
1//! A loop analysis represented as mappings of loops to their header Block
2//! and parent in the loop tree.
4use crate::dominator_tree::DominatorTree;
5use crate::entity::entity_impl;
6use crate::entity::SecondaryMap;
7use crate::entity::{Keys, PrimaryMap};
8use crate::flowgraph::ControlFlowGraph;
9use crate::ir::{Block, Function, Layout};
10use crate::packed_option::PackedOption;
11use crate::timing;
12use alloc::vec::Vec;
13use smallvec::SmallVec;
15/// A opaque reference to a code loop.
16#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
17pub struct Loop(u32);
18entity_impl!(Loop, "loop");
20/// Loop tree information for a single function.
22/// Loops are referenced by the Loop object, and for each loop you can access its header block,
23/// its eventual parent in the loop tree and all the block belonging to the loop.
24pub struct LoopAnalysis {
25    loops: PrimaryMap<Loop, LoopData>,
26    block_loop_map: SecondaryMap<Block, PackedOption<Loop>>,
27    valid: bool,
30struct LoopData {
31    header: Block,
32    parent: PackedOption<Loop>,
33    level: LoopLevel,
36/// A level in a loop nest.
37#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
38pub struct LoopLevel(u8);
39impl LoopLevel {
40    const INVALID: u8 = u8::MAX;
42    /// Get the root level (no loop).
43    pub fn root() -> Self {
44        Self(0)
45    }
46    /// Get the loop level.
47    pub fn level(self) -> usize {
48        self.0 as usize
49    }
50    /// Invalid loop level.
51    pub fn invalid() -> Self {
52        Self(Self::INVALID)
53    }
54    /// One loop level deeper.
55    pub fn inc(self) -> Self {
56        if self.0 == (Self::INVALID - 1) {
57            self
58        } else {
59            Self(self.0 + 1)
60        }
61    }
62    /// A clamped loop level from a larger-width (usize) depth.
63    pub fn clamped(level: usize) -> Self {
64        Self(
65            u8::try_from(std::cmp::min(level, (Self::INVALID as usize) - 1))
66                .expect("Clamped value must always convert"),
67        )
68    }
71impl std::default::Default for LoopLevel {
72    fn default() -> Self {
73        LoopLevel::invalid()
74    }
77impl LoopData {
78    /// Creates a `LoopData` object with the loop header and its eventual parent in the loop tree.
79    pub fn new(header: Block, parent: Option<Loop>) -> Self {
80        Self {
81            header,
82            parent: parent.into(),
83            level: LoopLevel::invalid(),
84        }
85    }
88/// Methods for querying the loop analysis.
89impl LoopAnalysis {
90    /// Allocate a new blank loop analysis struct. Use `compute` to compute the loop analysis for
91    /// a function.
92    pub fn new() -> Self {
93        Self {
94            valid: false,
95            loops: PrimaryMap::new(),
96            block_loop_map: SecondaryMap::new(),
97        }
98    }
100    /// Returns all the loops contained in a function.
101    pub fn loops(&self) -> Keys<Loop> {
102        self.loops.keys()
103    }
105    /// Returns the header block of a particular loop.
106    ///
107    /// The characteristic property of a loop header block is that it dominates some of its
108    /// predecessors.
109    pub fn loop_header(&self, lp: Loop) -> Block {
110        self.loops[lp].header
111    }
113    /// Return the eventual parent of a loop in the loop tree.
114    pub fn loop_parent(&self, lp: Loop) -> Option<Loop> {
115        self.loops[lp].parent.expand()
116    }
118    /// Return the innermost loop for a given block.
119    pub fn innermost_loop(&self, block: Block) -> Option<Loop> {
120        self.block_loop_map[block].expand()
121    }
123    /// Determine if a Block is a loop header. If so, return the loop.
124    pub fn is_loop_header(&self, block: Block) -> Option<Loop> {
125        self.innermost_loop(block)
126            .filter(|&lp| self.loop_header(lp) == block)
127    }
129    /// Determine if a Block belongs to a loop by running a finger along the loop tree.
