bb8 0.8.6

Full-featured async (tokio-based) connection pool (like r2d2)
# bb8

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[![License: MIT](](./LICENSE)

A full-featured connection pool, designed for asynchronous connections (using
tokio). Originally based on [r2d2](

Opening a new database connection every time one is needed is both inefficient
and can lead to resource exhaustion under high traffic conditions. A connection
pool maintains a set of open connections to a database, handing them out for
repeated use.

bb8 is agnostic to the connection type it is managing. Implementors of the
`ManageConnection` trait provide the database-specific logic to create and
check the health of connections.

A (possibly not exhaustive) list of adapters for different backends:

Backend | Adapter Crate
------- | -------------
[tokio-postgres] | [bb8-postgres] (in-tree)
[redis] | [bb8-redis] (in-tree)
[redis_cluster_async] | [bb8-redis-cluster]
[rsmq] | [rsmq_async]
[bolt-client] | [bb8-bolt]
[diesel] | [bb8-diesel]
[tiberius] | [bb8-tiberius]
[nebula-client] | [bb8-nebula]
[memcache-async] | [bb8-memcached]
[lapin] | [bb8-lapin]
[arangors] | [bb8-arangodb]

## Example

Using an imaginary "foodb" database.

async fn main() {
    let manager = bb8_foodb::FooConnectionManager::new("localhost:1234");
    let pool = bb8::Pool::builder()

    for _ in 0..20 {
        let pool = pool.clone();
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
            // use the connection
            // it will be returned to the pool when it falls out of scope.

## License

Licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE](LICENSE)).

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.