠Comment_ getAsHTML - clang_
Full ⚠Comment_ getAsXML - clang_
HTML ⚠Start TagComment_ isSelf Closing - clang_
HTML ⚠Start Tag_ getAttr Name - clang_
HTML ⚠Start Tag_ getAttr Value - clang_
HTML ⚠Start Tag_ getNum Attrs - clang_
HTML ⚠TagComment_ getAs String - clang_
HTML ⚠TagComment_ getTag Name - clang_
Index ⚠Action_ create - clang_
Index ⚠Action_ dispose - clang_
Inline ⚠Command Comment_ getArg Text - clang_
Inline ⚠Command Comment_ getCommand Name - clang_
Inline ⚠Command Comment_ getNum Args - clang_
Inline ⚠Command Comment_ getRender Kind - clang_
Inline ⚠Content Comment_ hasTrailing Newline - clang_
Location_ ⚠isFrom Main File - clang_
Location_ ⚠isIn System Header - clang_
Module_ ⚠getAST File - clang_
Module_ ⚠getFull Name - clang_
Module_ ⚠getName - clang_
Module_ ⚠getNum TopLevel Headers - clang_
Module_ ⚠getParent - clang_
Module_ ⚠getTop Level Header - clang_
Module_ ⚠isSystem - clang_
Param ⚠Command Comment_ getDirection - clang_
Param ⚠Command Comment_ getParam Index - clang_
Param ⚠Command Comment_ getParam Name - clang_
Param ⚠Command Comment_ isDirection Explicit - clang_
Param ⚠Command Comment_ isParam Index Valid - clang_
Printing ⚠Policy_ dispose - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Printing ⚠Policy_ getProperty - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Printing ⚠Policy_ setProperty - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
Range_ ⚠isNull - clang_
TParam ⚠Command Comment_ getDepth - clang_
TParam ⚠Command Comment_ getIndex - clang_
TParam ⚠Command Comment_ getParam Name - clang_
TParam ⚠Command Comment_ isParam Position Valid - clang_
Target ⚠Info_ dispose - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Target ⚠Info_ getPointer Width - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Target ⚠Info_ getTriple - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Text ⚠Comment_ getText - clang_
Type_ ⚠getAlign Of - clang_
Type_ ⚠getCXX RefQualifier - clang_
Type_ ⚠getClass Type - clang_
Type_ ⚠getModified Type - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getNamed Type - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getNullability - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getNum ObjC Protocol Refs - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getNum ObjC Type Args - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getNum Template Arguments - clang_
Type_ ⚠getObjC Encoding - Only available on
3.9 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getObjC Object Base Type - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getObjC Protocol Decl - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getObjC Type Arg - Only available on
8.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠getOffset Of - clang_
Type_ ⚠getSize Of - clang_
Type_ ⚠getTemplate Argument AsType - clang_
Type_ ⚠getValue Type - Only available on
11.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠isTransparent TagTypedef - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
Type_ ⚠visit Fields - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
Verbatim ⚠Block Line Comment_ getText - clang_
Verbatim ⚠Line Comment_ getText - clang_
annotate ⚠Tokens - clang_
code ⚠Complete At - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetContainer Kind - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetContainerUSR - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetContexts - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetDiagnostic - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetNum Diagnostics - clang_
code ⚠Complete GetObjC Selector - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Category - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Class - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Ivar - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Method - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Property - clang_
constructUSR_ ⚠ObjC Protocol - clang_
createCX ⚠Cursor Set - clang_
create ⚠Index - clang_
create ⚠Index With Options - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
create ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
create ⚠Translation Unit2 - clang_
create ⚠Translation Unit From Source File - clang_
default ⚠Code Complete Options - clang_
default ⚠Diagnostic Display Options - clang_
default ⚠Editing Translation Unit Options - clang_
default ⚠Reparse Options - clang_
default ⚠Save Options - clang_
disposeCX ⚠Cursor Set - clang_
disposeCX ⚠Platform Availability - clang_
disposeCXTU ⚠Resource Usage - clang_
dispose ⚠Code Complete Results - clang_
dispose ⚠Diagnostic - clang_
dispose ⚠Diagnostic Set - clang_
dispose ⚠Index - clang_
dispose ⚠Overridden Cursors - clang_
dispose ⚠Source Range List - clang_
dispose ⚠String - clang_
dispose ⚠String Set - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
dispose ⚠Tokens - clang_
dispose ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
