Module cortex_m_quickstart::examples::_7_device [] [src]

Using a device crate

Crates generated using svd2rust are referred to as device crates. These crates provide an API to access the peripherals of a device.

Device crates also provide an interrupt! macro (behind the "rt" feature) to register interrupt handlers.

This example depends on the stm32f103xx crate so you'll have to add it to your Cargo.toml.

$ edit Cargo.toml && tail $_
features = ["rt"]
version = "0.10.0"


extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate cortex_m_rt as rt;
extern crate cortex_m_semihosting as sh;
extern crate stm32f103xx;
extern crate panic_semihosting;

use core::fmt::Write;

use cortex_m::peripheral::syst::SystClkSource;
use rt::ExceptionFrame;
use sh::hio::{self, HStdout};
use stm32f103xx::Interrupt;


fn main() -> ! {
    let p = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    let mut syst = p.SYST;
    let mut nvic = p.NVIC;


    // configure the system timer to wrap around every second
    syst.set_reload(8_000_000); // 1s

    loop {
        // busy wait until the timer wraps around
        while !syst.has_wrapped() {}

        // trigger the `EXTI0` interrupt

// try commenting out this line: you'll end in `default_handler` instead of in `exti0`
interrupt!(EXTI0, exti0, state: Option<HStdout> = None);

fn exti0(state: &mut Option<HStdout>) {
    if state.is_none() {
        *state = Some(hio::hstdout().unwrap());

    if let Some(hstdout) = state.as_mut() {

exception!(HardFault, hard_fault);

fn hard_fault(ef: &ExceptionFrame) -> ! {
    panic!("HardFault at {:#?}", ef);

exception!(*, default_handler);

fn default_handler(irqn: i16) {
    panic!("Unhandled exception (IRQn = {})", irqn);