
1//! Data Watchpoint and Trace unit
4use volatile_register::WO;
5use volatile_register::{RO, RW};
7use crate::peripheral::DWT;
9/// Register block
11pub struct RegisterBlock {
12    /// Control
13    pub ctrl: RW<u32>,
14    /// Cycle Count
15    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
16    pub cyccnt: RW<u32>,
17    /// CPI Count
18    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
19    pub cpicnt: RW<u32>,
20    /// Exception Overhead Count
21    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
22    pub exccnt: RW<u32>,
23    /// Sleep Count
24    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
25    pub sleepcnt: RW<u32>,
26    /// LSU Count
27    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
28    pub lsucnt: RW<u32>,
29    /// Folded-instruction Count
30    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
31    pub foldcnt: RW<u32>,
32    /// Cortex-M0(+) does not have  these parts
33    #[cfg(armv6m)]
34    reserved: [u32; 6],
35    /// Program Counter Sample
36    pub pcsr: RO<u32>,
37    /// Comparators
38    #[cfg(armv6m)]
39    pub c: [Comparator; 2],
40    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
41    /// Comparators
42    pub c: [Comparator; 16],
43    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
44    reserved: [u32; 932],
45    /// Lock Access
46    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
47    pub lar: WO<u32>,
48    /// Lock Status
49    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
50    pub lsr: RO<u32>,
53/// Comparator
55pub struct Comparator {
56    /// Comparator
57    pub comp: RW<u32>,
58    /// Comparator Mask
59    pub mask: RW<u32>,
60    /// Comparator Function
61    pub function: RW<u32>,
62    reserved: u32,
65// DWT CTRL register fields
66const NUMCOMP_OFFSET: u32 = 28;
67const NOTRCPKT: u32 = 1 << 27;
68const NOEXTTRIG: u32 = 1 << 26;
69const NOCYCCNT: u32 = 1 << 25;
70const NOPRFCNT: u32 = 1 << 24;
71const CYCCNTENA: u32 = 1 << 0;
73impl DWT {
74    /// Number of comparators implemented
75    ///
76    /// A value of zero indicates no comparator support.
77    #[inline]
78    pub fn num_comp() -> u8 {
79        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
80        unsafe { ((*Self::PTR) >> NUMCOMP_OFFSET) as u8 }
81    }
83    /// Returns `true` if the the implementation supports sampling and exception tracing
84    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
85    #[inline]
86    pub fn has_exception_trace() -> bool {
87        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
88        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) & NOTRCPKT == 0 }
89    }
91    /// Returns `true` if the implementation includes external match signals
92    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
93    #[inline]
94    pub fn has_external_match() -> bool {
95        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
96        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) & NOEXTTRIG == 0 }
97    }
99    /// Returns `true` if the implementation supports a cycle counter
100    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
101    #[inline]
102    pub fn has_cycle_counter() -> bool {
103        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
104        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) & NOCYCCNT == 0 }
105    }
107    /// Returns `true` if the implementation the profiling counters
108    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
109    #[inline]
110    pub fn has_profiling_counter() -> bool {
111        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
112        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) & NOPRFCNT == 0 }
113    }
115    /// Enables the cycle counter
116    ///
117    /// The global trace enable ([`DCB::enable_trace`]) should be set before
118    /// enabling the cycle counter, the processor may ignore writes to the
119    /// cycle counter enable if the global trace is disabled
120    /// (implementation defined behaviour).
121    ///
122    /// [`DCB::enable_trace`]: crate::peripheral::DCB::enable_trace
123    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
124    #[inline]
125    pub fn enable_cycle_counter(&mut self) {
126        unsafe { self.ctrl.modify(|r| r | CYCCNTENA) }
127    }
129    /// Disables the cycle counter
130    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
131    #[inline]
132    pub fn disable_cycle_counter(&mut self) {
133        unsafe { self.ctrl.modify(|r| r & !CYCCNTENA) }
134    }
136    /// Returns `true` if the cycle counter is enabled
137    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
138    #[inline]
139    pub fn cycle_counter_enabled() -> bool {
140        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
141        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) & CYCCNTENA != 0 }
142    }
144    /// Returns the current clock cycle count
145    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
146    #[inline]
147    #[deprecated(
148        since = "0.7.4",
149        note = "Use `cycle_count` which follows the C-GETTER convention"
150    )]
151    pub fn get_cycle_count() -> u32 {
152        Self::cycle_count()
153    }
155    /// Returns the current clock cycle count
156    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
157    #[inline]
158    pub fn cycle_count() -> u32 {
159        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
160        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) }
161    }
163    /// Set the cycle count
164    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
165    #[inline]
166    pub fn set_cycle_count(&mut self, count: u32) {
167        unsafe { self.cyccnt.write(count) }
168    }
170    /// Removes the software lock on the DWT
171    ///
172    /// Some devices, like the STM32F7, software lock the DWT after a power cycle.
173    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
174    #[inline]
175    pub fn unlock() {
176        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic write to a stateless, write-only register
177        unsafe { (*Self::PTR).lar.write(0xC5AC_CE55) }
178    }
180    /// Get the CPI count
181    ///
182    /// Counts additional cycles required to execute multi-cycle instructions,
183    /// except those recorded by [`lsu_count`], and counts any instruction fetch
184    /// stalls.
185    ///
186    /// [`lsu_count`]: DWT::lsu_count
187    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
188    #[inline]
189    pub fn cpi_count() -> u8 {
190        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
191        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) as u8 }
192    }
194    /// Set the CPI count
195    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
196    #[inline]
197    pub fn set_cpi_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
198        unsafe { self.cpicnt.write(count as u32) }
199    }
201    /// Get the total cycles spent in exception processing
202    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
203    #[inline]
204    pub fn exception_count() -> u8 {
205        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
206        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) as u8 }
207    }
209    /// Set the exception count
210    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
211    #[inline]
212    pub fn set_exception_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
213        unsafe { self.exccnt.write(count as u32) }
214    }
216    /// Get the total number of cycles that the processor is sleeping
217    ///
218    /// ARM recommends that this counter counts all cycles when the processor is sleeping,
219    /// regardless of whether a WFI or WFE instruction, or the sleep-on-exit functionality,
220    /// caused the entry to sleep mode.
221    /// However, all sleep features are implementation defined and therefore when
222    /// this counter counts is implementation defined.
223    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
224    #[inline]
225    pub fn sleep_count() -> u8 {
226        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
227        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) as u8 }
228    }
230    /// Set the sleep count
231    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
232    #[inline]
233    pub fn set_sleep_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
234        unsafe { self.sleepcnt.write(count as u32) }
235    }
237    /// Get the additional cycles required to execute all load or store instructions
238    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
239    #[inline]
240    pub fn lsu_count() -> u8 {
241        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
242        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) as u8 }
243    }
245    /// Set the lsu count
246    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
247    #[inline]
248    pub fn set_lsu_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
249        unsafe { self.lsucnt.write(count as u32) }
250    }
252    /// Get the folded instruction count
253    ///
254    /// Increments on each instruction that takes 0 cycles.
255    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
256    #[inline]
257    pub fn fold_count() -> u8 {
258        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
259        unsafe { (*Self::PTR) as u8 }
260    }
262    /// Set the folded instruction count
263    #[cfg(not(armv6m))]
264    #[inline]
265    pub fn set_fold_count(&mut self, count: u8) {
266        unsafe { self.foldcnt.write(count as u32) }
267    }