proc_macro_roids 0.8.0

Traits and functions to make writing proc macros more ergonomic.
# Development

## Dependencies

rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
cargo install cargo-llvm-cov
cargo install cargo-nextest

## Running Tests

cargo nextest run --workspace --all-features

# To test individual features
for i in {0..0}; do cargo test_$i || break; done

## Coverage

Collect coverage and output as `lcov`.


Collect coverage and open `html` report.

./ && cargo coverage_open

## Releasing

1. Update crate versions.

    sd -s 'version = "0.8.0"' 'version = "0.9.0"' $(fd -tf -F toml) src/

    # Make sure only `proc_macro_roids` crates are updated.
    git --no-pager diff | rg '^[+]' | rg -v '(proc_macro_roids)|(\+\+\+)|\+version'

2. Update `` with the version and today's date.
3. Push a tag to the repository.

    The [`publish`] GitHub workflow will automatically publish the crates to [``].



An alternative to `cargo-release` is [`cargo-workspaces`], which may be used in case crates need to be published one by one -- if many new crates are being published, `cargo-release` gates the number of crates that can be published at one go.

cargo workspaces \
  publish \
  --from-git \
  --allow-branch main \
  --force '*' \
