
1//! Encodes EVEX instructions. These instructions are those added by the AVX-512 extensions. The
2//! EVEX encoding requires a 4-byte prefix:
4//! Byte 0:  0x62
5//!         ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
6//! Byte 1: │ R │ X │ B │ R'│ 0 │ 0 │ m │ m │
7//!         ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
8//! Byte 2: │ W │ v │ v │ v │ v │ 1 │ p │ p │
9//!         ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
10//! Byte 3: │ z │ L'│ L │ b │ V'│ a │ a │ a │
11//!         └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
13//! The prefix is then followed by the opcode byte, the ModR/M byte, and other optional suffixes
14//! (e.g. SIB byte, displacements, immediates) based on the instruction (see section 2.6, Intel
15//! Software Development Manual, volume 2A).
17use super::rex::{self, LegacyPrefixes, OpcodeMap};
18use crate::isa::x64::args::{Amode, Avx512TupleType};
19use crate::isa::x64::inst::Inst;
20use crate::MachBuffer;
21use core::ops::RangeInclusive;
23/// Constructs an EVEX-encoded instruction using a builder pattern. This approach makes it visually
24/// easier to transform something the manual's syntax, `EVEX.256.66.0F38.W1 1F /r` to code:
25/// `EvexInstruction::new().length(...).prefix(...).map(...).w(true).opcode(0x1F).reg(...).rm(...)`.
26pub struct EvexInstruction {
27    bits: u32,
28    opcode: u8,
29    reg: Register,
30    rm: RegisterOrAmode,
31    tuple_type: Option<Avx512TupleType>,
32    imm: Option<u8>,
35/// Because some of the bit flags in the EVEX prefix are reversed and users of `EvexInstruction` may
36/// choose to skip setting fields, here we set some sane defaults. Note that:
37/// - the first byte is always `0x62` but you will notice it at the end of the default `bits` value
38///   implemented--remember the little-endian order
39/// - some bits are always set to certain values: bits 10-11 to 0, bit 18 to 1
40/// - the other bits set correspond to reversed bits: R, X, B, R' (byte 1), vvvv (byte 2), V' (byte
41///   3).
43/// See the `default_emission` test for what these defaults are equivalent to (e.g. using RAX,
44/// unsetting the W bit, etc.)
45impl Default for EvexInstruction {
46    fn default() -> Self {
47        Self {
48            bits: 0x08_7C_F0_62,
49            opcode: 0,
50            reg: Register::default(),
51            rm: RegisterOrAmode::Register(Register::default()),
52            tuple_type: None,
53            imm: None,
54        }
55    }
58#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] // This makes it easier to match the bit range names to the manual's names.
59impl EvexInstruction {
60    /// Construct a default EVEX instruction.
61    pub fn new() -> Self {
62        Self::default()
63    }
65    /// Set the length of the instruction . Note that there are sets of instructions (i.e. rounding,
66    /// memory broadcast) that modify the same underlying bits--at some point (TODO) we can add a
67    /// way to set those context bits and verify that both are not used (e.g. rounding AND length).
68    /// For now, this method is very convenient.
69    #[inline(always)]
70    pub fn length(mut self, length: EvexVectorLength) -> Self {
71        self.write(Self::LL, EvexContext::Other { length }.bits() as u32);
72        self
73    }
75    /// Set the legacy prefix byte of the instruction: None | 66 | F0 | F2 | F3. EVEX instructions
76    /// pack these into the prefix, not as separate bytes.
77    #[inline(always)]
78    pub fn prefix(mut self, prefix: LegacyPrefixes) -> Self {
79        self.write(Self::pp, prefix.bits() as u32);
80        self
81    }
83    /// Set the opcode map byte of the instruction: None | 0F | 0F38 | 0F3A. EVEX instructions pack
84    /// these into the prefix, not as separate bytes.
85    #[inline(always)]
86    pub fn map(mut self, map: OpcodeMap) -> Self {
87        self.write(Self::mm, map.bits() as u32);
88        self
89    }
91    /// Set the W bit, typically used to indicate an instruction using 64 bits of an operand (e.g.
92    /// 64 bit lanes). EVEX packs this bit in the EVEX prefix; previous encodings used the REX
93    /// prefix.
94    #[inline(always)]
95    pub fn w(mut self, w: bool) -> Self {
96        self.write(Self::W, w as u32);
97        self
98    }
100    /// Set the instruction opcode byte.
