type = "Bool"
description = "Pushes tools' bin-paths to the front of PATH instead of allowing modifications of PATH after activation to take precedence."
docs = """
Pushes tools' bin-paths to the front of PATH instead of allowing modifications of PATH after activation to take precedence. For example, if you have the following in your `mise.toml`:
node = '20'
python = '3.12'
But you also have this in your `~/.zshrc`:
eval "$(mise activate zsh)"
What will happen is `/some/other/python` will be used instead of the python installed by mise. This
you typically want to put `mise activate` at the end of your shell config so nothing overrides it.
If you want to always use the mise versions of tools despite what is in your shell config, set this
to `true`.
In that case, using this example again, `/some/other/python` will be after mise's python in PATH.
type = "Bool"
description = "do not use precompiled binaries for any tool"
docs = """
Default: false unless running NixOS or Alpine (let me know if others should be added)
Do not use precompiled binaries for all languages. Useful if running on a Linux distribution
like Alpine that does not use glibc and therefore likely won't be able to run precompiled binaries.
Note that this needs to be setup for each language. File a ticket if you notice a language that is
working with this config.
type = "Bool"
description = "should mise keep downloaded files after installation"
type = "Bool"
description = "should mise keep install files after installation even if the installation fails"
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Use cosign to verify aqua tool signatures."
type = "Url"
optional = true
description = "URL to fetch aqua registry from."
docs = """
URL to fetch aqua registry from. This is used to install tools from the aqua registry.
By default, the official aqua registry is used: https://github.com/aquaproj/aqua-registry
However when this is not specified, instead of cloning the entire registry each individual tool's metadata is fetched
via HTTP individually.
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Use SLSA to verify aqua tool signatures."
env = "MISE_ASDF"
type = "Bool"
hide = true
optional = true
deprecated = "Use disable_backends instead."
description = "use asdf as a default plugin backend"
docs = """
Use asdf as a default plugin backend. This means running something like `mise use cmake` will
default to using an asdf plugin for cmake.
type = "Bool"
description = "set to true to ensure .tool-versions will be compatible with asdf"
docs = """
Only output `.tool-versions` files in `mise local|global` which will be usable by asdf.
This disables mise functionality that would otherwise make these files incompatible with asdf such
as non-pinned versions.
This will also change the default global tool config to be `~/.tool-versions` instead
of `~/.config/mise/config.toml`.
type = "Duration"
default = "30d"
description = "Delete files in cache that have not been accessed in this duration"
docs = """
The age of the cache before it is considered stale. mise will occasionally delete cache files which
have not been accessed in this amount of time.
Set to `0s` to keep cache files indefinitely.
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Use cargo-binstall instead of cargo install if available"
docs = """
If true, mise will use `cargo binstall` instead of `cargo install` if
[`cargo-binstall`](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-binstall) is installed and on PATH.
This makes installing CLIs with cargo _much_ faster by downloading precompiled binaries.
You can install it with mise:
mise use -g cargo-binstall
type = "Bool"
hide = true
optional = true
description = "Use cargo-binstall instead of cargo install if available"
env = "MISE_CD"
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Path to change to after launching mise"
hide = true
env = "CI"
type = "Bool"
description = "Set to true if running in a CI environment"
hide = true
env = "MISE_COLOR"
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Use color in mise terminal output"
env = "MISE_DEBUG"
type = "Bool"
hide = true
description = "Sets log level to debug"
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "Backends to disable such as `asdf` or `pipx`"
type = "Bool"
description = "Disable the default mapping of short tool names like `go` -> `vfox:version-fox/vfox-golang`"
type = "Bool"
description = "Disables built-in shorthands to asdf/vfox plugins"
deprecated = "Replaced with `disable_default_registry`"
hide = true
optional = true
docs = """
Disables the shorthand aliases for installing plugins. You will have to specify full URLs when
installing plugins, e.g.: `mise plugin install node https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-node.git`
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<String>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "Turns off helpful hints when using different mise features"
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<String>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "Tools defined in mise.toml that should be ignored"
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Path to a file containing environment variables."
hide = true
type = "Bool"
description = "Enable experimental mise features which are incomplete or unstable—breakings changes may occur"
docs = """
Enables experimental features. I generally will publish new features under
this config which needs to be enabled to use them. While a feature is marked
as "experimental" its behavior may change or even disappear in any release.
