
1use crate::dedupe::DedupeContext;
2use crate::dirs::{
3    crate_name_to_relative_path, local_path_and_canonical_url_with_hash_kind, HashKind, DEFAULT_HASHER_KIND,
5use crate::error::GixError;
6use crate::git::{changes, config, URL};
7use crate::{path_max_byte_len, Crate, Error, GitIndex, IndexConfig};
8use gix::bstr::ByteSlice;
9use gix::config::tree::Key;
10use std::io;
11use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
12use std::time::Duration;
13use std::time::SystemTime;
15/// An individual change to a crate in the index, returned by [the changes iterator](GitIndex::changes).
16#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
17pub struct Change {
18    /// Name of a crate, can be used in [`GitIndex::crate_`]
19    pub(super) crate_name: Box<str>,
20    /// Timestamp in the index repository
21    pub(super) time: SystemTime,
22    pub(super) commit: gix::ObjectId,
25impl Change {
26    /// Name of a crate, can be used in [`GitIndex::crate_`]
27    #[inline]
28    #[must_use]
29    pub fn crate_name(&self) -> &str {
30        &*self.crate_name
31    }
33    /// Timestamp in the index repository, which may be publication or modification date
34    #[inline]
35    #[must_use]
36    pub fn time(&self) -> SystemTime {
37        self.time
38    }
40    /// git hash of a commit in the repository
41    #[must_use]
42    pub fn commit(&self) -> &[u8; 20] {
43        self.commit.as_bytes().try_into().unwrap()
44    }
46    /// git hash of a commit in the repository
47    #[must_use]
48    pub fn commit_hex(&self) -> String {
49        self.commit.to_string()
50    }
53impl GitIndex {
54    #[doc(hidden)]
55    #[deprecated(note = "use new_cargo_default()")]
56    pub fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>>(path: P) -> Self {
57        Self::from_path_and_url(path.into(), URL.into(), Mode::ReadOnly)
58            .unwrap()
59            .expect("repo present after possibly cloning index")
60    }
62    /// Creates an index for the default registry, using the same
63    /// disk location as Cargo itself.
64    ///
65    /// This is the recommended way to access Cargo's index.
66    /// *Note that this clones a new index if none is present yet.
67    ///
68    /// Note this function takes the `CARGO_HOME` environment variable into account
69    ///
70    /// ### Concurrency
71    ///
72    /// Concurrent invocations may fail if the index needs to be cloned. To prevent that,
73    /// use synchronization mechanisms like mutexes or file locks as needed by the application.
74    pub fn new_cargo_default() -> Result<Self, Error> {
75        let url = config::get_crates_io_replacement(None, None)?;
76        Self::from_url(url.as_deref().unwrap_or(URL))
77    }
79    /// Like [`Self::new_cargo_default()`], but read-only without auto-cloning the cargo default git index.
80    pub fn try_new_cargo_default() -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
81        let url = config::get_crates_io_replacement(None, None)?;
82        Self::try_from_url(url.as_deref().unwrap_or(URL))
83    }
85    /// Creates a bare index from a provided URL, opening the same location on
86    /// disk that Cargo uses for that registry index.
87    ///
88    /// *Note that this clones a new index if none is present yet.
89    ///
90    /// It can be used to access custom registries.
91    ///
92    /// ### Concurrency
93    ///
94    /// Concurrent invocations may fail if the index needs to be cloned. To prevent that,
95    /// use synchronization mechanisms like mutexes or file locks as needed by the application.
96    pub fn from_url(url: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
97        Self::from_url_with_hash_kind(url, &DEFAULT_HASHER_KIND)
98    }
100    /// Like [`Self::from_url`], but accepts an explicit [`HashKind`] for determining the crates index path.
101    pub fn from_url_with_hash_kind(url: &str, hash_kind: &HashKind) -> Result<Self, Error> {
102        let (path, canonical_url) = local_path_and_canonical_url_with_hash_kind(url, None, hash_kind)?;
103        Ok(
104            Self::from_path_and_url(path, canonical_url, Mode::CloneUrlToPathIfRepoMissing)?
105                .expect("repo present after possibly cloning it"),
106        )
107    }
109    /// Like [`Self::from_url()`], but read-only without auto-cloning the index at `url`.