101    #[inline(always)]
102    pub fn opcode(mut self, opcode: u8) -> Self {
103        self.opcode = opcode;
104        self
105    }
107    /// Set the "tuple type" which is used for 8-bit scaling when a memory
108    /// operand is used.
109    #[inline(always)]
110    pub fn tuple_type(mut self, tt: Avx512TupleType) -> Self {
111        self.tuple_type = Some(tt);
112        self
113    }
115    /// Set the register to use for the `reg` bits; many instructions use this as the write operand.
116    /// Setting this affects both the ModRM byte (`reg` section) and the EVEX prefix (the extension
117    /// bits for register encodings > 8).
118    #[inline(always)]
119    pub fn reg(mut self, reg: impl Into<Register>) -> Self {
120        self.reg = reg.into();
121        let r = !(self.reg.0 >> 3) & 1;
122        let r_ = !(self.reg.0 >> 4) & 1;
123        self.write(Self::R, r as u32);
124        self.write(Self::R_, r_ as u32);
125        self
126    }
128    /// Set the mask to use. See section 2.6 in the Intel Software Developer's Manual, volume 2A for
129    /// more details.
130    #[allow(dead_code)]
131    #[inline(always)]
132    pub fn mask(mut self, mask: EvexMasking) -> Self {
133        self.write(Self::aaa, mask.aaa_bits() as u32);
134        self.write(Self::z, mask.z_bit() as u32);
135        self
136    }
138    /// Set the `vvvvv` register; some instructions allow using this as a second, non-destructive
139    /// source register in 3-operand instructions (e.g. 2 read, 1 write).
140    #[allow(dead_code)]
141    #[inline(always)]
142    pub fn vvvvv(mut self, reg: impl Into<Register>) -> Self {
143        let reg = reg.into();
144        self.write(Self::vvvv, !(reg.0 as u32) & 0b1111);
145        self.write(Self::V_, !(reg.0 as u32 >> 4) & 0b1);
146        self
147    }
149    /// Set the register to use for the `rm` bits; many instructions use this
150    /// as the "read from register/memory" operand. Setting this affects both
151    /// the ModRM byte (`rm` section) and the EVEX prefix (the extension bits
152    /// for register encodings > 8).
153    #[inline(always)]
154    pub fn rm(mut self, reg: impl Into<RegisterOrAmode>) -> Self {
155        // NB: See Table 2-31. 32-Register Support in 64-bit Mode Using EVEX
156        // with Embedded REX Bits
157        self.rm = reg.into();
158        let x = match &self.rm {
159            RegisterOrAmode::Register(r) => r.0 >> 4,
160            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::ImmRegRegShift { index, .. }) => {
161                index.to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc() >> 3
162            }
164            // These two modes technically don't use the X bit, so leave it at
165            // 0.
166            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::ImmReg { .. }) => 0,
167            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::RipRelative { .. }) => 0,
168        };
169        // The X bit is stored in an inverted format, so invert it here.
170        self.write(Self::X, u32::from(!x & 1));
172        let b = match &self.rm {
173            RegisterOrAmode::Register(r) => r.0 >> 3,
174            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::ImmReg { base, .. }) => {
175                base.to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc() >> 3
176            }
177            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::ImmRegRegShift { base, .. }) => {
178                base.to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc() >> 3
179            }
180            // The 4th bit of %rip is 0
181            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(Amode::RipRelative { .. }) => 0,
182        };
183        // The B bit is stored in an inverted format, so invert it here.
184        self.write(Self::B, u32::from(!b & 1));
185        self
186    }
188    /// Set the imm byte.
