
Function hipEventQuery

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipEventQuery(
    event: hipEvent_t,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description

@brief Query event status

@param[in] event Event to query. @returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorNotReady, #hipErrorInvalidHandle, #hipErrorInvalidValue, #hipErrorNotInitialized, #hipErrorLaunchFailure

Query the status of the specified event. This function will return #hipSuccess if all commands in the appropriate stream (specified to hipEventRecord()) have completed. If any execution has not completed, then #hipErrorNotReady is returned.

@note: This API returns #hipSuccess, if hipEventRecord() is not called before this API.

@see hipEventCreate, hipEventCreateWithFlags, hipEventRecord, hipEventDestroy, hipEventSynchronize, hipEventElapsedTime