110    pub fn try_from_url(url: &str) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
111        Self::try_from_url_with_hash_kind(url, &DEFAULT_HASHER_KIND)
112    }
114    /// Like [`Self::try_from_url`], but accepts an explicit [`HashKind`] for determining the crates index path.
115    pub fn try_from_url_with_hash_kind(url: &str, hash_kind: &HashKind) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
116        let (path, canonical_url) = local_path_and_canonical_url_with_hash_kind(url, None, hash_kind)?;
117        Self::from_path_and_url(path, canonical_url, Mode::ReadOnly)
118    }
120    /// Creates a bare index at the provided `path` with the specified repository `URL`.
121    ///
122    /// *Note that this clones a new index to `path` if none is present there yet.
123    ///
124    /// ### Concurrency
125    ///
126    /// Concurrent invocations may fail if the index needs to be cloned. To prevent that,
127    /// use synchronization mechanisms like mutexes or file locks as needed by the application.
128    pub fn with_path<P: Into<PathBuf>, S: Into<String>>(path: P, url: S) -> Result<Self, Error> {
129        Ok(
130            Self::from_path_and_url(path.into(), url.into(), Mode::CloneUrlToPathIfRepoMissing)?
131                .expect("repo present after possibly cloning it"),
132        )
133    }
135    /// Like [`Self::with_path()`], but read-only without auto-cloning the index at `url` if it's not already
136    /// present at `path`.
137    pub fn try_with_path<P: Into<PathBuf>, S: Into<String>>(path: P, url: S) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
138        Self::from_path_and_url(path.into(), url.into(), Mode::ReadOnly)
139    }
141    /// Get the index directory.
142    #[inline]
143    #[must_use]
144    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
145        &self.path
146    }
148    /// Get the index url.
149    #[inline]
150    #[must_use]
151    pub fn url(&self) -> &str {
152        &self.url
153    }
155    /// Timestamp of the commit of repository being read, which may be the publication or modification date.
156    ///
157    /// Note that currently only times at or past the Unix epoch are supported.
158    #[inline]
159    #[must_use]
160    pub fn time(&self) -> Result<SystemTime, GixError> {
161        Ok(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH
162            + Duration::from_secs(
163                self.repo
164                    .find_object(self.head_commit)?
165                    .peel_to_commit()?
166                    .time()?
167                    .seconds
168                    .max(0) as _,
169            ))
170    }
172    /// git hash of the commit of repository being read
173    #[must_use]
174    pub fn commit(&self) -> &[u8; 20] {
175        self.head_commit.as_bytes().try_into().unwrap()
176    }
178    /// git hash of the commit of repository being read
179    #[must_use]
180    pub fn commit_hex(&self) -> String {
181        self.head_commit.to_string()
182    }
184    fn lookup_commit(&self, rev: &str) -> Option<gix::ObjectId> {
185        self.repo
186            .rev_parse_single(rev)
187            .ok()?
188            .object()
189            .ok()?
190            .try_into_commit()
191            .ok()?
192            .id
193            .into()
194    }
196    /// Change the commit of repository being read to the commit pointed to by a refspec.
197    /// Note that this is *in-memory* only, the repository will not be changed!
198    pub fn set_commit_from_refspec(&mut self, rev: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
199        self.head_commit = self.lookup_commit(rev).ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingHead {
200            repo_path: self.path.to_owned(),
201            refs_tried: &[],
202            refs_available: self
203                .repo
204                .references()
205                .ok()
206                .and_then(|p| {
207                    p.all()
208                        .ok()?
209                        .map(|r| r.ok().map(|r|
210                        .collect()
211                })
212                .unwrap_or_default(),
213        })?;
214        Ok(())
215    }
217    /// List crates that have changed (published or yanked), in reverse chronological order.
218    ///
219    /// This iterator is aware of periodic index squashing performs,
220    /// and will perform (slow and blocking) network requests to fetch the additional history from <> if needed.
