storekey 0.5.0

Lexicographic sort-order preserving binary encoding format for key-value stores

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<p align="center">Binary encoding for Rust values which ensures lexicographic sort ordering. Order-preserving encoding is useful for creating keys for sorted key-value stores with byte string typed keys, such as <a href="">EchoDB</a>, <a href="">YokuDB</a>, <a href="">IndxDB</a>, <a href="">TiKV</a>, and <a href="">SurrealDB</a>.</p>


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#### Features

- Binary encoding whilst preserving lexicographic sort order
- Useful for creating keys for sorted key-value data stores
- Aims to encode values into the fewest number of bytes possible
- The exact type of a serialized value must be known in order to deserialize it
- Supports all Rust primitives, strings, options, structs, enums, vecs, and tuples

#### Original

This code is forked originally from [bytekey-fix](, which is originally forked from [bytekey](, both licensed under the Apache License 2.0 license. See LICENSE for full license text.