atomic 0.4.6

Generic Atomic<T> wrapper type
Generic `Atomic<T>` for Rust

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A Rust library which provides a generic `Atomic<T>` type for all `T: Copy` types, unlike the standard library which only provides a few fixed atomic types (`AtomicBool`, `AtomicIsize`, `AtomicUsize`, `AtomicPtr`).

This library will use native atomic instructions if possible, and will otherwise fall back to a lock-based mechanism. You can use the `Atomic::<T>::is_lock_free()` function to check whether native atomic operations are supported for a given type. Note that a type must have a power-of-2 size and alignment in order to be used by native atomic instructions.

Only a subset of native atomic operations are supported on stable Rust (types which are the same size as `AtomicUsize`), but you can use the `nightly` Cargo feature on a nightly compiler to enable the full range of native atomic instructions. The `nightly` feature also enables `const fn` constructors which allow you to initialize static atomic variables.

This crate uses `#![no_std]` and only depends on libcore.


## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

atomic = "0.4"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate atomic;

To enable nightly-only features, add this to your `Cargo.toml` instead:

atomic = {version = "0.4", features = ["nightly"]}

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.