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/// Chains multiple macro calls together.
/// `_` is used as a placeholder for the value that is being passed through the chained calls.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use const_str::{chain, concat, replace, split};
/// const TOP: &str = "std";
/// const PARTS: &[&str] = &chain! {
/// stringify!(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed),
/// replace!(_, { concat!(TOP, "::") }, ""),
/// split!(_, "::"),
/// };
/// assert_eq!(PARTS, &["sync", "atomic", "Ordering", "Relaxed"]);
/// ```
macro_rules! chain {
($init:expr, $( $call:ident!($($arg:tt),+), )+) => {
$crate::__chain_impl!(@chain $init, $( $call!($($arg),+) ),+)
macro_rules! __chain_impl {
(@chain $init:expr, $call:ident!($($arg:tt),+)) => {
$crate::__chain_impl!(@call $init, $call!($($arg),+))
(@chain $init:expr, $call:ident!($($arg:tt),+), $($rest:tt)+) => {
$crate::__chain_impl!(@chain $crate::__chain_impl!(@call $init, $call!($($arg),+)), $($rest)+)
(@call $e: expr, $call:ident!($($arg:tt),+)) => {
$crate::__chain_impl!(@replace $e, $arg)
(@replace $e:expr, _) => {
(@replace $e:expr, $tt:tt) => {