An implementation of the [BLAKE2][1] hash functions.
# Usage
`Blake2b` can be used in the following way:
# #[macro_use] extern crate hex_literal;
# extern crate blake2;
# fn main() {
use blake2::{Blake2b, Blake2s, Digest};
// create a Blake2b object
let mut hasher = Blake2b::new();
// write input message
hasher.input(b"hello world");
// read hash digest and consume hasher
let res = hasher.result();
assert_eq!(res[..], hex!("
// same example for `Blake2s`:
let mut hasher = Blake2s::new();
hasher.input(b"hello world");
let res = hasher.result();
assert_eq!(res[..], hex!("
# }
Also see [RustCrypto/hashes]( readme.
## Variable output size
If you need variable sized output you can use `VarBlake2b` and `VarBlake2s`
which support variable output sizes through `VariableOutput` trait. `Input`
trait has to be imported as well.
use blake2::VarBlake2b;
use blake2::digest::{Input, VariableOutput};
let mut hasher = VarBlake2b::new(10).unwrap();
hasher.variable_result(|res| {
assert_eq!(res, [44, 197, 92, 132, 228, 22, 146, 78, 100, 0])
## Message Authentication Code (MAC)
BLAKE2 can be used as a MAC without any additional constructs:
use blake2::Blake2b;
use blake2::crypto_mac::Mac;
let mut hasher = Blake2b::new_varkey(b"my key").unwrap();
hasher.input(b"hello world");
// `result` has type `MacResult` which is a thin wrapper around array of
// bytes for providing constant time equality check
let result = hasher.result();
// To get underlying array use `code` method, but be carefull, since
// incorrect use of the code value may permit timing attacks which defeat
// the security provided by the `MacResult`
let code_bytes = result.code();
// To verify the message it's recommended to use `verify` method
let mut hasher = Blake2b::new_varkey(b"my key").unwrap();
hasher.input(b"hello world");
// `verify` return `Ok(())` if code is correct, `Err(MacError)` otherwise
# Acknowledgment
Based on the [blake2-rfc][2] crate.