solana-secp256k1-recover 2.1.7

Solana SECP256K1 Recover
Public key recovery from [secp256k1] ECDSA signatures. [secp256k1]: _This module provides low-level cryptographic building blocks that must be used carefully to ensure proper security. Read this documentation and accompanying links thoroughly._ The [`secp256k1_recover`] syscall allows a secp256k1 public key that has previously signed a message to be recovered from the combination of the message, the signature, and a recovery ID. The recovery ID is generated during signing. Use cases for `secp256k1_recover` include: - Implementing the Ethereum [`ecrecover`] builtin contract. - Performing secp256k1 public key recovery generally. - Verifying a single secp256k1 signature. While `secp256k1_recover` can be used to verify secp256k1 signatures, Solana also provides the [secp256k1 program][sp], which is more flexible, has lower CPU cost, and can validate many signatures at once. [sp]: [`ecrecover`]: