# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
## 0.8.0 - 2023-10-12
*(All changes are relative compared to [the 0.8.0-beta.1 release](#080-beta1---2023-06-09))*
### Added
- Support floating-point timestamps in claims.
### Security
- Update `ed25519-dalek` dependency, fixing a potential vulnerability as described in [RUSTSEC-2022-0093](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2022-0093).
- Replace unmaintained `serde_cbor` dependency with `ciborium`.
## 0.8.0-beta.1 - 2023-06-09
### Added
- Support padding in base64url encoding of certificate thumbprints in the JWT header.
### Changed
- Update `secp256k1` and `rsa` dependencies.
- Make JWT `Header` generic similar to `Claims`, so that it contain custom fields
as per [Section 4.2 of RFC 7515](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515#section-4.2).
Since `Default` is now implemented for all `Header<T: Default>`, one should use
a new `Header::empty()` method to create an empty header, and `Header::new()` to create
a header with custom fields.
- Take `Header<_>` by reference in `AlgorithmExt` methods creating tokens (previously,
it was taken by value).
- Support custom-encoded certificate thumbprints in JWT `Header` by replacing types
of the corresponding fields with a new `Thumbprint` enum. As an example,
this allows hex-encoded thumbprints (which are then additionally base64url-encoded)
produced by some software.
### Deprecated
- Deprecate `validate_integrity` and `validate_for_signed_token` methods in `AlgorithmExt`.
An extended version of this functionality, which can validate tokens with custom headers,
is now encapsulated in the new `Validator` type, which is returned
by the new `AlgorithmExt::validator()` method.
## 0.7.0 - 2023-03-14
### Changed
- Update dependencies and bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.65.
- Rename the `with_rsa` feature to `rsa`.
## 0.6.0 - 2022-11-01
### Added
- Add ES256 implementation using pure-Rust [`p256`] crate.
### Changed
- Update dependencies, bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.60 and switch to 2021 Rust edition.
## 0.5.0 - 2021-12-29
*(All changes are relative compared to [the 0.5.0-beta.1 release](#050-beta1---2021-10-21))*
### Added
- Add `UntrustedToken::into_owned()` method to extend the token lifetime to static.
This is useful if an `UntrustedToken` needs to be stashed / passed across threads.
- Add `UntrustedToken::deserialize_claims_unchecked()` to extract claims from a token
without verification. As the name length implies, the method should only be used
in exceptional cases.
- Implement `FromStr` and some standard traits (`Clone`, `Copy`, `PartialEq`) for `Rsa`.
- Introduce `AlgorithmSignature::LENGTH` constant for specifying the expected
signature length. The new `ValidationError::InvalidSignatureLen` variant provides
more specific errors if the signature length is not as specified.
- Allow opting out from CBOR claims encoding by making `serde_cbor` dependency optional
and using it as a crate feature. The relevant functionality (`AlgorithmExt::compact_token`,
some error variants, etc.) is now gated behind this feature.
This change is motivated by the fact that supporting verification of CBOR-encoded tokens
has non-zero cost for library users (e.g., in terms of code size or security analysis).
## 0.5.0-beta.1 - 2021-10-21
### Changed
- Update dependencies.
### Fixed
- Fix datetime overflow when validating the expiration claim.
- Fix `no_std` support for RSA-based JWS algorithms. As a part of the fix,
to enable RSA, you should now use the `rsa` feature instead of `rsa`.
### Security
- Use constant-time base64 encoding / decoding from the [`base64ct`] crate.
## 0.4.0 - 2021-05-24
### Added
- Add `new()` constructor for `HS*` keys that accepts any type implementing
`AsRef<[u8]>`. This simplifies key loading.
- Add `new()` constructor for `UntrustedToken` that accepts any type implementing
`AsRef<str>`. This simplifies token processing.
- Add basic JSON Web Key (JWK) support. This allows (de)serializing keys from / into
a uniform format and computing key thumbprints.
- Add ES256K implementation using pure-Rust [`k256`] crate.
### Changed
- Update dependencies.
- Rename `Header.signature_type` field to `token_type` to be more in line with JWT spec.
- Rename `Claims.expiration_date` to `expiration` to be more precise.
- Encapsulate `hmac` and `sha2` dependencies by introducing signature types
for `HS*` algorithms. The `digest` dependency is still public.
- `exonum-crypto` feature is no longer enabled by default.
- Change return type of `SigningKey::as_bytes()` to securely zeroize owned values on drop.
### Fixed
- Fix ES256K signature verification by accepting high-S signatures, which are still produced
by some third-party implementations (e.g., OpenSSL).
## 0.3.0 - 2020-11-30
No substantial changes compared to the 0.3.0-beta.2 release.
## 0.3.0-beta.2 - 2020-11-09
*(All changes are relative compared to [the 0.3.0-beta.1 release](#030-beta1---2020-11-08))*
### Changed
- Make `CreationError` non-exhaustive.
- Rename `StrongKey::inner()` method to `into_inner`.
### Fixed
- Fix `docs.rs` configuration.
## 0.3.0-beta.1 - 2020-11-08
### Added
- Add signature getters for untrusted and trusted tokens.
- Add the [`ed25519-compact`] backend for Ed25519-based tokens.
- Add `SigningKey` and `VerifyingKey` traits for generic access to cryptographic keys.
- Support RSA algorithms using pure-Rust [`rsa`] crate.
- Add `no_std` mode and check `no_std` / WASM compatibility via dedicated aux crates.
Introduce two relevant crate features, `clock` and `std`.
- Add wrapper types for strong keys / JWT algorithms.
- Add details to some `ValidationError` variants.
### Changed
- Update dependencies.
- Update minimum supported Rust version due to dependencies.
- `es256k` feature should now be used for access to libsecp256k1 backend instead of
- Rework time-related token creation / validation logic. It is now possible to
use a custom clock, which could be useful for testing or if there is no access
to the system clock.
- Make `Header`, `Claims`, `TimeOptions`, and error types non-exhaustive.
## 0.2.0 - 2020-05-11
### Changed
- Update dependencies; replace `failure` error handling with `anyhow`.
## 0.1.0 - 2019-07-01
The initial release of `jwt-compact`.
[`ed25519-compact`]: https://crates.io/crates/ed25519-compact
[`rsa`]: https://crates.io/crates/rsa
[`k256`]: https://crates.io/crates/k256
[`p256`]: https://crates.io/crates/p256
[`base64ct`]: https://crates.io/crates/base64ct