xoev-xwasser-codelists 0.700.7+0.7.0

"XOEV XWasser XML Standard"
docs.rs failed to build xoev-xwasser-codelists-0.700.7+0.7.0
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See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure docs.rs builds.
If you believe this is docs.rs' fault, open an issue.


This crate is responsible to offer in memory codelists from XWasser. The original xml files are stored under the directory ./data/${VERSION} and the parsed JSON variants under ./public/${VERSION}.

XML files source: https://www.xrepository.de/api/version_standard/urn:xoev-de:lgl:standard:xwasser_0.7.0/genutzteAktuelleCodelisten

Once the content in ./data has changed, only run cargo build to update the JSON variants.
