
1//! Intermediate representation of a function.
3//! The `Function` struct defined in this module owns all of its basic blocks and
4//! instructions.
6use crate::entity::{PrimaryMap, SecondaryMap};
7use crate::ir::{
8    self, pcc::Fact, Block, DataFlowGraph, DynamicStackSlot, DynamicStackSlotData,
9    DynamicStackSlots, DynamicType, ExtFuncData, FuncRef, GlobalValue, GlobalValueData, Inst,
10    JumpTable, JumpTableData, Layout, MemoryType, MemoryTypeData, SigRef, Signature, SourceLocs,
11    StackSlot, StackSlotData, StackSlots, Type,
13use crate::isa::CallConv;
14use crate::write::write_function;
15use crate::HashMap;
16#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
17use alloc::string::String;
18use core::fmt;
20#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
21use serde::de::{Deserializer, Error};
22#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
23use serde::ser::Serializer;
24#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
25use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
27use super::entities::UserExternalNameRef;
28use super::extname::UserFuncName;
29use super::{RelSourceLoc, SourceLoc, UserExternalName};
31/// A version marker used to ensure that serialized clif ir is never deserialized with a
32/// different version of Cranelift.
33#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Hash)]
34pub struct VersionMarker;
36#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
37impl Serialize for VersionMarker {
38    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
39    where
40        S: Serializer,
41    {
42        crate::VERSION.serialize(serializer)
43    }
46#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
47impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for VersionMarker {
48    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
49    where
50        D: Deserializer<'de>,
51    {
52        let version = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
53        if version != crate::VERSION {
54            return Err(D::Error::custom(&format!(
55                "Expected a clif ir function for version {}, found one for version {}",
56                crate::VERSION,
57                version,
58            )));
59        }
60        Ok(VersionMarker)
61    }
64/// Function parameters used when creating this function, and that will become applied after
65/// compilation to materialize the final `CompiledCode`.
66#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
68    feature = "enable-serde",
69    derive(serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)
71pub struct FunctionParameters {
72    /// The first `SourceLoc` appearing in the function, serving as a base for every relative
73    /// source loc in the function.
74    base_srcloc: Option<SourceLoc>,
76    /// External user-defined function references.
77    user_named_funcs: PrimaryMap<UserExternalNameRef, UserExternalName>,
79    /// Inverted mapping of `user_named_funcs`, to deduplicate internally.
80    user_ext_name_to_ref: HashMap<UserExternalName, UserExternalNameRef>,
83impl FunctionParameters {
84    /// Creates a new `FunctionParameters` with the given name.
85    pub fn new() -> Self {
86        Self {
87            base_srcloc: None,
88            user_named_funcs: Default::default(),
89            user_ext_name_to_ref: Default::default(),
90        }
91    }
93    /// Returns the base `SourceLoc`.
94    ///
95    /// If it was never explicitly set with `ensure_base_srcloc`, will return an invalid
96    /// `SourceLoc`.
97    pub fn base_srcloc(&self) -> SourceLoc {
98        self.base_srcloc.unwrap_or_default()
99    }
101    /// Sets the base `SourceLoc`, if not set yet, and returns the base value.
102    pub fn ensure_base_srcloc(&mut self, srcloc: SourceLoc) -> SourceLoc {
103        match self.base_srcloc {
104            Some(val) => val,
105            None => {
106                self.base_srcloc = Some(srcloc);
107                srcloc
108            }
109        }
110    }
112    /// Retrieve a `UserExternalNameRef` for the given name, or add a new one.
113    ///
114    /// This method internally deduplicates same `UserExternalName` so they map to the same
115    /// reference.
116    pub fn ensure_user_func_name(&mut self, name: UserExternalName) -> UserExternalNameRef {
117        if let Some(reff) = self.user_ext_name_to_ref.get(&name) {
118            *reff
119        } else {
120            let reff = self.user_named_funcs.push(name.clone());
121            self.user_ext_name_to_ref.insert(name, reff);
122            reff
123        }
124    }
126    /// Resets an already existing user function name to a new value.
127    pub fn reset_user_func_name(&mut self, index: UserExternalNameRef, name: UserExternalName) {
128        if let Some(prev_name) = self.user_named_funcs.get_mut(index) {
129            self.user_ext_name_to_ref.remove(prev_name);
130            *prev_name = name.clone();
131            self.user_ext_name_to_ref.insert(name, index);
132        }
133    }
135    /// Returns the internal mapping of `UserExternalNameRef` to `UserExternalName`.
