Macro clap::arg_enum

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macro_rules! arg_enum {
    (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident),+ } ) => { ... };
    (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident),+ } ) => { ... };
    (#[derive($($d:ident),+)] enum $e:ident { $($v:ident),+ } ) => { ... };
    (#[derive($($d:ident),+)] pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident),+ } ) => { ... };
Expand description

Convenience macro to generate more complete enums with variants to be used as a type when parsing arguments. This enum also provides a variants() function which can be used to retrieve a Vec<&'static str> of the variant names.

NOTE: Case insensitivity is supported for ASCII characters

NOTE: This macro automaically implements std::str::FromStr and std::fmt::Display

These enums support pub (or not) and use of the #[derive()] traits


    pub enum Foo {
// Foo enum can now be used via Foo::Bar, or Foo::Baz, etc
// and implements std::str::FromStr to use with the value_t! macros
fn main() {
    let m = App::new("app")
                .arg_from_usage("<foo> 'the foo'")
    let f = value_t_or_exit!(m.value_of("foo"), Foo);

    // Use f like any other Foo variant...