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#![cfg(windows)] //! This crate provide simple means to operate with Windows clipboard. //! //!# Note keeping Clipboard around: //! //! In Windows [Clipboard](struct.Clipboard.html) opens globally and only one application can set data onto format at the time. //! //! Therefore as soon as operations are finished, user is advised to close [Clipboard](struct.Clipboard.html). //! //!# Clipboard //! //! All read and write access to Windows clipboard requires user to open it. //! //! For your convenience you can use [Clipboard](struct.Clipboard.html) struct that opens it at creation //! and closes on its drop. //! //! Alternatively you can access all functionality directly through [raw module](raw/index.html). //! //! Below you can find examples of usage. //! //!## Empty clipboard //! //! ```rust //! extern crate clipboard_win; //! //! use clipboard_win::Clipboard; //! //! fn main() { //! Clipboard::new().unwrap().empty(); //! } //! ``` //!## Set and get raw data //! ```rust //! extern crate clipboard_win; //! use clipboard_win::formats; //! //! use clipboard_win::Clipboard; //! //! use std::str; //! //! fn main() { //! let text = "For my waifu!\0"; //For text we need to pass C-like string //! Clipboard::new().unwrap().set(formats::CF_TEXT, text.as_bytes()); //! //! let mut buffer = [0u8; 52]; //! let result = Clipboard::new().unwrap().get(formats::CF_TEXT, &mut buffer).unwrap(); //! assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buffer[..result]).unwrap(), text); //! } //! ``` //! //!## Set and get String //! //! ```rust //! extern crate clipboard_win; //! use clipboard_win::Clipboard; //! //! use std::str; //! //! fn main() { //! let text = "For my waifu!"; //! Clipboard::new().unwrap().set_string(text); //! //! let result = Clipboard::new().unwrap().get_string().unwrap(); //! assert_eq!(text, result); //! } //! ``` //! //! # Feature list //! //! * `utf16error` - Uses non-lossy conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8. On error returns `io::error` //! with kind `InvalidData` //! #![warn(missing_docs)] #![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::style))] use std::io; use std::slice; use std::mem; use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::path::PathBuf; mod utils; pub mod formats; pub mod raw; pub mod image; pub use raw::{ register_format }; ///Clipboard accessor. /// ///# Note: /// ///You can have only one such accessor across your program. /// ///# Warning: /// ///In Windows Clipboard opens globally and only one application can set data ///onto format at the time. /// ///Therefore as soon as operations are finished, user is advised to close Clipboard. pub struct Clipboard { inner: () } impl Clipboard { ///Initializes new clipboard accessor. /// ///Attempts to open clipboard. #[inline] pub fn new() -> io::Result<Clipboard> { raw::open().map(|_| Clipboard {inner: ()}) } ///Empties clipboard. #[inline] pub fn empty(&self) -> io::Result<&Clipboard> { raw::empty().map(|_| self) } ///Retrieves size of clipboard content. #[inline] pub fn size(&self, format: u32) -> Option<usize> { raw::size(format) } ///Sets data onto clipboard with specified format. /// ///Wraps `raw::set()` #[inline] pub fn set(&self, format: u32, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> { raw::set(format, data) } ///Sets `str` or `String` onto clipboard as Unicode format. /// ///Under hood it transforms Rust `UTF-8` String into `UTF-16` #[inline] pub fn set_string<T: ?Sized + AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>>(&self, data: &T) -> io::Result<()> { let data = data.as_ref(); let mut utf16_buff = data.encode_wide().collect::<Vec<u16>>(); utf16_buff.push(0); let data = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(utf16_buff.as_ptr() as *const u8, utf16_buff.len() * mem::size_of::<u16>()) }; raw::set(formats::CF_UNICODETEXT, data) } ///Retrieves data of specified format from clipboard. /// ///Wraps `raw::get()` #[inline] pub fn get(&self, format: u32, data: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> { raw::get(format, data) } ///Retrieves `String` of `CF_UNICODETEXT` format from clipboard. /// ///Wraps `raw::get_string()` #[inline] pub fn get_string(&self) -> io::Result<String> { raw::get_string() } /// Retrieves a list of file paths from the `CF_HDROP` format from the clipboard. /// /// Wraps `raw::get_file_list()` #[inline] pub fn get_file_list(&self) -> io::Result<Vec<PathBuf>> { raw::get_file_list() } ///Retrieves `Bitmap` of `CF_BITMAP` format from clipboard. #[inline] pub fn get_bit_map(&self) -> io::Result<image::Bitmap> { raw::get_clipboard_data(formats::CF_BITMAP).and_then(|ptr| image::Bitmap::new(ptr.as_ptr())) } ///Enumerator over all formats on clipboard.. #[inline] pub fn enum_formats(&self) -> raw::EnumFormats { raw::EnumFormats::new() } ///Returns Clipboard sequence number. #[inline] pub fn seq_num() -> Option<u32> { raw::seq_num() } ///Determines whenever provided clipboard format is available on clipboard or not. #[inline] pub fn is_format_avail(format: u32) -> bool { raw::is_format_avail(format) } ///Retrieves number of currently available formats on clipboard. #[inline] pub fn count_formats() -> io::Result<i32> { raw::count_formats() } } impl Drop for Clipboard { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = raw::close(); self.inner } } ///Shortcut to retrieve string from clipboard. /// ///It opens clipboard and gets string, if possible. #[inline] pub fn get_clipboard_string() -> io::Result<String> { Clipboard::new()?.get_string() } ///Shortcut to set string onto clipboard. /// ///It opens clipboard and attempts to set string. #[inline] pub fn set_clipboard_string<T: ?Sized + AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>>(data: &T) -> io::Result<()> { Clipboard::new()?.set_string(data) }