189    #[inline(always)]
190    pub fn imm(mut self, imm: u8) -> Self {
191        self.imm = Some(imm);
192        self
193    }
195    /// Emit the EVEX-encoded instruction to the code sink:
196    ///
197    /// - the 4-byte EVEX prefix;
198    /// - the opcode byte;
199    /// - the ModR/M byte
200    /// - SIB bytes, if necessary
201    /// - an optional immediate, if necessary (not currently implemented)
202    pub fn encode(&self, sink: &mut MachBuffer<Inst>) {
203        if let RegisterOrAmode::Amode(amode) = &self.rm {
204            if let Some(trap_code) = amode.get_flags().trap_code() {
205                sink.add_trap(trap_code);
206            }
207        }
208        sink.put4(self.bits);
209        sink.put1(self.opcode);
211        match &self.rm {
212            RegisterOrAmode::Register(reg) => {
213                let rm: u8 = (*reg).into();
214                sink.put1(rex::encode_modrm(3, self.reg.0 & 7, rm & 7));
215            }
216            RegisterOrAmode::Amode(amode) => {
217                let scaling = self.scaling_for_8bit_disp();
219                let bytes_at_end = if self.imm.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 };
220                rex::emit_modrm_sib_disp(sink, self.reg.0 & 7, amode, bytes_at_end, Some(scaling));
221            }
222        }
223        if let Some(imm) = self.imm {
224            sink.put1(imm);
225        }
226    }
228    // In order to simplify the encoding of the various bit ranges in the prefix, we specify those
229    // ranges according to the table below (extracted from the Intel Software Development Manual,
230    // volume 2A). Remember that, because we pack the 4-byte prefix into a little-endian `u32`, this
231    // chart should be read from right-to-left, top-to-bottom. Note also that we start ranges at bit
232    // 8, leaving bits 0-7 for the mandatory `0x62`.
233    //         ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
234    // Byte 1: │ R │ X │ B │ R'│ 0 │ 0 │ m │ m │
235    //         ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
236    // Byte 2: │ W │ v │ v │ v │ v │ 1 │ p │ p │
237    //         ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
238    // Byte 3: │ z │ L'│ L │ b │ V'│ a │ a │ a │
239    //         └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
241    // Byte 1:
242    const mm: RangeInclusive<u8> = 8..=9;
243    const R_: RangeInclusive<u8> = 12..=12;
244    const B: RangeInclusive<u8> = 13..=13;
245    const X: RangeInclusive<u8> = 14..=14;
246    const R: RangeInclusive<u8> = 15..=15;
248    // Byte 2:
249    const pp: RangeInclusive<u8> = 16..=17;
250    const vvvv: RangeInclusive<u8> = 19..=22;
251    const W: RangeInclusive<u8> = 23..=23;
253    // Byte 3:
254    const aaa: RangeInclusive<u8> = 24..=26;
255    const V_: RangeInclusive<u8> = 27..=27;
256    const b: RangeInclusive<u8> = 28..=28;
257    const LL: RangeInclusive<u8> = 29..=30;
258    const z: RangeInclusive<u8> = 31..=31;
260    // A convenience method for writing the `value` bits to the given range in `self.bits`.
261    #[inline]
262    fn write(&mut self, range: RangeInclusive<u8>, value: u32) {
263        assert!(ExactSizeIterator::len(&range) > 0);
264        let size = range.end() - range.start() + 1; // Calculate the number of bits in the range.
265        let mask: u32 = (1 << size) - 1; // Generate a bit mask.
266        debug_assert!(
267            value <= mask,
268            "The written value should have fewer than {size} bits."
269        );
270        let mask_complement = !(mask << *range.start()); // Create the bitwise complement for the clear mask.
271        self.bits &= mask_complement; // Clear the bits in `range`; otherwise the OR below may allow previously-set bits to slip through.
272        let value = value << *range.start(); // Place the value in the correct location (assumes `value <= mask`).
273        self.bits |= value; // Modify the bits in `range`.
274    }
276    /// A convenience method for reading given range of bits in `self.bits`
277    /// shifted to the LSB of the returned value..
278    #[inline]
279    fn read(&self, range: RangeInclusive<u8>) -> u32 {
280        (self.bits >> range.start()) & ((1 << range.len()) - 1)
281    }
283    fn scaling_for_8bit_disp(&self) -> i8 {
284        use Avx512TupleType::*;
286        let vector_size_scaling = || match {
287            0b00 => 16,
288            0b01 => 32,
289            0b10 => 64,
290            _ => unreachable!(),
291        };
293        match self.tuple_type {
294            Some(Full) => {
295                if == 1 {
296                    if == 0 {
297                        4
298                    } else {
299                        8
300                    }
301                } else {
302                    vector_size_scaling()
303                }
304            }
305            Some(FullMem) => vector_size_scaling(),
306            Some(Mem128) => 16,
307            None => panic!("tuple type was not set"),
308        }
309    }
312/// Describe the register index to use. This wrapper is a type-safe way to pass
313/// around the registers defined in `inst/`.