130    ///
131    /// Returns `true` if `block` is in loop `lp`.
132    pub fn is_in_loop(&self, block: Block, lp: Loop) -> bool {
133        let block_loop = self.block_loop_map[block];
134        match block_loop.expand() {
135            None => false,
136            Some(block_loop) => self.is_child_loop(block_loop, lp),
137        }
138    }
140    /// Determines if a loop is contained in another loop.
141    ///
142    /// `is_child_loop(child,parent)` returns `true` if and only if `child` is a child loop of
143    /// `parent` (or `child == parent`).
144    pub fn is_child_loop(&self, child: Loop, parent: Loop) -> bool {
145        let mut finger = Some(child);
146        while let Some(finger_loop) = finger {
147            if finger_loop == parent {
148                return true;
149            }
150            finger = self.loop_parent(finger_loop);
151        }
152        false
153    }
155    /// Returns the loop-nest level of a given block.
156    pub fn loop_level(&self, block: Block) -> LoopLevel {
157        self.innermost_loop(block)
158            .map_or(LoopLevel(0), |lp| self.loops[lp].level)
159    }
162impl LoopAnalysis {
163    /// Detects the loops in a function. Needs the control flow graph and the dominator tree.
164    pub fn compute(&mut self, func: &Function, cfg: &ControlFlowGraph, domtree: &DominatorTree) {
165        let _tt = timing::loop_analysis();
166        self.loops.clear();
167        self.block_loop_map.clear();
168        self.block_loop_map.resize(func.dfg.num_blocks());
169        self.find_loop_headers(cfg, domtree, &func.layout);
170        self.discover_loop_blocks(cfg, domtree, &func.layout);
171        self.assign_loop_levels();
172        self.valid = true;
173    }
175    /// Check if the loop analysis is in a valid state.
176    ///
177    /// Note that this doesn't perform any kind of validity checks. It simply checks if the
178    /// `compute()` method has been called since the last `clear()`. It does not check that the
179    /// loop analysis is consistent with the CFG.
180    pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
181        self.valid
182    }
184    /// Clear all the data structures contained in the loop analysis. This will leave the
185    /// analysis in a similar state to a context returned by `new()` except that allocated
186    /// memory be retained.
187    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
188        self.loops.clear();
189        self.block_loop_map.clear();
190        self.valid = false;
191    }
193    // Determines if a block dominates any predecessor
194    // and thus is a loop header.
195    fn is_block_loop_header(
196        block: Block,
197        cfg: &ControlFlowGraph,
198        domtree: &DominatorTree,
199        layout: &Layout,
200    ) -> bool {
201        // A block is a loop header if it dominates any of its predecessors.
202        cfg.pred_iter(block)
203            .any(|pred| domtree.dominates(block, pred.inst, layout))
204    }
206    // Traverses the CFG in reverse postorder and create a loop object for every block having a
207    // back edge.
208    fn find_loop_headers(
209        &mut self,
210        cfg: &ControlFlowGraph,
211        domtree: &DominatorTree,
212        layout: &Layout,
213    ) {
214        for &block in domtree
215            .cfg_rpo()
216            .filter(|&&block| Self::is_block_loop_header(block, cfg, domtree, layout))
217        {
218            // This block is a loop header, so we create its associated loop
219            let lp = self.loops.push(LoopData::new(block, None));
220            self.block_loop_map[block] = lp.into();
221        }
222    }
224    // Intended to be called after `find_loop_headers`. For each detected loop header,
225    // discovers all the block belonging to the loop and its inner loops. After a call to this
226    // function, the loop tree is fully constructed.
227    fn discover_loop_blocks(
228        &mut self,
229        cfg: &ControlFlowGraph,
230        domtree: &DominatorTree,
231        layout: &Layout,
232    ) {
233        let mut stack: Vec<Block> = Vec::new();
234        // We handle each loop header in reverse order, corresponding to a pseudo postorder
235        // traversal of the graph.