136    pub fn user_named_funcs(&self) -> &PrimaryMap<UserExternalNameRef, UserExternalName> {
137        &self.user_named_funcs
138    }
140    fn clear(&mut self) {
141        self.base_srcloc = None;
142        self.user_named_funcs.clear();
143        self.user_ext_name_to_ref.clear();
144    }
147/// Function fields needed when compiling a function.
149/// Additionally, these fields can be the same for two functions that would be compiled the same
150/// way, and finalized by applying `FunctionParameters` onto their `CompiledCodeStencil`.
151#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
153    feature = "enable-serde",
154    derive(serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)
156pub struct FunctionStencil {
157    /// A version marker used to ensure that serialized clif ir is never deserialized with a
158    /// different version of Cranelift.
159    // Note: This must be the first field to ensure that Serde will deserialize it before
160    // attempting to deserialize other fields that are potentially changed between versions.
161    pub version_marker: VersionMarker,
163    /// Signature of this function.
164    pub signature: Signature,
166    /// Sized stack slots allocated in this function.
167    pub sized_stack_slots: StackSlots,
169    /// Dynamic stack slots allocated in this function.
170    pub dynamic_stack_slots: DynamicStackSlots,
172    /// Global values referenced.
173    pub global_values: PrimaryMap<ir::GlobalValue, ir::GlobalValueData>,
175    /// Global value proof-carrying-code facts.
176    pub global_value_facts: SecondaryMap<ir::GlobalValue, Option<Fact>>,
178    /// Memory types for proof-carrying code.
179    pub memory_types: PrimaryMap<ir::MemoryType, ir::MemoryTypeData>,
181    /// Data flow graph containing the primary definition of all instructions, blocks and values.
182    pub dfg: DataFlowGraph,
184    /// Layout of blocks and instructions in the function body.
185    pub layout: Layout,
187    /// Source locations.
188    ///
189    /// Track the original source location for each instruction. The source locations are not
190    /// interpreted by Cranelift, only preserved.
191    pub srclocs: SourceLocs,
193    /// An optional global value which represents an expression evaluating to
194    /// the stack limit for this function. This `GlobalValue` will be
195    /// interpreted in the prologue, if necessary, to insert a stack check to
196    /// ensure that a trap happens if the stack pointer goes below the
197    /// threshold specified here.
198    pub stack_limit: Option<ir::GlobalValue>,
201impl FunctionStencil {
202    fn clear(&mut self) {
203        self.signature.clear(CallConv::Fast);
204        self.sized_stack_slots.clear();
205        self.dynamic_stack_slots.clear();
206        self.global_values.clear();
207        self.global_value_facts.clear();
208        self.memory_types.clear();
209        self.dfg.clear();
210        self.layout.clear();
211        self.srclocs.clear();
212        self.stack_limit = None;
213    }
215    /// Creates a jump table in the function, to be used by `br_table` instructions.
216    pub fn create_jump_table(&mut self, data: JumpTableData) -> JumpTable {
217        self.dfg.jump_tables.push(data)
218    }
220    /// Creates a sized stack slot in the function, to be used by `stack_load`, `stack_store`
221    /// and `stack_addr` instructions.
222    pub fn create_sized_stack_slot(&mut self, data: StackSlotData) -> StackSlot {
223        self.sized_stack_slots.push(data)
224    }
226    /// Creates a dynamic stack slot in the function, to be used by `dynamic_stack_load`,
227    /// `dynamic_stack_store` and `dynamic_stack_addr` instructions.
228    pub fn create_dynamic_stack_slot(&mut self, data: DynamicStackSlotData) -> DynamicStackSlot {
229        self.dynamic_stack_slots.push(data)
230    }
232    /// Adds a signature which can later be used to declare an external function import.
233    pub fn import_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature) -> SigRef {
234        self.dfg.signatures.push(signature)
235    }
237    /// Declares a global value accessible to the function.
238    pub fn create_global_value(&mut self, data: GlobalValueData) -> GlobalValue {
239        self.global_values.push(data)
240    }
242    /// Declares a memory type for use by the function.
243    pub fn create_memory_type(&mut self, data: MemoryTypeData) -> MemoryType {
244        self.memory_types.push(data)
245    }
247    /// Find the global dyn_scale value associated with given DynamicType.