314#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default)]
315pub struct Register(u8);
316impl From<u8> for Register {
317    fn from(reg: u8) -> Self {
318        debug_assert!(reg < 16);
319        Self(reg)
320    }
322impl Into<u8> for Register {
323    fn into(self) -> u8 {
324        self.0
325    }
329#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
330pub enum RegisterOrAmode {
331    Register(Register),
332    Amode(Amode),
335impl From<u8> for RegisterOrAmode {
336    fn from(reg: u8) -> Self {
337        RegisterOrAmode::Register(reg.into())
338    }
341impl From<Amode> for RegisterOrAmode {
342    fn from(amode: Amode) -> Self {
343        RegisterOrAmode::Amode(amode)
344    }
347/// Defines the EVEX context for the `L'`, `L`, and `b` bits (bits 6:4 of EVEX P2 byte). Table 2-36 in
348/// section 2.6.10 (Intel Software Development Manual, volume 2A) describes how these bits can be
349/// used together for certain classes of instructions; i.e., special care should be taken to ensure
350/// that instructions use an applicable correct `EvexContext`. Table 2-39 contains cases where
351/// opcodes can result in an #UD.
352#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)] // Rounding and broadcast modes are not yet used.
353pub enum EvexContext {
354    RoundingRegToRegFP {
355        rc: EvexRoundingControl,
356    },
357    NoRoundingFP {
358        sae: bool,
359        length: EvexVectorLength,
360    },
361    MemoryOp {
362        broadcast: bool,
363        length: EvexVectorLength,
364    },
365    Other {
366        length: EvexVectorLength,
367    },
370impl Default for EvexContext {
371    fn default() -> Self {
372        Self::Other {
373            length: EvexVectorLength::default(),
374        }
375    }
378impl EvexContext {
379    /// Encode the `L'`, `L`, and `b` bits (bits 6:4 of EVEX P2 byte) for merging with the P2 byte.
380    pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 {
381        match self {
382            Self::RoundingRegToRegFP { rc } => 0b001 | rc.bits() << 1,
383            Self::NoRoundingFP { sae, length } => (*sae as u8) | length.bits() << 1,
384            Self::MemoryOp { broadcast, length } => (*broadcast as u8) | length.bits() << 1,
385            Self::Other { length } => length.bits() << 1,
386        }
387    }
390/// The EVEX format allows choosing a vector length in the `L'` and `L` bits; see `EvexContext`.
391#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)] // Wider-length vectors are not yet used.
392pub enum EvexVectorLength {
393    V128,
394    V256,
395    V512,
398impl EvexVectorLength {
399    /// Encode the `L'` and `L` bits for merging with the P2 byte.
400    fn bits(&self) -> u8 {
401        match self {
402            Self::V128 => 0b00,
403            Self::V256 => 0b01,
404            Self::V512 => 0b10,
405            // 0b11 is reserved (#UD).
406        }
407    }
410impl Default for EvexVectorLength {
411    fn default() -> Self {
412        Self::V128
413    }
416/// The EVEX format allows defining rounding control in the `L'` and `L` bits; see `EvexContext`.
417#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)] // Rounding controls are not yet used.
418pub enum EvexRoundingControl {
419    RNE,
420    RD,
421    RU,
422    RZ,
425impl EvexRoundingControl {
426    /// Encode the `L'` and `L` bits for merging with the P2 byte.
427    fn bits(&self) -> u8 {
428        match self {
429            Self::RNE => 0b00,
430            Self::RD => 0b01,
431            Self::RU => 0b10,
432            Self::RZ => 0b11,
433        }
434    }
437/// Defines the EVEX masking behavior; masking support is described in section 2.6.4 of the Intel
438/// Software Development Manual, volume 2A.
439#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)] // Masking is not yet used.
440pub enum EvexMasking {
441    None,
442    Merging { k: u8 },
443    Zeroing { k: u8 },
446impl Default for EvexMasking {
447    fn default() -> Self {
448        EvexMasking::None
449    }
452impl EvexMasking {
453    /// Encode the `z` bit for merging with the P2 byte.
454    pub fn z_bit(&self) -> u8 {
455        match self {
456            Self::None | Self::Merging { .. } => 0,
457            Self::Zeroing { .. } => 1,
458        }
459    }
461    /// Encode the `aaa` bits for merging with the P2 byte.
