pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipExtLaunchKernel(
function_address: *const c_void,
numBlocks: dim3,
dimBlocks: dim3,
args: *mut *mut c_void,
sharedMemBytes: usize,
stream: hipStream_t,
startEvent: hipEvent_t,
stopEvent: hipEvent_t,
flags: c_int,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description
@brief Launches kernel from the pointer address, with arguments and shared memory on stream.
@param [in] function_address pointer to the Kernel to launch. @param [in] numBlocks number of blocks. @param [in] dimBlocks dimension of a block. @param [in] args pointer to kernel arguments. @param [in] sharedMemBytes Amount of dynamic shared memory to allocate for this kernel. HIP-Clang compiler provides support for extern shared declarations. @param [in] stream Stream where the kernel should be dispatched. May be 0, in which case the default stream is used with associated synchronization rules. @param [in] startEvent If non-null, specified event will be updated to track the start time of the kernel launch. The event must be created before calling this API. @param [in] stopEvent If non-null, specified event will be updated to track the stop time of the kernel launch. The event must be created before calling this API. @param [in] flags The value of hipExtAnyOrderLaunch, signifies if kernel can be launched in any order. @returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorNotInitialized, #hipErrorInvalidValue.