221    ///
222    /// If you want to track newly added/changed crates over time, make a note of the last [`commit`](Change::commit) or [`timestamp`](Change) you've processed,
223    /// and stop iteration on it next time.
224    ///
225    /// Crates will be reported multiple times, once for each publish/yank/unyank event that happened.
226    ///
227    /// If you like to know publication dates of all crates, consider <> instead.
228    pub fn changes(&self) -> Result<changes::Changes<'_>, Error> {
229        Ok(changes::Changes::new(self)?)
230    }
232    fn from_path_and_url(path: PathBuf, url: String, mode: Mode) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
233        let open_with_complete_config = gix::open::Options::default().permissions(gix::open::Permissions {
234            config: gix::open::permissions::Config {
235                // Be sure to get all configuration, some of which is only known by the git binary.
236                // That way we are sure to see all the systems credential helpers
237                git_binary: true,
238                ..Default::default()
239            },
240            ..Default::default()
241        });
243        if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
244            std::fs::create_dir_all(parent)?;
245        }
246        let repo = gix::open_opts(&path, open_with_complete_config.clone())
247            .ok()
248            .filter(|repo| {
249                // The `cargo` standard registry clone has no configured origin (when created with `git2`).
250                repo.find_remote("origin").map_or(true, |remote| {
251                    remote
252                        .url(gix::remote::Direction::Fetch)
253                        .map_or(false, |remote_url| remote_url.to_bstring().starts_with_str(&url))
254                })
255            });
257        let repo = match mode {
258            Mode::ReadOnly => repo,
259            Mode::CloneUrlToPathIfRepoMissing => Some(match repo {
260                Some(repo) => repo,
261                None => match gix::open_opts(&path, open_with_complete_config).ok() {
262                    None => clone_url(&url, &path)?,
263                    Some(repo) => repo,
264                },
265            }),
266        };
268        match repo {
269            None => Ok(None),
270            Some(repo) => {
271                let head_commit = Self::find_repo_head(&repo, &path)?;
272                Ok(Some(Self {
273                    path,
274                    url,
275                    repo,
276                    head_commit,
277                }))
278            }
279        }
280    }
282    fn tree(&self) -> Result<gix::Tree<'_>, GixError> {
283        Ok(self.repo.find_object(self.head_commit)?.try_into_commit()?.tree()?)
284    }
286    #[doc(hidden)]
287    #[deprecated(note = "use update()")]
288    pub fn retrieve_or_update(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
289        self.update()
290    }
292    #[doc(hidden)]
293    #[deprecated(note = "it's always retrieved. there's no need to call it any more")]
294    pub fn retrieve(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
295        Ok(())
296    }
298    #[doc(hidden)]
299    #[deprecated(note = "it's always retrieved, so it's assumed to always exist")]
300    #[must_use]
301    pub fn exists(&self) -> bool {
302        true
303    }
305    /// Fetches latest from the remote index repository. Note that using this
306    /// method will mean no cache entries will be used, if a new commit is fetched
307    /// from the repository, as their commit version will no longer match.
308    pub fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
309        let mut remote = self
310            .repo
311            .find_remote("origin")
312            .ok()
313            .unwrap_or_else(|| self.repo.remote_at(self.url.as_str()).expect("own URL is always valid"));
314        fetch_remote(
315            &mut remote,
316            &["+HEAD:refs/remotes/origin/HEAD", "+master:refs/remotes/origin/master"],
317        )?;
319        let head_commit = Self::find_repo_head(&self.repo, &self.path)?;
320        self.head_commit = head_commit;
322        Ok(())
323    }
325    /// Reads a crate from the index, it will attempt to use a cached entry if
326    /// one is available, otherwise it will fallback to reading the crate
327    /// directly from the git blob containing the crate information.
328    ///
329    /// Use this only if you need to get very few crates. If you're going
330    /// to read the majority of crates, prefer the [`GitIndex::crates()`] iterator.