The idea is experimental features can be iterated on this way so we can get
the behavior right, but once that label goes away you shouldn't expect things
to change without a proper deprecation—and even then it's unlikely.
Also, I very often will use experimental as a beta flag as well. New
functionality that I want to test with a smaller subset of users I will often
push out under experimental mode even if it's not related to an experimental
If you'd like to help me out, consider enabling it even if you don't have
a particular feature you'd like to try. Also, if something isn't working
right, try disabling it if you can.
type = "Duration"
default = "1h"
description = "How long to cache remote versions for tools."
docs = """
duration that remote version cache is kept for
for "fast" commands (represented by PREFER_STALE), these are always
cached. For "slow" commands like `mise ls-remote` or `mise install`:
type = "Duration"
default = "10s"
description = "Timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to fetch new tool versions in mise."
aliases = ["fetch_remote_version_timeout"]
type = "Path"
default = "~/.default-go-packages"
description = "Path to a file containing default go packages to install when installing go"
type = "String"
default = "https://dl.google.com/go"
description = "Mirror to download go sdk tarballs from."
env = "MISE_GO_REPO"
type = "Url"
default = "https://github.com/golang/go"
description = "URL to fetch go from."
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "Changes where `go install` installs binaries to."
docs = """
Defaults to `~/.local/share/mise/installs/go/.../bin`.
Set to `true` to override GOBIN if previously set.
Set to `false` to not set GOBIN (default is `${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/bin`).
type = "Bool"
description = "[deprecated] Set to true to set GOPATH=~/.local/share/mise/installs/go/.../packages."
deprecated = "Use env._go.set_goroot instead."
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Sets GOROOT=~/.local/share/mise/installs/go/.../."
type = "Bool"
description = "Set to true to skip checksum verification when downloading go sdk tarballs."
type = "Duration"
default = "30s"
description = "Timeout in seconds for all HTTP requests in mise."
type = "ListPath"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<PathBuf>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_colon"
description = "This is a list of config paths that mise will ignore."
env = "MISE_JOBS"
type = "Integer"
rust_type = "usize"
default = 4
description = "How many jobs to run concurrently such as tool installs."
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Set to false to disable the idiomatic version files such as .node-version, .ruby-version, etc."
docs = """
Plugins can read the versions files used by other version managers (if enabled by the plugin)
for example, `.nvmrc` in the case of node's nvm. See [legacy version files](#legacy-version-files)
for more
Set to "false" to disable legacy version file parsing.
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<String>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "Specific tools to disable idiomatic version files for."
env = "MISE_LIBGIT2"
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Use libgit2 for git operations, set to false to shell out to git."
docs = """
Use libgit2 for git operations. This is generally faster but may not be as compatible if the
system's libgit2 is not the same version as the one used by mise.
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Create and read lockfiles for tool versions."
docs = """
Read/update lockfiles for tool versions. This is useful when you'd like to have loose versions in mise.toml like this:
node = "22"
gh = "latest"
But you'd like the versions installed to be consistent within a project. When this is enabled, mise will update mise.lock
files next to mise.toml files containing pinned versions. When installing tools, mise will reference this lockfile if it exists and this setting is enabled to resolve versions.
The lockfiles are not created automatically. To generate them, run the following (assuming the config file is `mise.toml`):
touch mise.lock && mise install
The lockfile is named the same as the config file but with `.lock` instead of `.toml` as the extension, e.g.:
- `mise.toml` -> `mise.lock`
- `mise.local.toml` -> `mise.local.lock`
- `.config/mise.toml` -> `.config/mise.lock`
type = "String"
default = "info"
hide = true
description = "Show more/less output."
enum = [["trace"], ["debug"], ["info"], ["warn"], ["error"]]
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "Compile node from source."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Install a specific node flavor like glibc-217 or musl. Use with unofficial node build repo."
type = "Url"
optional = true
description = "Mirror to download node tarballs from."
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Set to false to disable the \"command not found\" handler to autoinstall missing tool versions."
docs = """
Set to false to disable the "command not found" handler to autoinstall missing tool versions.
Disable this if experiencing strange behavior in your shell when a command is not found.
