
Function hipMemCreate

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipMemCreate(
    handle: *mut hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t,
    size: usize,
    prop: *const hipMemAllocationProp,
    flags: c_ulonglong,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description

@brief Creates a memory allocation described by the properties and size

@param [out] handle - value of the returned handle. @param [in] size - size of the allocation. @param [in] prop - properties of the allocation. @param [in] flags - currently unused, must be zero. @returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue, #hipErrorNotSupported @warning : This API is marked as beta, meaning, while this is feature complete, it is still open to changes and may have outstanding issues.

@note This API is implemented on Linux, under development on Windows.