opendp 0.12.0-beta.20241219.1

A library of differential privacy algorithms for the statistical analysis of sensitive private data.
Build #1594330 2024-12-19T19:41:27.099793+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.85.0-nightly (4ba4ac612 2024-12-18)# version
docsrs 0.6.0 (c595fb1a 2024-12-19)# build log
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "create" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace-builder/builds/opendp-0.12.0-beta.20241219.1/target:/opt/rustwide/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace-builder/builds/opendp-0.12.0-beta.20241219.1/source:/opt/rustwide/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace-builder/cargo-home:/opt/rustwide/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace-builder/rustup-home:/opt/rustwide/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/rustwide/target" "-e" "DOCS_RS=1" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/rustwide/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rustwide/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-m" "6442450944" "--cpus" "6" "--user" "1001:1001" "--network" "none" "" "/opt/rustwide/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+nightly" "rustdoc" "--lib" "-Zrustdoc-map" "--features" "use-openssl derive untrusted polars" "--no-default-features" "--config" "build.rustdocflags=[\"--cfg\", \"docsrs\", \"--html-in-header\", \"katex.html\", \"--document-private-items\", \"-Z\", \"unstable-options\", \"--emit=invocation-specific\", \"--resource-suffix\", \"-20241218-1.85.0-nightly-4ba4ac612\", \"--static-root-path\", \"/-/rustdoc.static/\", \"--cap-lints\", \"warn\", \"--extern-html-root-takes-precedence\"]" "--offline" "-Zunstable-options" "--config=doc.extern-map.registries.crates-io=\"{pkg_name}/{version}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu\"" "-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples" "-j6" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stderr] WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
[INFO] [stdout] cd7dc9dd75ad36f51b4eca732d93d997bb9d48c7722a94bcfe86d295d701e214
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "start" "-a" "cd7dc9dd75ad36f51b4eca732d93d997bb9d48c7722a94bcfe86d295d701e214", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stderr] warning: target filter specified, but no targets matched; this is a no-op
[INFO] [stderr]  Documenting opendp v0.12.0-beta.20241219.1 (/opt/rustwide/workdir)
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_index_candidates/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 129 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 130 | |         // dtype is unknown
[INFO] [stderr] 131 | |         Some(GetOutput::from_type(DataType::Null))
[INFO] [stderr] 132 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]     | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_index_candidates/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 145 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 146 | |         let dtype = self.candidates.0.dtype().clone();
[INFO] [stderr] 147 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_field(move |f| {
[INFO] [stderr] 148 | |             Ok(Field::new(, dtype.clone()))
[INFO] [stderr] 149 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 150 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]     | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_noise/
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 67 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 68 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_fields(|fields| {
[INFO] [stderr] 69 | |             noise_plugin_type_udf(fields)
[INFO] [stderr] 70 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 71 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]    | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_noise/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 109 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 110 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_fields(|fields| {
[INFO] [stderr] 111 | |             noise_plugin_type_udf(fields)
[INFO] [stderr] 112 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 113 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]     | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_report_noisy_max/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 188 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 189 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_fields(|fields| {
[INFO] [stderr] 190 | |             report_noisy_max_plugin_type_udf(fields)
[INFO] [stderr] 191 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 192 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]     | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/measurements/make_private_expr/expr_report_noisy_max/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 214 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 215 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_fields(|fields| {
[INFO] [stderr] 216 | |             report_noisy_max_plugin_type_udf(fields)
[INFO] [stderr] 217 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 218 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]     | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/transformations/make_stable_expr/expr_discrete_quantile_score/
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 60 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 61 | |         // dtype is unknown
[INFO] [stderr] 62 | |         Some(GetOutput::from_type(DataType::Array(Box::new(UInt64), 1)))
[INFO] [stderr] 63 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]    | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0407]: method `get_output` is not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/transformations/make_stable_expr/expr_discrete_quantile_score/
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 89 | /     fn get_output(&self) -> Option<GetOutput> {
[INFO] [stderr] 90 | |         let kwargs = self.clone();
[INFO] [stderr] 91 | |         Some(GetOutput::map_fields(move |fields| {
[INFO] [stderr] 92 | |             discrete_quantile_score_plugin_type_udf(fields, kwargs.clone())
[INFO] [stderr] 93 | |         }))
[INFO] [stderr] 94 | |     }
[INFO] [stderr]    | |_____^ not a member of trait `OpenDPPlugin`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0407`.
[INFO] [stderr] error: could not document `opendp`
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "inspect" "cd7dc9dd75ad36f51b4eca732d93d997bb9d48c7722a94bcfe86d295d701e214", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "rm" "-f" "cd7dc9dd75ad36f51b4eca732d93d997bb9d48c7722a94bcfe86d295d701e214", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stdout] cd7dc9dd75ad36f51b4eca732d93d997bb9d48c7722a94bcfe86d295d701e214