236        for lp in self.loops().rev() {
237            // Push all predecessors of this header that it dominates onto the stack.
238            stack.extend(
239                cfg.pred_iter(self.loops[lp].header)
240                    .filter(|pred| {
241                        // We follow the back edges
242                        domtree.dominates(self.loops[lp].header, pred.inst, layout)
243                    })
244                    .map(|pred| pred.block),
245            );
246            while let Some(node) = stack.pop() {
247                let continue_dfs: Option<Block>;
248                match self.block_loop_map[node].expand() {
249                    None => {
250                        // The node hasn't been visited yet, we tag it as part of the loop
251                        self.block_loop_map[node] = PackedOption::from(lp);
252                        continue_dfs = Some(node);
253                    }
254                    Some(node_loop) => {
255                        // We copy the node_loop into a mutable reference passed along the while
256                        let mut node_loop = node_loop;
257                        // The node is part of a loop, which can be lp or an inner loop
258                        let mut node_loop_parent_option = self.loops[node_loop].parent;
259                        while let Some(node_loop_parent) = node_loop_parent_option.expand() {
260                            if node_loop_parent == lp {
261                                // We have encountered lp so we stop (already visited)
262                                break;
263                            } else {
264                                //
265                                node_loop = node_loop_parent;
266                                // We lookup the parent loop
267                                node_loop_parent_option = self.loops[node_loop].parent;
268                            }
269                        }
270                        // Now node_loop_parent is either:
271                        // - None and node_loop is an new inner loop of lp
272                        // - Some(...) and the initial node_loop was a known inner loop of lp
273                        match node_loop_parent_option.expand() {
274                            Some(_) => continue_dfs = None,
275                            None => {
276                                if node_loop != lp {
277                                    self.loops[node_loop].parent = lp.into();
278                                    continue_dfs = Some(self.loops[node_loop].header)
279                                } else {
280                                    // If lp is a one-block loop then we make sure we stop
281                                    continue_dfs = None
282                                }
283                            }
284                        }
285                    }
286                }
287                // Now we have handled the popped node and need to continue the DFS by adding the
288                // predecessors of that node
289                if let Some(continue_dfs) = continue_dfs {
290                    stack.extend(cfg.pred_iter(continue_dfs).map(|pred| pred.block));
291                }
292            }
293        }
294    }
296    fn assign_loop_levels(&mut self) {
297        let mut stack: SmallVec<[Loop; 8]> = SmallVec::new();
298        for lp in self.loops.keys() {
299            if self.loops[lp].level == LoopLevel::invalid() {
300                stack.push(lp);
301                while let Some(&lp) = stack.last() {
302                    if let Some(parent) = self.loops[lp].parent.into() {
303                        if self.loops[parent].level != LoopLevel::invalid() {
304                            self.loops[lp].level = self.loops[parent];
305                            stack.pop();
306                        } else {
307                            stack.push(parent);
308                        }
309                    } else {
310                        self.loops[lp].level = LoopLevel::root().inc();
311                        stack.pop();
312                    }
313                }
314            }
315        }
316    }
320mod tests {
321    use crate::cursor::{Cursor, FuncCursor};
322    use crate::dominator_tree::DominatorTree;
323    use crate::flowgraph::ControlFlowGraph;
324    use crate::ir::{types, Function, InstBuilder};
325    use crate::loop_analysis::{Loop, LoopAnalysis};
326    use alloc::vec::Vec;
328    #[test]
329    fn nested_loops_detection() {
330        let mut func = Function::new();
331        let block0 = func.dfg.make_block();
332        let block1 = func.dfg.make_block();
333        let block2 = func.dfg.make_block();
334        let block3 = func.dfg.make_block();
335        let block4 = func.dfg.make_block();
336        let cond = func.dfg.append_block_param(block0, types::I32);
338        {
339            let mut cur = FuncCursor::new(&mut func);
341            cur.insert_block(block0);
342            cur.ins().jump(block1, &[]);
344            cur.insert_block(block1);
345            cur.ins().jump(block2, &[]);
347            cur.insert_block(block2);
348            cur.ins().brif(cond, block1, &[], block3, &[]);
