rdkit-sys 0.4.12

RDKit CFFI library builder and bindings


Rust code that binds to the C++ rdkit library!

How does it work?

RDKit is a C++ mega-library, full of cheminformatics wisdom. We don't want to rewrite RDKit in Rust, we should instead meet somewhere in the middle and "bridge" Rust to C++ through some wrappers.

The goal is to do 1-1 bindings with the C++ library, exposing all the classes as we need them. The goal is not to create a high-level functionality like the MinimalLib (cffiwrapper). Our goal is to expose the building blocks. If you're looking for idiomatic Rust, check out the rdkit crate.


On Mac:

brew install rdkit

Also known to work with conda-managed RDKit, be sure to set the dynamic-linking-from-conda feature. Not as tested, please open an issue if you have a hard time.


Or just run the test suite:

cargo test


  • figure out how to cargo publish without --no-verify (otherwise it detects changes outside of OUTDIR)
  • specify path to RDKit's cffiwrapper.h and all required search paths for other dependent headers
  • use conditional rebuild logic to make the library build experience more reliable (for now, if you get stuck, try cargo clean and retry with cargo build -vv)

Related Documentation

Prior art