248    pub fn get_dyn_scale(&self, ty: DynamicType) -> GlobalValue {
249        self.dfg.dynamic_types.get(ty).unwrap().dynamic_scale
250    }
252    /// Find the global dyn_scale for the given stack slot.
253    pub fn get_dynamic_slot_scale(&self, dss: DynamicStackSlot) -> GlobalValue {
254        let dyn_ty = self.dynamic_stack_slots.get(dss).unwrap().dyn_ty;
255        self.get_dyn_scale(dyn_ty)
256    }
258    /// Get a concrete `Type` from a user defined `DynamicType`.
259    pub fn get_concrete_dynamic_ty(&self, ty: DynamicType) -> Option<Type> {
260        self.dfg
261            .dynamic_types
262            .get(ty)
263            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Undeclared dynamic vector type: {ty}"))
264            .concrete()
265    }
267    /// Find a presumed unique special-purpose function parameter value.
268    ///
269    /// Returns the value of the last `purpose` parameter, or `None` if no such parameter exists.
270    pub fn special_param(&self, purpose: ir::ArgumentPurpose) -> Option<ir::Value> {
271        let entry = self.layout.entry_block().expect("Function is empty");
272        self.signature
273            .special_param_index(purpose)
274            .map(|i| self.dfg.block_params(entry)[i])
275    }
277    /// Starts collection of debug information.
278    pub fn collect_debug_info(&mut self) {
279        self.dfg.collect_debug_info();
280    }
282    /// Rewrite the branch destination to `new_dest` if the destination matches `old_dest`.
283    /// Does nothing if called with a non-jump or non-branch instruction.
284    pub fn rewrite_branch_destination(&mut self, inst: Inst, old_dest: Block, new_dest: Block) {
285        for dest in self.dfg.insts[inst].branch_destination_mut(&mut self.dfg.jump_tables) {
286            if dest.block(&self.dfg.value_lists) == old_dest {
287                dest.set_block(new_dest, &mut self.dfg.value_lists)
288            }
289        }
290    }
292    /// Checks that the specified block can be encoded as a basic block.
293    ///
294    /// On error, returns the first invalid instruction and an error message.
295    pub fn is_block_basic(&self, block: Block) -> Result<(), (Inst, &'static str)> {
296        let dfg = &self.dfg;
297        let inst_iter = self.layout.block_insts(block);
299        // Ignore all instructions prior to the first branch.
300        let mut inst_iter = inst_iter.skip_while(|&inst| !dfg.insts[inst].opcode().is_branch());
302        if let Some(_branch) = {
303            if let Some(next) = {
304                return Err((next, "post-terminator instruction"));
305            }
306        }
308        Ok(())
309    }
311    /// Returns an iterator over the blocks succeeding the given block.
312    pub fn block_successors(&self, block: Block) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Block> + '_ {
313        self.layout.last_inst(block).into_iter().flat_map(|inst| {
314            self.dfg.insts[inst]
315                .branch_destination(&self.dfg.jump_tables)
316                .iter()
317                .map(|block| block.block(&self.dfg.value_lists))
318        })
319    }
321    /// Returns true if the function is function that doesn't call any other functions. This is not
322    /// to be confused with a "leaf function" in Windows terminology.
323    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {
324        // Conservative result: if there's at least one function signature referenced in this
325        // function, assume it is not a leaf.
326        let has_signatures = !self.dfg.signatures.is_empty();
328        // Under some TLS models, retrieving the address of a TLS variable requires calling a
329        // function. Conservatively assume that any function that references a tls global value
330        // is not a leaf.
331        let has_tls = self.global_values.values().any(|gv| match gv {
332            GlobalValueData::Symbol { tls, .. } => *tls,
333            _ => false,
334        });
336        !has_signatures && !has_tls
337    }
339    /// Replace the `dst` instruction's data with the `src` instruction's data
340    /// and then remove `src`.
341    ///
342    /// `src` and its result values should not be used at all, as any uses would
343    /// be left dangling after calling this method.
344    ///
345    /// `src` and `dst` must have the same number of resulting values, and
346    /// `src`'s i^th value must have the same type as `dst`'s i^th value.
347    pub fn transplant_inst(&mut self, dst: Inst, src: Inst) {
348        debug_assert_eq!(
349            self.dfg.inst_results(dst).len(),
350            self.dfg.inst_results(src).len()
351        );
352        debug_assert!(self
353            .dfg
354            .inst_results(dst)
355            .iter()
356            .zip(self.dfg.inst_results(src))
357            .all(|(a, b)| self.dfg.value_type(*a) == self.dfg.value_type(*b)));
359        self.dfg.insts[dst] = self.dfg.insts[src];
360        self.layout.remove_inst(src);
361    }
363    /// Size occupied by all stack slots associated with this function.