enable ⚠Stack Traces - clang_
equal ⚠Cursors - clang_
equal ⚠Locations - clang_
equal ⚠Ranges - clang_
equal ⚠Types - clang_
execute ⚠OnThread - clang_
find ⚠Includes InFile - clang_
find ⚠References InFile - clang_
format ⚠Diagnostic - clang_
free ⚠ - Only available on
3.7 and later. - clang_
getAddress ⚠Space - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getAll ⚠Skipped Ranges - Only available on
4.0 and later. - clang_
getArg ⚠Type - clang_
getArray ⚠Element Type - clang_
getArray ⚠Size - clang_
getBinary ⚠Operator Kind Spelling - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getC ⚠String - clang_
getCXTU ⚠Resource Usage - clang_
getCXX ⚠Access Specifier - clang_
getCanonical ⚠Cursor - clang_
getCanonical ⚠Type - clang_
getChild ⚠Diagnostics - clang_
getClang ⚠Version - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Annotation - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Availability - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Brief Comment - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Chunk Completion String - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Chunk Kind - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Chunk Text - clang_
getCompletion ⚠FixIt - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCompletion ⚠NumAnnotations - clang_
getCompletion ⚠NumFix Its - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Parent - clang_
getCompletion ⚠Priority - clang_
getCursor ⚠ - clang_
getCursor ⚠Availability - clang_
getCursor ⚠Binary Operator Kind - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Completion String - clang_
getCursor ⚠Definition - clang_
getCursor ⚠Display Name - clang_
getCursor ⚠Exception Specification Type - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Extent - clang_
getCursor ⚠Kind - clang_
getCursor ⚠Kind Spelling - clang_
getCursor ⚠Language - clang_
getCursor ⚠Lexical Parent - clang_
getCursor ⚠Linkage - clang_
getCursor ⚠Location - clang_
getCursor ⚠Platform Availability - clang_
getCursor ⚠Pretty Printed - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Printing Policy - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Reference Name Range - clang_
getCursor ⚠Referenced - clang_
getCursor ⚠Result Type - clang_
getCursor ⚠Semantic Parent - clang_
getCursor ⚠Spelling - clang_
getCursorTLS ⚠Kind - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Type - clang_
getCursorUSR ⚠ - clang_
getCursor ⚠Unary Operator Kind - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getCursor ⚠Visibility - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
getDecl ⚠ObjC Type Encoding - clang_
getDefinition ⚠Spelling AndExtent - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠ - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Category - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Category Name - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Category Text - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠FixIt - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠InSet - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Location - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠NumFix Its - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠NumRanges - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Option - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Range - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠SetFromTU - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Severity - clang_
getDiagnostic ⚠Spelling - clang_
getElement ⚠Type - clang_
getEnum ⚠Constant Decl Unsigned Value - clang_
getEnum ⚠Constant Decl Value - clang_
getEnum ⚠Decl Integer Type - clang_
getException ⚠Specification Type - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getExpansion ⚠Location - clang_
getField ⚠Decl BitWidth - clang_
getFile ⚠ - clang_
getFile ⚠Contents - Only available on
6.0 and later. - clang_
getFile ⚠Location - clang_
getFile ⚠Name - clang_
getFile ⚠Time - clang_
getFile ⚠UniqueID - clang_
getFunction ⚠Type Calling Conv - clang_
getIB ⚠Outlet Collection Type - clang_
getIncluded ⚠File - clang_
getInclusions ⚠ - clang_
getInstantiation ⚠Location - clang_
getLocation ⚠ - clang_
getLocation ⚠ForOffset - clang_
getModule ⚠ForFile - clang_
getNon ⚠Reference Type - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
getNull ⚠Cursor - clang_
getNull ⚠Location - clang_
getNull ⚠Range - clang_
getNum ⚠ArgTypes - clang_
getNum ⚠Completion Chunks - clang_
getNum ⚠Diagnostics - clang_
getNum ⚠Diagnostics InSet - clang_
getNum ⚠Elements - clang_
getNum ⚠Overloaded Decls - clang_
getOverloaded ⚠Decl - clang_
getOverridden ⚠Cursors - clang_
getPointee ⚠Type - clang_
getPresumed ⚠Location - clang_
getRange ⚠ - clang_
getRange ⚠End - clang_
getRange ⚠Start - clang_
getRemappings ⚠ - clang_
getRemappings ⚠From File List - clang_
getResult ⚠Type - clang_
getSkipped ⚠Ranges - clang_
getSpecialized ⚠Cursor Template - clang_