331    #[must_use]
332    pub fn crate_(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Crate> {
333        let rel_path = crate_name_to_relative_path(name, None)?;
335        // Attempt to load the .cache/ entry first, this is purely an acceleration
336        // mechanism and can fail for a few reasons that are non-fatal
337        {
338            // avoid realloc on each push
339            let mut cache_path = PathBuf::with_capacity(path_max_byte_len(&self.path) + 8 + rel_path.len());
340            cache_path.push(&self.path);
341            cache_path.push(".cache");
342            cache_path.push(&rel_path);
343            if let Ok(cache_bytes) = std::fs::read(&cache_path) {
344                if let Ok(krate) = Crate::from_cache_slice(&cache_bytes, None) {
345                    return Some(krate);
346                }
347            }
348        }
350        // Fallback to reading the blob directly via git if we don't have a
351        // valid cache entry
352        self.crate_from_rel_path(rel_path).ok()
353    }
355    fn crate_from_rel_path(&self, rel_path: String) -> Result<Crate, Error> {
356        let object = self.object_at_path(rel_path.into())?;
357        Crate::from_slice(&
358    }
360    /// Single-threaded iterator over all the crates in the index.
361    ///
362    /// [`GitIndex::crates_parallel`] is typically 4 times faster.
363    ///
364    /// Skips crates that can not be parsed (but there shouldn't be any such crates in the crates-io index).
365    /// Also consider to enable `git-index-performance` feature toggle for better performance.
366    #[inline]
367    #[must_use]
368    pub fn crates(&self) -> Crates<'_> {
369        Crates {
370            blobs: self.crates_blobs().expect("HEAD commit disappeared"),
371            dedupe: MaybeOwned::Owned(DedupeContext::new()),
372        }
373    }
375    /// Iterate over all crates using rayon.
376    ///
377    /// This method is available only if the "parallel" feature is enabled.
378    /// Also consider to enable `git-index-performance` feature toggle for better performance.
379    #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
380    #[must_use]
381    pub fn crates_parallel(
382        &self,
383    ) -> impl rayon::iter::ParallelIterator<Item = Result<Crate, crate::error::CratesIterError>> + '_ {
384        use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
385        let tree_oids = match self.crates_top_level_ids() {
386            Ok(objs) => objs,
387            Err(_) => vec![self.repo.object_hash().null()], // intentionally broken oid to return error from the iterator
388        };
390        tree_oids
391            .into_par_iter()
392            .map_init(
393                {
394                    let repo = self.repo.clone().into_sync();
395                    move || {
396                        (
397                            {
398                                let mut repo = repo.to_thread_local();
399                                repo.objects.unset_pack_cache();
400                                repo
401                            },
402                            DedupeContext::new(),
403                        )
404                    }
405                },
406                |(repo, ctx), oid| {
407                    let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(64);
408                    match repo.find_object(oid) {
409                        Ok(obj) => stack.push(obj.detach()),
410                        Err(_) => return vec![Err(crate::error::CratesIterError)],
411                    };
412                    let blobs = CratesTreesToBlobs {
413                        stack,
414                        repo: repo.clone(),
415                    };
416                    Crates {
417                        blobs,
418                        dedupe: MaybeOwned::Borrowed(ctx),
419                    }
420                    .map(Ok)
421                    .collect::<Vec<_>>()
422                },
423            )
424            .flat_map_iter(|chunk| chunk.into_iter())
425    }
427    fn crates_blobs(&self) -> Result<CratesTreesToBlobs, GixError> {
428        let repo = with_delta_cache(self.repo.clone());
429        Ok(CratesTreesToBlobs {
430            stack: self
431                .crates_top_level_ids()?
432                .into_iter()
433                .map(|id| self.repo.find_object(id).map(|tree| tree.detach()))
434                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
435            repo,
436        })
437    }
439    fn crates_top_level_ids(&self) -> Result<Vec<gix::ObjectId>, GixError> {
440        let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(800);
441        for entry in self.tree()?.iter() {
442            let entry = entry?;
443            // crates are in directories no longer than 2 letters.
444            if !is_top_level_dir(&entry) {
445                continue;
446            };
447            stack.push(entry.oid().to_owned());
448        }
449        Ok(stack)
450    }
452    /// Get the global configuration of the index.