This also runs in shims if the terminal is interactive.
type = "Bool"
description = "Use bun instead of npm if bun is installed and on PATH."
docs = """
If true, mise will use `bun` instead of `npm` if
[`bun`](https://bun.sh/) is installed and on PATH.
This makes installing CLIs faster by using `bun` as the package manager.
You can install it with mise:
mise use -g bun
type = "Bool"
description = "Enables extra-secure behavior."
docs = """
Enables extra-secure behavior. See [Paranoid](/paranoid).
env = "MISE_PIN"
type = "Bool"
description = "Default to pinning versions when running `mise use` in mise.toml files."
docs = """
This sets `--pin` by default when running `mise use` in mise.toml files. This can be overridden by
passing `--fuzzy` on the command line.
type = "Bool"
description = "Use uvx instead of pipx if uv is installed and on PATH."
docs = """
If true, mise will use `uvx` instead of `pipx` if
[`uv`](https://docs.astral.sh/uv/) is installed and on PATH.
This makes installing CLIs _much_ faster by using `uv` as the package manager.
You can install it with mise:
mise use -g uv
type = "Bool"
description = "Use uvx instead of pipx if uv is installed and on PATH."
hide = true
optional = true
type = "String"
default = "7d"
description = "How long to wait before updating plugins automatically (note this isn't currently implemented)."
type = "String"
description = "Profile to use for mise.${MISE_PROFILE}.toml files."
optional = true
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "If true, compile python from source. If false, use precompiled binaries. If not set, use precompiled binaries if available."
docs = """
* Values:
* `true` - always compile with python-build instead of downloading [precompiled binaries](#precompiled-python-binaries).
* `false` - always download precompiled binaries.
* [undefined] - use precompiled binary if one is available for the current platform, compile otherwise.
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Path to a file containing default python packages to install when installing a python version."
type = "Url"
optional = true
description = "URL to fetch python patches from to pass to python-build."
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Directory to fetch python patches from."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Specify the architecture to use for precompiled binaries."
default_docs = '"apple-darwin" | "unknown-linux-gnu" | "unknown-linux-musl"'
type = "String"
optional = true
default_docs = '"x86_64_v3" | "aarch64"'
description = "Specify the OS to use for precompiled binaries."
docs = """
Specify the architecture to use for precompiled binaries. If on an old CPU, you may want to set this to "x86_64" for the most compatible binaries. See https://gregoryszorc.com/docs/python-build-standalone/main/running.html for more information.
type = "String"
default = "https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git"
description = "URL to fetch pyenv from for compiling python with python-build."
type = "Bool"
hide = true
deprecated = "Use env._python.venv instead."
description = "Automatically create virtualenvs for python tools."
type = "Bool"
description = "Prefer to use venv from Python's standard library."
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "If true, compile python from source. If false, use precompiled binaries. If not set, use precompiled binaries if available."
deprecated = "Use python.compile instead."
hide = true
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Path to a file containing default python packages to install when installing python."
deprecated = "Use python.default_packages_file instead."
hide = true
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "URL to fetch python patches from."
deprecated = "Use python.patch_url instead."
hide = true
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Directory to fetch python patches from."
deprecated = "Use python.patch_url instead."
hide = true
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Specify the architecture to use for precompiled binaries."
deprecated = "Use python.precompiled_arch instead."
hide = true
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Specify the OS to use for precompiled binaries."
deprecated = "Use python.precompiled_os instead."
hide = true
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "URL to fetch pyenv from for compiling python."
deprecated = "Use python.pyenv_repo instead."
hide = true
type = "Bool"
optional = true
hide = true
deprecated = "Use env._python.venv instead."
description = "Automatically create virtualenvs for python tools."
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "Prefer to use venv from Python's standard library."
deprecated = "Use python.venv_stdlib instead."
hide = true
env = "MISE_QUIET"
type = "Bool"
description = "Suppress all output except errors."
env = "MISE_RAW"
type = "Bool"
description = "Connect stdin/stdout/stderr to child processes."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "A list of patch files or URLs to apply to ruby source."
type = "String"
default = "~/.default-gems"
description = "Path to a file containing default ruby gems to install when installing ruby."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Options to pass to ruby-build."
type = "String"
default = "https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git"
description = "URL to fetch ruby-build from."
type = "Bool"
description = "Use ruby-install instead of ruby-build."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Options to pass to ruby-install."
type = "String"
default = "https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install.git"
description = "URL to fetch ruby-install from."