350            cur.insert_block(block3);
351            cur.ins().brif(cond, block0, &[], block4, &[]);
353            cur.insert_block(block4);
354            cur.ins().return_(&[]);
355        }
357        let mut loop_analysis = LoopAnalysis::new();
358        let mut cfg = ControlFlowGraph::new();
359        let mut domtree = DominatorTree::new();
360        cfg.compute(&func);
361        domtree.compute(&func, &cfg);
362        loop_analysis.compute(&func, &cfg, &domtree);
364        let loops = loop_analysis.loops().collect::<Vec<Loop>>();
365        assert_eq!(loops.len(), 2);
366        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_header(loops[0]), block0);
367        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_header(loops[1]), block1);
368        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_parent(loops[1]), Some(loops[0]));
369        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_parent(loops[0]), None);
370        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block0, loops[0]), true);
371        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block0, loops[1]), false);
372        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block1, loops[1]), true);
373        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block1, loops[0]), true);
374        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block2, loops[1]), true);
375        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block2, loops[0]), true);
376        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block3, loops[0]), true);
377        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block0, loops[1]), false);
378        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block0).level(), 1);
379        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block1).level(), 2);
380        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block2).level(), 2);
381        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block3).level(), 1);
382    }
384    #[test]
385    fn complex_loop_detection() {
386        let mut func = Function::new();
387        let block0 = func.dfg.make_block();
388        let block1 = func.dfg.make_block();
389        let block2 = func.dfg.make_block();
390        let block3 = func.dfg.make_block();
391        let block4 = func.dfg.make_block();
392        let block5 = func.dfg.make_block();
393        let block6 = func.dfg.make_block();
394        let cond = func.dfg.append_block_param(block0, types::I32);
396        {
397            let mut cur = FuncCursor::new(&mut func);
399            cur.insert_block(block0);
400            cur.ins().brif(cond, block1, &[], block3, &[]);
402            cur.insert_block(block1);
403            cur.ins().jump(block2, &[]);
405            cur.insert_block(block2);
406            cur.ins().brif(cond, block1, &[], block5, &[]);
408            cur.insert_block(block3);
409            cur.ins().jump(block4, &[]);
411            cur.insert_block(block4);
412            cur.ins().brif(cond, block3, &[], block5, &[]);
414            cur.insert_block(block5);
415            cur.ins().brif(cond, block0, &[], block6, &[]);
417            cur.insert_block(block6);
418            cur.ins().return_(&[]);
419        }
421        let mut loop_analysis = LoopAnalysis::new();
422        let cfg = ControlFlowGraph::with_function(&func);
423        let domtree = DominatorTree::with_function(&func, &cfg);
424        loop_analysis.compute(&func, &cfg, &domtree);
426        let loops = loop_analysis.loops().collect::<Vec<Loop>>();
427        assert_eq!(loops.len(), 3);
428        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_header(loops[0]), block0);
429        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_header(loops[1]), block3);
430        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_header(loops[2]), block1);
431        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_parent(loops[1]), Some(loops[0]));
432        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_parent(loops[2]), Some(loops[0]));
433        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_parent(loops[0]), None);
434        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block0, loops[0]), true);
435        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block1, loops[2]), true);
436        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block2, loops[2]), true);
437        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block3, loops[1]), true);
438        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block4, loops[1]), true);
439        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.is_in_loop(block5, loops[0]), true);
440        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block0).level(), 1);
441        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block1).level(), 2);
442        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block2).level(), 2);
443        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block3).level(), 2);
444        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block4).level(), 2);
445        assert_eq!(loop_analysis.loop_level(block5).level(), 1);
446    }