453    pub fn index_config(&self) -> Result<IndexConfig, Error> {
454        let blob = self.object_at_path("config.json".into())?;
455        serde_json::from_slice(&
456    }
458    fn object_at_path(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<gix::Object<'_>, GixError> {
459        let entry = self
460            .tree()?
461            .peel_to_entry_by_path(&path)?
462            .ok_or(GixError::PathMissing { path })?;
463        Ok(entry.object()?)
464    }
466    /// Find the most recent commit of `repo` at `path`.
467    ///
468    /// This is complicated by a few specialities of the cargo git index.
469    ///
470    /// * it's possible for `origin/HEAD` and `origin/master` to be stalled and out of date if they have been fetched with
471    ///   non-force refspecs.
472    ///   This was done by this crate as well, but is not done by cargo.
473    /// * if `origin/master` is out of date, `FETCH_HEAD` is the only chance for getting the most recent commit.
474    /// * if `gix` is updating the index, `FETCH_HEAD` will not be written at all, *only* the references are. Note that
475    ///   `cargo` does not rely on `FETCH_HEAD`, but relies on `origin/master` directly.
476    ///
477    /// This, we get a list of candidates and use the most recent commit.
478    fn find_repo_head(repo: &gix::Repository, path: &Path) -> Result<gix::ObjectId, Error> {
479        #[rustfmt::skip]
480        const CANDIDATE_REFS: &[&str] = &[
481            "FETCH_HEAD",    /* the location with the most-recent updates, as written by git2 */
482            "origin/HEAD",   /* typical refspecs update this symbolic ref to point to the actual remote ref with the fetched commit */
483            "origin/master", /* for good measure, resolve this branch by hand in case origin/HEAD is broken */
484        ];
485        let mut candidates: Vec<_> = CANDIDATE_REFS
486            .iter()
487            .filter_map(|refname| repo.find_reference(*refname).ok()?.into_fully_peeled_id().ok())
488            .filter_map(|r| {
489                let c = r.object().ok()?.try_into_commit().ok()?;
490                Some((, c.time().ok()?.seconds))
491            })
492            .collect();
494        candidates.sort_by_key(|t| t.1);
495        // get the most recent commit, the one with most time passed since unix epoch.
496        Ok(candidates
497            .last()
498            .ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingHead {
499                repo_path: path.to_owned(),
500                refs_tried: CANDIDATE_REFS,
501                refs_available: repo
502                    .references()
503                    .ok()
504                    .and_then(|p| {
505                        p.all()
506                            .ok()?
507                            .map(|r| r.ok().map(|r|
508                            .collect()
509                    })
510                    .unwrap_or_default(),
511            })?
512            .0)
513    }
516fn is_top_level_dir(entry: &gix::object::tree::EntryRef<'_, '_>) -> bool {
517    entry.mode().is_tree() && entry.filename().len() <= 2
520fn with_delta_cache(mut repo: gix::Repository) -> gix::Repository {
521    if repo
522        .config_snapshot()
523        .integer(gix::config::tree::Core::DELTA_BASE_CACHE_LIMIT.logical_name().as_str())
524        .is_none()
525    {
526        let mut config = repo.config_snapshot_mut();
527        // Set a memory-backed delta-cache to the same size as git for ~40% more speed in this workload.
528        config
529            .set_value(&gix::config::tree::Core::DELTA_BASE_CACHE_LIMIT, "96m")
530            .expect("in memory always works");
531    }
532    repo
535pub(super) fn fetch_remote(remote: &mut gix::Remote<'_>, refspecs: &[&str]) -> Result<(), GixError> {
536    remote.replace_refspecs(refspecs, gix::remote::Direction::Fetch)?;
538    remote
539        .connect(gix::remote::Direction::Fetch)?
540        .prepare_fetch(gix::progress::Discard, Default::default())?
541        .receive(gix::progress::Discard, &gix::interrupt::IS_INTERRUPTED)?;
542    Ok(())
545fn clone_url(url: &str, destination: &Path) -> Result<gix::Repository, GixError> {
546    // Clones and fetches already know they need `bin_config` to work, so nothing to do here.
547    let (repo, _outcome) = gix::prepare_clone_bare(url, destination)?
