//! `coins-core` is an abstract description of UTXO transactions. It provides a collection of
//! traits that provide consistent interfaces to UTXO transaction construction. Coins's traits
//! ensure that types are consistent across all steps in the tx construction process, and allow
//! for code reuse when building transactions on multiple chains (e.g. Bitcoin Mainnet and Bitcoin
//! Testnet).
//! Many concepts familiar to UTXO chain developers have been genericized. Transactions are
//! modeled as a collection of `Input`s and `Output`s. Rather than addresses or scripts, the
//! `Output` trait has an associated `RecipientIdentifier`. Similarly, rather than an outpoint,
//! the `Input` trait has an associated `TXOIdentfier`.
//! Support for other chains may be added by implementing these traits. We have provided an
//! implementation suitable for Bitcoin chains (mainnet, testnet, and signet) in the
//! `bitcoins` crate.
pub mod macros;
// pub mod builder;
pub mod enc;
pub mod hashes;
// pub mod nets;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod ser;
// pub mod types;
pub use prelude::*;