sc-rpc 19.0.0

Substrate Client RPC
Build #1263516 2024-06-24T15:56:36.864310+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.81.0-nightly (bcf94dec5 2024-06-23)# version
docsrs 0.6.0 (bb8cd489 2024-06-24)# build log
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "create" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/sc-rpc-19.0.0/target:/opt/rustwide/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/sc-rpc-19.0.0/source:/opt/rustwide/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/cargo-home:/opt/rustwide/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/rustup-home:/opt/rustwide/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/rustwide/target" "-e" "DOCS_RS=1" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/rustwide/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rustwide/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-m" "6442450944" "--cpus" "6" "--user" "1001:1001" "--network" "none" "" "/opt/rustwide/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+nightly" "rustdoc" "--lib" "-Zrustdoc-map" "--config" "build.rustdocflags=[\"--cfg\", \"docsrs\", \"-Z\", \"unstable-options\", \"--emit=invocation-specific\", \"--resource-suffix\", \"-20240623-1.81.0-nightly-bcf94dec5\", \"--static-root-path\", \"/-/rustdoc.static/\", \"--cap-lints\", \"warn\", \"--extern-html-root-takes-precedence\"]" "--offline" "-Zunstable-options" "--config=doc.extern-map.registries.crates-io=\"{pkg_name}/{version}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu\"" "-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples" "-j6" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stdout] 672dc7311139234b313be623764edef4ad11ca3fd20c31c7b8f2d4b1062f3e11
[INFO] [stderr] WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "start" "-a" "672dc7311139234b313be623764edef4ad11ca3fd20c31c7b8f2d4b1062f3e11", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stderr] warning: target filter specified, but no targets matched; this is a no-op
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking sp-core v18.0.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling prost-build v0.11.9
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling sp-std v7.0.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling arrayvec v0.7.4
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking der v0.6.1
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling data-encoding-macro-internal v0.1.13
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling sp-core-hashing v7.0.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling parity-scale-codec v3.6.12
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking unsigned-varint v0.7.2
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking httparse v1.9.4
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling synstructure v0.12.6
[INFO] [stderr] error[E0308]: mismatched types
[INFO] [stderr]    --> /opt/rustwide/cargo-home/registry/src/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 591 |           let mini_key: MiniSecretKey = mini_secret_from_entropy(entropy, password.unwrap_or(""))
[INFO] [stderr]     |  _______________________-------------___^
[INFO] [stderr]     | |                       |
[INFO] [stderr]     | |                       expected due to this
[INFO] [stderr] 592 | |             .expect("32 bytes can always build a key; qed");
[INFO] [stderr]     | |___________________________________________________________^ expected `MiniSecretKey`, found `schnorrkel::keys::MiniSecretKey`
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: `schnorrkel::keys::MiniSecretKey` and `MiniSecretKey` have similar names, but are actually distinct types
[INFO] [stderr] note: `schnorrkel::keys::MiniSecretKey` is defined in crate `schnorrkel`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> /opt/rustwide/cargo-home/registry/src/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 99  | pub struct MiniSecretKey(pub (crate) [u8; MINI_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]);
[INFO] [stderr]     | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr] note: `MiniSecretKey` is defined in crate `schnorrkel`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> /opt/rustwide/cargo-home/registry/src/
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 99  | pub struct MiniSecretKey(pub (crate) [u8; MINI_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]);
[INFO] [stderr]     | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: perhaps two different versions of crate `schnorrkel` are being used?
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling pin-project-internal v1.1.5
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking base64ct v1.6.0
[INFO] [stderr] For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
[INFO] [stderr] error: could not compile `sp-core` (lib) due to 1 previous error
[INFO] [stderr] warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "inspect" "672dc7311139234b313be623764edef4ad11ca3fd20c31c7b8f2d4b1062f3e11", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "rm" "-f" "672dc7311139234b313be623764edef4ad11ca3fd20c31c7b8f2d4b1062f3e11", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stdout] 672dc7311139234b313be623764edef4ad11ca3fd20c31c7b8f2d4b1062f3e11