462    pub fn aaa_bits(&self) -> u8 {
463        match self {
464            Self::None => 0b000,
465            Self::Merging { k } | Self::Zeroing { k } => {
466                debug_assert!(*k <= 7);
467                *k
468            }
469        }
470    }
474mod tests {
475    use super::*;
476    use crate::ir::MemFlags;
477    use crate::isa::x64::args::Gpr;
478    use crate::isa::x64::inst::regs;
479    use std::vec::Vec;
481    // As a sanity test, we verify that the output of `xed-asmparse-main 'vpabsq xmm0{k0},
482    // xmm1'` matches this EVEX encoding machinery.
483    #[test]
484    fn vpabsq() {
485        let mut tmp = MachBuffer::<Inst>::new();
486        let tests: &[(crate::Reg, RegisterOrAmode, Vec<u8>)] = &[
487            // vpabsq %xmm1, %xmm0
488            (
489                regs::xmm0(),
490                regs::xmm1().to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc().into(),
491                vec![0x62, 0xf2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xc1],
492            ),
493            // vpabsq %xmm8, %xmm10
494            (
495                regs::xmm10(),
496                regs::xmm8().to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc().into(),
497                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xd0],
498            ),
499            // vpabsq %xmm15, %xmm3
500            (
501                regs::xmm3(),
502                regs::xmm15().to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc().into(),
503                vec![0x62, 0xd2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xdf],
504            ),
505            // vpabsq (%rsi), %xmm12
506            (
507                regs::xmm12(),
508                Amode::ImmReg {
509                    simm32: 0,
510                    base: regs::rsi(),
511                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
512                }
513                .into(),
514                vec![0x62, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x26],
515            ),
516            // vpabsq 8(%r15), %xmm14
517            (
518                regs::xmm14(),
519                Amode::ImmReg {
520                    simm32: 8,
521                    base: regs::r15(),
522                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
523                }
524                .into(),
525                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xb7, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
526            ),
527            // vpabsq 16(%r15), %xmm14
528            (
529                regs::xmm14(),
530                Amode::ImmReg {
531                    simm32: 16,
532                    base: regs::r15(),
533                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
534                }
535                .into(),
536                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x77, 0x01],
537            ),
538            // vpabsq 17(%rax), %xmm3
539            (
540                regs::xmm3(),
541                Amode::ImmReg {
542                    simm32: 17,
543                    base: regs::rax(),
544                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
545                }
546                .into(),
547                vec![0x62, 0xf2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x98, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
548            ),
549            // vpabsq (%rbx, %rsi, 8), %xmm9
550            (
551                regs::xmm9(),
552                Amode::ImmRegRegShift {
553                    simm32: 0,
554                    base: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rbx()),
555                    index: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rsi()),
556                    shift: 3,
557                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
558                }
559                .into(),
560                vec![0x62, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x0c, 0xf3],
561            ),
562            // vpabsq 1(%r11, %rdi, 4), %xmm13
563            (
564                regs::xmm13(),
565                Amode::ImmRegRegShift {
566                    simm32: 1,
567                    base: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::r11()),
568                    index: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rdi()),
569                    shift: 2,
570                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
571                }
572                .into(),
573                vec![
574                    0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xac, 0xbb, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
575                ],
576            ),
577            // vpabsq 128(%rsp, %r10, 2), %xmm5
578            (
579                regs::xmm5(),
580                Amode::ImmRegRegShift {
581                    simm32: 128,
582                    base: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rsp()),
583                    index: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::r10()),
584                    shift: 1,
585                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
586                }
587                .into(),
588                vec![0x62, 0xb2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x6c, 0x54, 0x08],
589            ),
590            // vpabsq 112(%rbp, %r13, 1), %xmm6
591            (
592                regs::xmm6(),
593                Amode::ImmRegRegShift {
594                    simm32: 112,
595                    base: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rbp()),
596                    index: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::r13()),
597                    shift: 0,
598                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
599                }
600                .into(),
601                vec![0x62, 0xb2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x74, 0x2d, 0x07],