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "Set to true to enable verbose output during ruby installation."
type = "Path"
optional = true
description = "Path to a file containing custom tool shorthands."
docs = """
Use a custom file for the shorthand aliases. This is useful if you want to share plugins within
an organization.
Shorthands make it so when a user runs something like `mise install elixir` mise will
automatically install the [asdf-elixir](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir) plugin. By
default, it uses the shorthands in
The file should be in this toml format:
elixir = "https://github.com/my-org/mise-elixir.git"
node = "https://github.com/my-org/mise-node.git"
type = "String"
default = "if_other_versions_installed"
description = "Show a warning if tools are not installed when entering a directory with a mise.toml file."
docs = """
| Choice | Description |
| `if_other_versions_installed` [default] | Show the warning only when the tool has at least 1 other version installed |
| `always` | Always show the warning |
| `never` | Never show the warning |
Show a warning if tools are not installed when entering a directory with a `mise.toml` file.
::: tip
Disable tools with [`disable_tools`](#disable_tools).
type = "Bool"
description = "Show configured env vars when entering a directory with a mise.toml file."
type = "Bool"
description = "Show configured env vars when entering a directory with a mise.toml file."
type = "String"
optional = true
description = "Change output style when executing tasks."
enum = [
"(default if jobs > 1) print by line with the prefix of the task name"
"(default if jobs > 1) print by line with the prefix of the task name"
docs = """
Change output style when executing tasks. This controls the output of `mise run`.
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<String>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "Tasks to skip when running `mise run`."
type = "Bool"
optional = true
description = "Show completion message with elapsed time for each task on `mise run`. Default shows when output type is `prefix`."
env = "MISE_TRACE"
type = "Bool"
hide = true
description = "Sets log level to trace"
type = "ListPath"
rust_type = "BTreeSet<PathBuf>"
default = []
parse_env = "list_by_colon"
description = "This is a list of config paths that mise will automatically mark as trusted."
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = ["sh"]
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "List of default shell arguments for unix to be used with `file`. For example `sh`."
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = ["sh", "-c"]
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "List of default shell arguments for unix to be used with inline commands. For example, `sh`, `-c` for sh."
type = "Bool"
default = false
description = "Determines whether to use a specified shell for executing tasks in the tasks directory. When set to true, the shell defined in the file will be used, or the default shell specified by `windows_default_file_shell_args` or `unix_default_file_shell_args` will be applied. If set to false, tasks will be executed directly as programs."
type = "Bool"
default = true
description = "Set to false to disable using the mise-versions API as a quick way for mise to query for new versions."
docs = """
Set to "false" to disable using [mise-versions](https://mise-versions.jdx.dev) as
a quick way for mise to query for new versions. This host regularly grabs all the
latest versions of core and community plugins. It's faster than running a plugin's
`list-all` command and gets around GitHub rate limiting problems when using it.
See [FAQ](/faq#new-version-of-a-tool-is-not-available) for more information.
type = "Bool"
description = "Shows more verbose output such as installation logs when installing tools."
env = "MISE_VFOX"
type = "Bool"
hide = true
optional = true
deprecated = "Use disable_backends instead."
description = "Use vfox as a default plugin backend instead of asdf."
docs = """
Use vfox as a default plugin backend. This means running something like `mise use cmake` will
default to using an vfox plugin for cmake.
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = ["cmd", "/c"]
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "List of default shell arguments for Windows to be used for file commands. For example, `cmd`, `/c` for cmd.exe."
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = ["cmd", "/c"]
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "List of default shell arguments for Windows to be used for inline commands. For example, `cmd`, `/c` for cmd.exe."
type = "ListString"
rust_type = "Vec<String>"
default = ["exe", "bat", "cmd", "com", "ps1", "vbs"]
parse_env = "list_by_comma"
description = "List of executable extensions for Windows. For example, `exe` for .exe files, `bat` for .bat files, and so on."
env = "MISE_YES"
type = "Bool"
description = "This will automatically answer yes or no to prompts. This is useful for scripting."