548        .with_remote_name("origin")?
549        .configure_remote(|remote| {
550            Ok(remote.with_refspecs(
551                ["+HEAD:refs/remotes/origin/HEAD", "+master:refs/remotes/origin/master"],
552                gix::remote::Direction::Fetch,
553            )?)
554        })
555        .fetch_only(gix::progress::Discard, &gix::interrupt::IS_INTERRUPTED)?;
556    Ok(repo)
559/// Iterator over all crates in the index, but returns opaque objects that can be parsed separately.
560struct CratesTreesToBlobs {
561    stack: Vec<gix::ObjectDetached>,
562    repo: gix::Repository,
565/// Opaque representation of a crate in the index. See [`CrateUnparsed::parse`].
566struct CrateUnparsed(Vec<u8>);
568impl CrateUnparsed {
569    #[inline]
570    fn parse(&self, ctx: &mut DedupeContext) -> io::Result<Crate> {
571        Crate::from_slice_with_context(self.0.as_slice(), ctx)
572    }
575impl Iterator for CratesTreesToBlobs {
576    type Item = CrateUnparsed;
578    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
579        while let Some(obj) = self.stack.pop() {
580            if obj.kind.is_tree() {
581                let tree = gix::objs::TreeRef::from_bytes(&;
582                for entry in tree.entries.into_iter().rev() {
583                    self.stack.push(self.repo.find_object(entry.oid).unwrap().detach());
584                }
585                continue;
586            } else {
587                return Some(CrateUnparsed(;
588            }
589        }
590        None
591    }
594enum MaybeOwned<'a, T> {
595    Owned(T),
596    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "parallel"), allow(dead_code))]
597    Borrowed(&'a mut T),
600/// Iterator over all crates in the index. Skips crates that failed to parse.
601pub struct Crates<'a> {
602    blobs: CratesTreesToBlobs,
603    dedupe: MaybeOwned<'a, DedupeContext>,
606impl<'a> Iterator for Crates<'a> {
607    type Item = Crate;
609    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
610        for next in self.blobs.by_ref() {
611            let dedupe = match &mut self.dedupe {
612                MaybeOwned::Owned(d) => d,
613                MaybeOwned::Borrowed(d) => d,
614            };
615            if let Ok(k) = CrateUnparsed::parse(&next, dedupe) {
616                return Some(k);
617            }
618        }
619        None
620    }
623enum Mode {
624    ReadOnly,
625    CloneUrlToPathIfRepoMissing,
629#[cfg(feature = "git-https")]
630mod tests {
631    use crate::dedupe::DedupeContext;
632    use crate::{git, GitIndex};
633    use gix::bstr::ByteSlice;
635    #[test]
636    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, ignore = "too slow in debug mode")]
637    fn parse_all_blobs() {
638        std::thread::scope(|scope| {
639            let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
640            let blobs = scope.spawn(move || {
641                let index = shared_index();
642                for c in index.crates_blobs().unwrap() {
643                    tx.send(c).unwrap();
644                }
645            });
646            let parse = scope.spawn(move || {
647                let mut found_gcc_crate = false;
648                let mut ctx = DedupeContext::new();
649                for c in rx {
650                    match c.parse(&mut ctx) {
651                        Ok(c) => {
652                            if == "gcc" {
653                                found_gcc_crate = true;
654                            }
655                        }
656                        Err(e) => panic!("can't parse :( {:?}: {e}", c.0.as_bstr()),
657                    }
658                }
659                assert!(found_gcc_crate);
660            });
661            parse.join().unwrap();
662            blobs.join().unwrap();
663        });
664    }
666    fn shared_index() -> GitIndex {
667        static LOCK: parking_lot::Mutex<()> = parking_lot::Mutex::new(());
668        let _guard = LOCK.lock();
670        let index_path = "tests/fixtures/git-registry";
671        if is_ci::cached() {
672            GitIndex::new_cargo_default().expect("CI has just cloned this index and its ours and valid")
673        } else {
674            GitIndex::with_path(index_path, git::URL).expect("clone works and there is no racing")
675        }
676    }