
1use crate::{
2    bucket::{IamPolicy, TestIamPermission},
3    Bucket, NewBucket,
6/// Operations on [`Bucket`]()s.
8pub struct BucketClient<'a>(pub(super) &'a super::Client);
10impl<'a> BucketClient<'a> {
11    /// Creates a new `Bucket`. There are many options that you can provide for creating a new
12    /// bucket, so the `NewBucket` resource contains all of them. Note that `NewBucket` implements
13    /// `Default`, so you don't have to specify the fields you're not using. And error is returned
14    /// if that bucket name is already taken.
15    /// ### Example
16    /// ```
17    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
18    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
19    /// use cloud_storage::bucket::{Bucket, NewBucket};
20    /// use cloud_storage::bucket::{Location, MultiRegion};
21    ///
22    /// let client = Client::new()?;
23    /// let new_bucket = NewBucket {
24    ///    name: "cloud-storage-rs-doc-1".to_string(), // this is the only mandatory field
25    ///    location: Location::Multi(MultiRegion::Eu),
26    ///    ..Default::default()
27    /// };
28    /// let bucket = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
29    /// # client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
30    /// # Ok(())
31    /// # }
32    /// ```
33    pub fn create(&self, new_bucket: &NewBucket) -> crate::Result<Bucket> {
34        self.0
35            .runtime
36            .block_on(self.0.client.bucket().create(new_bucket))
37    }
39    /// Returns all `Bucket`s within this project.
40    ///
41    /// ### Note
42    /// When using incorrect permissions, this function fails silently and returns an empty list.
43    ///
44    /// ### Example
45    /// ```
46    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
47    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
48    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
49    ///
50    /// let client = Client::new()?;
51    /// let buckets = client.bucket().list()?;
52    /// # Ok(())
53    /// # }
54    /// ```
55    pub fn list(&self) -> crate::Result<Vec<Bucket>> {
56        self.0.runtime.block_on(self.0.client.bucket().list())
57    }
59    /// Returns a single `Bucket` by its name. If the Bucket does not exist, an error is returned.
60    /// ### Example
61    /// ```
62    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
63    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
64    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
65    ///
66    /// let client = Client::new()?;
67    /// # use cloud_storage::bucket::NewBucket;
68    /// # let new_bucket = NewBucket {
69    /// #   name: "cloud-storage-rs-doc-2".to_string(),
70    /// #    ..Default::default()
71    /// # };
72    /// # let _ = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
73    ///
74    /// let bucket = client.bucket().read("cloud-storage-rs-doc-2")?;
75    /// # client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
76    /// # Ok(())
77    /// # }
78    /// ```
79    pub fn read(&self, name: &str) -> crate::Result<Bucket> {
80        self.0.runtime.block_on(self.0.client.bucket().read(name))
81    }
83    /// Update an existing `Bucket`. If you declare you bucket as mutable, you can edit its fields.
84    /// You can then flush your changes to Google Cloud Storage using this method.
85    /// ### Example
86    /// ```
87    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
88    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
89    /// use cloud_storage::bucket::{Bucket, RetentionPolicy};
90    ///
91    /// let client = Client::new()?;
92    /// # use cloud_storage::bucket::NewBucket;
93    /// # let new_bucket = NewBucket {
94    /// #   name: "cloud-storage-rs-doc-3".to_string(),
95    /// #    ..Default::default()
96    /// # };
97    /// # let _ = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
98    ///
99    /// let mut bucket = client.bucket().read("cloud-storage-rs-doc-3")?;
100    /// bucket.retention_policy = Some(RetentionPolicy {
101    ///     retention_period: 50,
102    ///     effective_time: chrono::Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::seconds(50),
103    ///     is_locked: Some(false),
104    /// });
105    /// client.bucket().update(&bucket)?;
106    /// # client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
107    /// # Ok(())
108    /// # }
109    /// ```
110    pub fn update(&self, bucket: &Bucket) -> crate::Result<Bucket> {
111        self.0
112            .runtime
113            .block_on(self.0.client.bucket().update(bucket))
114    }
116    /// Delete an existing `Bucket`. This permanently removes a bucket from Google Cloud Storage.