getSpelling ⚠Location - clang_
getTU ⚠Resource Usage Name - clang_
getTemplate ⚠Cursor Kind - clang_
getToken ⚠ - clang_
getToken ⚠Extent - clang_
getToken ⚠Kind - clang_
getToken ⚠Location - clang_
getToken ⚠Spelling - clang_
getTranslation ⚠Unit Cursor - clang_
getTranslation ⚠Unit Spelling - clang_
getTranslation ⚠Unit Target Info - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getType ⚠Declaration - clang_
getType ⚠Kind Spelling - clang_
getType ⚠Spelling - clang_
getTypedef ⚠Decl Underlying Type - clang_
getTypedef ⚠Name - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
getUnary ⚠Operator Kind Spelling - Only available on
17.0 and later. - clang_
getUnqualified ⚠Type - Only available on
16.0 and later. - clang_
hash ⚠Cursor - clang_
index ⚠Loc_ getCX Source Location - clang_
index ⚠Loc_ getFile Location - clang_
index ⚠Source File - clang_
index ⚠Source File Full Argv - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
index ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
index_ ⚠getCXX Class Decl Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getClient Container - clang_
index_ ⚠getClient Entity - clang_
index_ ⚠getIB Outlet Collection Attr Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getObjC Category Decl Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getObjC Container Decl Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getObjC Interface Decl Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getObjC Property Decl Info - clang_
index_ ⚠getObjC Protocol RefList Info - clang_
index_ ⚠isEntity ObjC Container Kind - clang_
index_ ⚠setClient Container - clang_
index_ ⚠setClient Entity - clang_
isAttribute ⚠ - clang_
isConst ⚠Qualified Type - clang_
isCursor ⚠Definition - clang_
isDeclaration ⚠ - clang_
isExpression ⚠ - clang_
isFile ⚠Multiple Include Guarded - clang_
isFunction ⚠Type Variadic - clang_
isInvalid ⚠ - clang_
isInvalid ⚠Declaration - Only available on
7.0 and later. - clang_
isPOD ⚠Type - clang_
isPreprocessing ⚠ - clang_
isReference ⚠ - clang_
isRestrict ⚠Qualified Type - clang_
isStatement ⚠ - clang_
isTranslation ⚠Unit - clang_
isUnexposed ⚠ - clang_
isVirtual ⚠Base - clang_
isVolatile ⚠Qualified Type - clang_
load ⚠Diagnostics - clang_
parse ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
parse ⚠Translation Unit2 - clang_
parse ⚠Translation Unit2 Full Argv - Only available on
3.8 and later. - clang_
remap_ ⚠dispose - clang_
remap_ ⚠getFilenames - clang_
remap_ ⚠getNum Files - clang_
reparse ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
save ⚠Translation Unit - clang_
sort ⚠Code Completion Results - clang_
suspend ⚠Translation Unit - Only available on
5.0 and later. - clang_
toggle ⚠Crash Recovery - clang_
tokenize ⚠ - clang_
visit ⚠Children - get_
library - Returns the library instance stored in TLS.
- is_
loaded - Returns whether a
shared library is loaded on this thread. - load
- Loads a
shared library for use in the current thread. - load_
manually - Loads a
shared library and returns the library instance. - set_
library - Sets the library instance stored in TLS and returns the previous library.
- unload
- Unloads the
shared library in use in the current thread.
Type Aliases§
- CXAvailability
Kind - CXBinary
Operator Kind - CXCalling
Conv - CXChild
Visit Result - CXChoice
- CXClient
Data - CXCode
Complete_ Flags - CXComment
Inline Command Render Kind - CXComment
Kind - CXComment
Param Pass Direction - CXCompilation
Database - CXCompilation
Database_ Error - CXCompile
Command - CXCompile
Commands - CXCompletion
Chunk Kind - CXCompletion
Context - CXCompletion
String - CXCursor
Kind - CXCursor
Set - CXCursor
Visitor - CXCursor_
Exception Specification Kind - CXDiagnostic
- CXDiagnostic
Display Options - CXDiagnostic
Set - CXDiagnostic
Severity - CXError
Code - CXEval
Result - CXEval
Result Kind - CXField
Visitor - CXFile
- CXGlobal
OptFlags - CXIdx
Attr Kind - CXIdx
ClientAST File - CXIdx
Client Container - CXIdx
Client Entity - CXIdx
Client File - CXIdx
Decl Info Flags - CXIdx
EntityCXX Template Kind - CXIdx
Entity Kind - CXIdx
Entity Language - CXIdx
Entity RefKind - CXIdx
ObjC Container Kind - CXInclusion
Visitor - CXIndex
- CXIndex
Action - CXIndex
OptFlags - CXIndex
Options_ Flags - Only available on
17.0 and later. - CXLanguage
Kind - CXLinkage
Kind - CXLoad
Diag_ Error - CXModule
- CXName
RefFlags - CXObjC
Decl Qualifier Kind - CXObjC
Property Attr Kind - CXPrinting
Policy - CXPrinting
Policy Property - CXRef
Qualifier Kind - CXRemapping
- CXReparse_
Flags - CXResult
- CXSave
Error - CXSave
Translation Unit_ Flags - CXSymbol
Role - CXTLS
Kind - CXTU
Resource Usage Kind - CXTarget
Info - CXTemplate
Argument Kind - CXToken
Kind - CXTranslation
Unit - CXTranslation
Unit_ Flags - CXType
Kind - CXType
Layout Error - CXType
Nullability Kind - CXUnary
Operator Kind - CXVisibility
Kind - CXVisitor
Result - CX_
CXXAccess Specifier - CX_
Storage Class