602            ),
603            // vpabsq (%rbp, %r13, 1), %xmm7
604            (
605                regs::xmm7(),
606                Amode::ImmRegRegShift {
607                    simm32: 0,
608                    base: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::rbp()),
609                    index: Gpr::unwrap_new(regs::r13()),
610                    shift: 0,
611                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
612                }
613                .into(),
614                vec![0x62, 0xb2, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x7c, 0x2d, 0x00],
615            ),
616            // vpabsq 2032(%r12), %xmm8
617            (
618                regs::xmm8(),
619                Amode::ImmReg {
620                    simm32: 2032,
621                    base: regs::r12(),
622                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
623                }
624                .into(),
625                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x44, 0x24, 0x7f],
626            ),
627            // vpabsq 2048(%r13), %xmm9
628            (
629                regs::xmm9(),
630                Amode::ImmReg {
631                    simm32: 2048,
632                    base: regs::r13(),
633                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
634                }
635                .into(),
636                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00],
637            ),
638            // vpabsq -16(%r14), %xmm10
639            (
640                regs::xmm10(),
641                Amode::ImmReg {
642                    simm32: -16,
643                    base: regs::r14(),
644                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
645                }
646                .into(),
647                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x56, 0xff],
648            ),
649            // vpabsq -5(%r15), %xmm11
650            (
651                regs::xmm11(),
652                Amode::ImmReg {
653                    simm32: -5,
654                    base: regs::r15(),
655                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
656                }
657                .into(),
658                vec![0x62, 0x52, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff],
659            ),
660            // vpabsq -2048(%rdx), %xmm12
661            (
662                regs::xmm12(),
663                Amode::ImmReg {
664                    simm32: -2048,
665                    base: regs::rdx(),
666                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
667                }
668                .into(),
669                vec![0x62, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x62, 0x80],
670            ),
671            // vpabsq -2064(%rsi), %xmm13
672            (
673                regs::xmm13(),
674                Amode::ImmReg {
675                    simm32: -2064,
676                    base: regs::rsi(),
677                    flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
678                }
679                .into(),
680                vec![0x62, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0xae, 0xf0, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xff],
681            ),
682            // a: vpabsq a(%rip), %xmm14
683            (
684                regs::xmm14(),
685                Amode::RipRelative {
686                    target: tmp.get_label(),
687                }
688                .into(),
689                vec![0x62, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x08, 0x1f, 0x35, 0xf6, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff],
690            ),
691        ];
693        for (dst, src, encoding) in tests {
694            let mut sink = MachBuffer::new();
695            let label = sink.get_label();
696            sink.bind_label(label, &mut Default::default());
697            EvexInstruction::new()
698                .prefix(LegacyPrefixes::_66)
699                .map(OpcodeMap::_0F38)
700                .w(true)
701                .opcode(0x1F)
702                .reg(dst.to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc())
703                .rm(src.clone())
704                .length(EvexVectorLength::V128)
705                .tuple_type(Avx512TupleType::Full)
706                .encode(&mut sink);
707            let bytes0 = sink
708                .finish(&Default::default(), &mut Default::default())
709                .data;
710            assert_eq!(
711                bytes0.as_slice(),
712                encoding.as_slice(),
713                "dst={dst:?} src={src:?}"
714            );
715        }
716    }
718    /// Verify that the defaults are equivalent to an instruction with a `0x00` opcode using the
719    /// "0" register (i.e. `rax`), with sane defaults for the various configurable parameters. This
720    /// test is more interesting than it may appear because some of the parameters have flipped-bit
721    /// representations (e.g. `vvvvv`) so emitting 0s as a default will not work.
722    #[test]
723    fn default_emission() {
724        let mut sink = MachBuffer::new();
725        EvexInstruction::new().encode(&mut sink);
726        let bytes0 = sink
727            .finish(&Default::default(), &mut Default::default())
728            .data;
730        let mut sink = MachBuffer::new();
731        EvexInstruction::new()
732            .length(EvexVectorLength::V128)
733            .prefix(LegacyPrefixes::None)
734            .map(OpcodeMap::None)
735            .w(false)
736            .opcode(0x00)
737            .reg(regs::rax().to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc())
738            .rm(regs::rax().to_real_reg().unwrap().hw_enc())
739            .mask(EvexMasking::None)
740            .encode(&mut sink);
741        let bytes1 = sink
742            .finish(&Default::default(), &mut Default::default())
743            .data;
745        assert_eq!(bytes0, bytes1);
746    }