117    /// An error is returned when you don't have sufficient permissions, or when the
118    /// `retention_policy` prevents you from deleting your Bucket.
119    /// ### Example
120    /// ```no_run
121    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
122    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
123    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
124    ///
125    /// let client = Client::new()?;
126    /// # use cloud_storage::bucket::NewBucket;
127    /// # let new_bucket = NewBucket {
128    /// #   name: "unnecessary-bucket".to_string(),
129    /// #    ..Default::default()
130    /// # };
131    /// # let _ = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
132    ///
133    /// let bucket = client.bucket().read("unnecessary-bucket")?;
134    /// client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
135    /// # Ok(())
136    /// # }
137    /// ```
138    pub fn delete(&self, bucket: Bucket) -> crate::Result<()> {
139        self.0
140            .runtime
141            .block_on(self.0.client.bucket().delete(bucket))
142    }
144    /// Returns the [IAM Policy]( for this bucket.
145    /// ### Example
146    /// ```
147    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
148    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
149    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
150    ///
151    /// let client = Client::new()?;
152    /// # use cloud_storage::bucket::NewBucket;
153    /// # let new_bucket = NewBucket {
154    /// #   name: "cloud-storage-rs-doc-4".to_string(),
155    /// #    ..Default::default()
156    /// # };
157    /// # let _ = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
158    ///
159    /// let bucket = client.bucket().read("cloud-storage-rs-doc-4")?;
160    /// let policy = client.bucket().get_iam_policy(&bucket)?;
161    /// # client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
162    /// # Ok(())
163    /// # }
164    /// ```
165    pub fn get_iam_policy(&self, bucket: &Bucket) -> crate::Result<IamPolicy> {
166        self.0
167            .runtime
168            .block_on(self.0.client.bucket().get_iam_policy(bucket))
169    }
171    /// Updates the [IAM Policy]( for this bucket.
172    /// ### Example
173    /// ```
174    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
175    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
176    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
177    /// use cloud_storage::bucket::{IamPolicy, Binding, IamRole, StandardIamRole, Entity};
178    ///
179    /// let client = Client::new()?;
180    /// # use cloud_storage::bucket::NewBucket;
181    /// # let new_bucket = NewBucket {
182    /// #   name: "cloud-storage-rs-doc-5".to_string(),
183    /// #    ..Default::default()
184    /// # };
185    /// # let _ = client.bucket().create(&new_bucket)?;
186    ///
187    /// let bucket = client.bucket().read("cloud-storage-rs-doc-5")?;
188    /// let iam_policy = IamPolicy {
189    ///     version: 1,
190    ///     bindings: vec![
191    ///         Binding {
192    ///             role: IamRole::Standard(StandardIamRole::ObjectViewer),
193    ///             members: vec!["allUsers".to_string()],
194    ///             condition: None,
195    ///         }
196    ///     ],
197    ///     ..Default::default()
198    /// };
199    /// let policy = client.bucket().set_iam_policy(&bucket, &iam_policy)?;
200    /// # client.bucket().delete(bucket)?;
201    /// # Ok(())
202    /// # }
203    /// ```
204    pub fn set_iam_policy(&self, bucket: &Bucket, iam: &IamPolicy) -> crate::Result<IamPolicy> {
205        self.0
206            .runtime
207            .block_on(self.0.client.bucket().set_iam_policy(bucket, iam))
208    }
210    /// Checks whether the user provided in the service account has this permission.
211    /// ### Example
212    /// ```no_run
213    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
214    /// use cloud_storage::sync::Client;
215    /// use cloud_storage::Bucket;
216    ///
217    /// let client = Client::new()?;
218    /// let bucket = client.bucket().read("my-bucket")?;
219    /// client.bucket().test_iam_permission(&bucket, "storage.buckets.get")?;
220    /// # Ok(())
221    /// # }
222    /// ```
223    pub fn test_iam_permission(
224        &self,
225        bucket: &Bucket,
226        permission: &str,
227    ) -> crate::Result<TestIamPermission> {
228        self.0.runtime.block_on(
229            self.0
230                .client
231                .bucket()
232                .test_iam_permission(bucket, permission),
233        )
234    }