macro_rules! value_t { ($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => { ... }; ($m:ident.values_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Convenience macro getting a typed value T
where T
implements std::str::FromStr
This macro returns a Result<T,String>
which allows you as the developer to decide
what you’d like to do on a failed parse. There are two types of errors, parse failures
and those where the argument wasn’t present (such as a non-required argument).
You can use it to get a single value, or a Vec<T>
with the values_of()
NOTE: Be cautious, as since this a macro invocation it’s not exactly like standard syntax.
§Example single value
let matches = App::new("myapp")
.arg_from_usage("[length] 'Set the length to use as a pos whole num, i.e. 20'")
let len = value_t!(matches.value_of("length"), u32)
println!("{} + 2: {}", len, len + 2);
§Example multiple values
let matches = App::new("myapp")
.arg_from_usage("[seq]... 'A sequence of pos whole nums, i.e. 20 45'")
for v in value_t!(matches.values_of("seq"), u32)
}) {
println!("{} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);