364    ///
365    /// Does not include any padding necessary due to offsets
366    pub fn fixed_stack_size(&self) -> u32 {
367        self.sized_stack_slots.values().map(|ss| ss.size).sum()
368    }
370    /// Returns the list of relative source locations for this function.
371    pub(crate) fn rel_srclocs(&self) -> &SecondaryMap<Inst, RelSourceLoc> {
372        &self.srclocs
373    }
376/// Functions can be cloned, but it is not a very fast operation.
377/// The clone will have all the same entity numbers as the original.
378#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
379#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
380pub struct Function {
381    /// Name of this function.
382    ///
383    /// Mostly used by `.clif` files, only there for debugging / naming purposes.
384    pub name: UserFuncName,
386    /// All the fields required for compiling a function, independently of details irrelevant to
387    /// compilation and that are stored in the `FunctionParameters` `params` field instead.
388    pub stencil: FunctionStencil,
390    /// All the parameters that can be applied onto the function stencil, that is, that don't
391    /// matter when caching compilation artifacts.
392    pub params: FunctionParameters,
395impl core::ops::Deref for Function {
396    type Target = FunctionStencil;
398    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
399        &self.stencil
400    }
403impl core::ops::DerefMut for Function {
404    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
405        &mut self.stencil
406    }
409impl Function {
410    /// Create a function with the given name and signature.
411    pub fn with_name_signature(name: UserFuncName, sig: Signature) -> Self {
412        Self {
413            name,
414            stencil: FunctionStencil {
415                version_marker: VersionMarker,
416                signature: sig,
417                sized_stack_slots: StackSlots::new(),
418                dynamic_stack_slots: DynamicStackSlots::new(),
419                global_values: PrimaryMap::new(),
420                global_value_facts: SecondaryMap::new(),
421                memory_types: PrimaryMap::new(),
422                dfg: DataFlowGraph::new(),
423                layout: Layout::new(),
424                srclocs: SecondaryMap::new(),
425                stack_limit: None,
426            },
427            params: FunctionParameters::new(),
428        }
429    }
431    /// Clear all data structures in this function.
432    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
433        self.stencil.clear();
434        self.params.clear();
435 = UserFuncName::default();
436    }
438    /// Create a new empty, anonymous function with a Fast calling convention.
439    pub fn new() -> Self {
440        Self::with_name_signature(Default::default(), Signature::new(CallConv::Fast))
441    }
443    /// Return an object that can display this function with correct ISA-specific annotations.
444    pub fn display(&self) -> DisplayFunction<'_> {
445        DisplayFunction(self)
446    }
448    /// Sets an absolute source location for the given instruction.
449    ///
450    /// If no base source location has been set yet, records it at the same time.
451    pub fn set_srcloc(&mut self, inst: Inst, srcloc: SourceLoc) {
452        let base = self.params.ensure_base_srcloc(srcloc);
453        self.stencil.srclocs[inst] = RelSourceLoc::from_base_offset(base, srcloc);
454    }
456    /// Returns an absolute source location for the given instruction.
457    pub fn srcloc(&self, inst: Inst) -> SourceLoc {
458        let base = self.params.base_srcloc();
459        self.stencil.srclocs[inst].expand(base)
460    }
462    /// Declare a user-defined external function import, to be referenced in `ExtFuncData::User` later.
463    pub fn declare_imported_user_function(
464        &mut self,
465        name: UserExternalName,
466    ) -> UserExternalNameRef {
467        self.params.ensure_user_func_name(name)
468    }
470    /// Declare an external function import.
471    pub fn import_function(&mut self, data: ExtFuncData) -> FuncRef {
472        self.stencil.dfg.ext_funcs.push(data)
473    }
476/// Wrapper type capable of displaying a `Function`.
477pub struct DisplayFunction<'a>(&'a Function);
479impl<'a> fmt::Display for DisplayFunction<'a> {
480    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
481        write_function(fmt, self.0)
482    }
485impl fmt::Display for Function {
486    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
487        write_function(fmt, self)
488    }
491impl fmt::Debug for Function {
492    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
493        write_function(fmt, self)
494    }