wasmer-compiler-cranelift 5.0.0

Cranelift compiler for Wasmer WebAssembly runtime
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This crate contains a compiler implementation based on Cranelift.


use wasmer::{Store, sys::EngineBuilder};
use wasmer_compiler_cranelift::Cranelift;

let compiler = Cranelift::new();
let mut store = Store::new(compiler);

Note: you can find a full working example using Cranelift compiler here.

When to use Cranelift

We recommend using this compiler crate only for development proposes. For production we recommend using wasmer-compiler-llvm as it offers a much better runtime speed (50% faster on average).


This project borrowed some of the function lowering from cranelift-wasm.

Please check Wasmer ATTRIBUTIONS to further see licenses and other attributions of the project.